Author Archive for AMayeR

Rakin’ in the Dough…with a side of Jam

Meet Fraser Doherty. He has a passion and a talent for making jam that is made from 100% fruit. When he was 14 years old he had perfected his grandmother’s recipe for making jam. Fraser had to drop out of high school and he then decided to rent a 200 person factory for a couple of months out of the year in order to keep up with his business. He then took a big step and started selling his brand, SuperJam, to grocery stores, at the age of 16. His brand is know sold in over 180 stores and his sales have continued to grow.

Fraser Doherty shows amazing qualities of an entrepreneur. He shows risk and determination and all at a young age. It was very risky to drop out of high school and to confront grocery stores to see if the creation he made was worth being put on the shelves. Fraser should determination that even though he dropped out he did not sit on his rear end and do nothing. He took action was determined to make something happen.

Fraser has been decorated with many awards which can all be found on his website. He has also published a few books and spoke at a few talk shows. Sharing his story all over Europe.


“My story shows that what can start as a passion, with love and hard work, can grow into something amazing. Something that changes your life.”


Never fully dressed without … a Bow Tie

Attention all men, I have a question for you. Have you ever felt like your personality has been restricted by the professional clothes you wear? When it is the time to suit up, do you feel like you look like every other man putting on a suit? I would like to introduce to you Moziah Bridges, the designer of Mo’s Bows.

Moziah had always appreciated good taste in clothing, even at a young age. Before he was 10 years old he would casually wear a suit and tie around his neighborhood. He found the uniqueness of suits alluring, though Moziah wasn’t completely satisfied. He could never find the right tie, or bow tie to match his outfit. He went to his grandmother, learned how to sew, and that led to the beginning of Mo’s Bows.

Mo’s Bows is a company that designs any bow tie in whatever fabric, color, style you would like. He has made over $700,000 in sales, appeared on the famous Shark Tank, and signed onto a one year contract with the NBA to make specialized bow ties for basketball teams.

Mo’s Bows Website

Moziah has demonstrated true qualities of an entrepreneur, or a ‘kidpreneur’. He started with something he was passionate about and found a pain that he wasn’t comfortable with. He then moved to the next step and sought out a solution for that pain. Moziah then shared what he cared. He was determined to make an impact on the world. Moziah has mentioned of

I am inspired to find what makes me smile and learn to make it better. I especially liked how big Moziah’s idea grew. I do not think the goal was to be known worldwide, but look how far a nine year old boy can go.

Be Passionate

When one looks in the mirror, what does one see? A child, a business individual, a person who has the chance to make a difference? Zachary Weisenthal saw a boy who was fascinated with web design and computers. Weisenthal grew up like any other child shoveling snow and pet sitting for the neighbors. It was not until he accompanied his father at an entrepreneurial weekend event did a sudden spark of interest happen. Weisenthal already interested in computers and web design, but this opportunity opened up a whole new future for him. He was introduced to the technology WordPress and not long after became a master of the app and set out to start his business. With his previous set in skills of time management, communication, and determination from his childhood jobs Weisenthal set work onto becoming one of the youngest, most successful business people in the world. Zach Weisenthal is know the proud owner of Zach’s Web Designs, building websites for non-profit organizations, jewelers, racecar drivers, etc.

Weisenthal was able to show the world that one does not need money or a big idea to become great, only the opportunity. If the opportunity is presented to you, grab it, and see where it takes you. Of coarse growing a successful business does not happen on it own, it takes time and energy. Another key factor to becoming successful is to be passionate about what you are doing. If you do not find what you are perusing to be interesting to you then it is going to be an uphill battle for you.

Weisenthal suggests on taking risks. How else will you go far if you act like everybody else.

Mr. Cory’s Sweet Idea

This is young man is Cory Nieves, he is now 14 years old, and he began his own business at the age of six.

One day Cory proclaimed that he was tired of riding the bus to school, and that he wanted to buy a car. Like every parent, his mother said to save up for own and buy one on his own. That is what he began to do. He originally started selling hot cocoa around where he lived and Cory’s mother noticed how dedicated and persistent Cory was and encouraged that he should begin raising funds for college. He then expanded his sales to lemonade and cookies.

Cory’s business is Mr. Cory’s Cookie and he has perfected the chocolate chip cookie recipe as well as other classic cookie flavors. He has moved his business online and has reached out to many major establishments such as Bloomingdales and Macy’s for publicity, as well as working with non-profit organizations like Children’s Aid Society.

Cory Nieves is truly a talented young individual with so much potential. He has a goal oriented and dedicated mine that is shown through how he began his career. All Cory wanted was to buy himself a car and if he can make a startup business from a child like wish the possibilities that he will accomplish in the future are grander and closer than Cory knows. We should harness such dedication in order to achieve our goals.

Mr. Cory’s Cookies Website

Love equals No Work.

It is safe to say we all have heard that we will never have to work a day in our life if we love what we do. George Matus took those words to heart and did just that. At the age of 12, while everyone else was hunched over on social media, he built a flying quadcopter. For those who do no know what a quadcopter is, a quadcopter is a mini helicopter with 4 rotors. He had a passion for drones and fast flying technology. Matus flew everything that the drone companies made, and he was confronted with multiple problems with how restrictive the technology was. At that age of 16 he became an entrepreneur, whether he knew it or not, and decided to invent a drone that met his standards. He saw a problem and decided to do something about it, a great demonstration of what every entrepreneur some day hopes to do. Matus is the CEO of his own drone company, and had not even graduated yet. He has big goals for his business and plans on growing and expanding what other possibilities he can do. Matus says ,”The advice I would give to young entrepreneurs is to really find what interests you, and then it doesn’t feel like work.”

CNBC Article

Age is only a Number

See the source image

Before I became aware the I wanted to pursue entrepreneurship, I assumed that entrepreneurs were individuals who were well aged and had much experience in the world. I could not have been more wrong. Meet Nick D’Aloisio, one of the youngest entrepreneurs to be successful at the age of 18, in the year 2014. D’Aloisio is the inventor of the program Summly; an app on Yahoo that takes a large amount of text and condenses it into a summary for users who are reading the news on their mobile devices. One of the many reasons D’Aloisio became such a success is he possessed assertiveness and passion that I believe is a huge key factor is making a difference. He became interested in coding at the age of 12 and the amount of knowledge and skills he obtained in six years demonstrates that all one needs to is the drive to make a difference.

Full article of Nick D’Alosio