9 year old Alina Morse loves sweets. In 2014 she had this thought of making a lollipop that is good for you and also tastes good. She had to research a lot and had help from her dad but they ended up creating a sugar-free lollipop that helps to neutralize acidity which means the bacteria that causes tooth decay cannot grow. The lollipops are both vegan and organic. Alina made $70,000 in sales in one year and she is now trying to get her Zollipops in dentists offices and schools everywhere.
I think that Alina saw that there was a big problem here and she was very motivated to fix it. She has the right idea of reaching out to dentists and schools for this to be their candy of choice because that is where she could get a lot of revenue from and also she wants to these people making the healthy choice in their candy. I also think that with more people having dietary restrictions in today’s society she can use those as a big push in her advertising. I think that she was very motivated in her love of sweets and health.
Yes!!! I love lollipops but also have had the same health concerns. I so appreciate and support this entrepreneurial venture.
I am all for this idea! I hope they taste as good as they sound! I mean thank goodness they are vegan…I was beginning to get worried that there weren’t any great tasting foods for those people to eat. I can only imagine how bad regular lollipops are for your teeth. As a lover of candy, if these taste as good as normal lollipops and they cost relativity the same I would rather buy these. Sweet post!
I think that it was a great idea to reach out to dentist offices and schools as both of these places promote dental, as well as overall health.
This is a very good idea and a great innovation to a product that isn’t the greatest for you. This expands the market and her attempting to get dentists and schools to sell these is a great way to create positive views for the company. This is very innovative and this is a great product, she will have a lot of success with these.
I wish I had thought of this, because I LOVE sweets but that is extremely unhealthy. It was so smart to expand to B2B with the schools and dentists.