Author Archive for annatimko


D’Aloisio is one of the youngest self-made millionaires ever. He achieved immense success when he sold his viral Summly mobile news summarization app to Yahoo. His app sold for thirty million when he was just seventeen years old. D’Aloisio was born in Australia and later moved to London which is where he wrote the app in his parents’ bedroom at the age of fifteen. Although he started with such a big project at such a young age, he stayed focus. No matter how much success he gains he continues to focus on his work. This has helped him be recognized as the world’s youngest venture capital-backed entrepreneur. He has used the selling of his company as an opportunity to grow even more and create connections to continue to grow his success. This has paid off in many ways, he is now a full-time member of yahoo’s engineering team. Additionally, he launched the new yahoo digest app while still in his last year of high school. Yahoo News Digest, his first app, shows you the most important new two times a day on your mobile device. It summarizes all the news that you need to know to stay in the know of what is happening. What makes this app so different than other news apps is it breaks the news down into easy-to-read news with visuals. This makes the app more accessible to people who may get overwhelmed by information overload.

Zandra Cunningham

Zandra Cunningham founded her own line of luxurious skin care products that are natural and organic. Her company is named after herself Zandra. She is sixteen and from buffalo New York. She started getting interested in entrepreneurship at the age of 9. In 2009 she began selling her first products at the local farmers markets around her. She has expanded her company is so many ways since she sold her first product. She is now 21 years old and extremely successful in many ways. She has over 40 products in her line including hand, body, lotion, and lip scrubs which are all ecofriendly and plant based. Because of her success in entrepreneurship, she has had to opportunity to become and advocate for many young girls. Her goals for her products are to help people especially young ladies learn to be confident in their own skin. She not only finds it important to keep your skin looking clean and pretty, but also to know what beauty is starting from the inside. She has taken this idea to branch out into motivational speaking and philanthropy. Through her skin care products, she has found her own niche to help inspire youth in their communities. Some of her favorite quotes include, “create your own normal”, Build a foundation, a community. Networking is key.”, and “why not weird.” These quotes really embody what her message is all about. Her courageous nature is something everyone should look at and be inspired by.                                                            

Henry Burner

Henry Burner has an entrepreneurial story unlike most. Even with his many struggles with school he still succeeded more than most. At a young age he set himself up to have a successful growing business in an area most wouldn’t imagine. While he was still in school, he started the base

work for his business Buttonsmith. He is the founder and CEO of a growing company that started supping to Walmart just after a few years of starting. He started Buttonsmith in 2013, now the company has expanded to be much more than just pinback buttons. This company sold pinback buttons with many different designs. These designs ranged from political pins to artist such as Van Gogh and other well-known artists. This story becomes much more inspirational is that at a young age Henry Burner struggled a ton in school because of his dyslexia. He tended to worry about his future since academics were so challenging. Once he learned his brain was very business focused through selling at local farmer’s markets he moved into eCommerce. In 2015 his business really took off through a kicks tarter campaign. He now has a physical store in Carnation and Washington. Additionally, his product is sold in over 1600 Walmart store all throughout America. Henry Burners story is proof that hard work pays off, and not to get discourage by struggles in school.

Anna Akbari

Anna Akbari is a Sociologist and entrepreneur. She combined her interests and is the founder of Sociology of Style. She is a former professor of media, culture, and communication. She has published books that she has written, she has co-written, and that the has ghost written. She believes she is an “innovation strategist” and that thinking differently is the key to innovation. Sociology of Style is a website with a weekly newsletter. Within this newsletter is commentary on culture, style, and image. Sociology of Style also focuses on topics such as technology, gender, sustainability, and other trending topics. An interesting fact about Anna is she eats the same breakfast and lunch every day. She states, “More choices require time and energy and shift our focus away from other things that matter. More choices also breed a sense of anxiety about making the right choice”.  Her posts have a very free spirit vibe, while also having an individualistic empowerment focus. She has created a brand so outside the box through writing, speaking, and leading high profile individuals. Once she gets people to trust what she is speaking about her brand makes money through self help books, courses, media appearances, and paying to work with Anna directly.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner was born in California, 1997. She grew up as the youngest sibling in the hit reality Tv show, Keeping Up with The Kardashians. Although some say she is only successful because of her family’s fame, I argue she just harnessed her families fame to successfully create her own business ventures.  She was named in Time Magazines Most Influential Teens list in 2015. Then in 2016 she launched her most successful brand, Kylie Cosmetics. This makeup brand earned millions of sales just from her kylie lip kit when she was only seventeen. At a young age she fully knew how to use the press to her advantage. She gave just enough information to her fans to create excitement and to get more people interested. So when she finally would post or launch the product, she got everyone so excited for it would sell out in minutes.  She used her social media influence to create a brand that was like no other at the time. Not only was she selling a product, but she was also selling her name and influence.  By 2019 she was in Forbes as the youngest-ever self-made billionaire. In 2022 Kylie Jenner has over 120 brand names trademarked. Additionally she is currently the owner of several businesses including, Kylie Cosmetics, Kylie Skins, Kylie Baby, and Kylie Swim.

Benjamin Kapelushnik

Benjamin Kapelushnik was born on October 14, 1999. At the age of sixteen he had earned almost one hundred dollars in sales with his self-made sneaker business. Kapelushnik interest in sneakers started when his mom purchased him Nikes in middle school. His interest in sneakers grew even more after he used his bar-mitzvah money to buy more sneakers. He then started to consult sneaker magazines and get involved in the sneaker resale market. Using his initial profit, he began to buy shoes in bulk. His first bulk purchase being 85 pairs of Air Jordan 1s. Kapelushnik’s big break was when one of his customers introduced him to DJ Khaled. From there the two began to form a close relationship in real life and on social media. This customer connection was huge for Kapelushnik. Because of his close relations with DJ Khaled, Kapelushnik’s client list grew to an all-new extreme. Big names like Travis Scott, Drake, and Kevin Hart had began purchasing from him. Kapelushnik unlike other entrepreneurs he did not come up with a new idea and or invention. Sneakers have been around forever, instead of coming up with something new he took advantage of the resale market. He then made a brand not out of the sneakers, but himself. His brand revolved around being sixteen, being friends with the rich and famous, and this lead to being so successful
