Author Archive for Austin Wanner

Ryan’s toy Review

Ryan is a young entrepreneur who has made quite the name for himself at the age of seven. Ryan started a YouTube channel which he named Ryan’s toys review. On his channel he simply buys new, upcoming toys and plays with them. He talked about the positives and negatives of the toys in a very entertaining way which has gained his all sorts of popularity. He also has come out with his own line of toys which he reviews and plays with in his videos. He was recently named YouTube highest paid youtuber, grossing in a profit over 22 million dollars. Although thousands of people YouTube and try and make a living off if it, none do it quite like Ryan. With the help of his parents Ryan separates himself by making his videos very funny and appealing to the younger generation. With a very energetic and silly attitude he is able to gain new viewers daily. Although him and his family every much enjoy making millions, they also say they have a very fun time making these videos and are happy then provide enjoyment to millions of viewers.

Ryan’s story is very inspiring. One of the biggest takeaways from his story is that you don’t need to come out with a new, crazy idea to become an entrepreneur. There are tons of opportunities in today’s market to become successful and that is what him and his family are doing. Although he started by reviewing toys, that’s not why he became famous. He was able to do it in a way no one else was, therefore becoming very successful.

Shubham Banerjee Braille Startup

Shubham Banerjee is a young entrepreneur that created his business Braigo. Braigo is a company that makes printers for the blind. Banerjee first learned about how braille worked by simply googling and researching how blind people read. Once he learned more about how it worked, he got very interested in the process of braille and started brainstorming with a Lego Mindstorms kit. The idea quickly grew, and eventually he started his business. His biggest drive behind his company was learning about how blind people read as well as seeing the daily struggle these people go through and wanting to come up with a new and better way to help the blind out. One thing that is unique about his coImage result for shubham banerjeempany is he tries to keep them as low-cost as possible. Yes, he still needs to make money but that’s not his only goal. He sincerely feels for people that cannot read. He also recognized the gap there was in the market in this area and his business fulfilled gap that gap. This business recently took a huge step as intel invested in this business.



Banerjee story is very inspiring. One of the cool things about his startup story is how he sincerely felt for the blind and that became his biggest motivation behind starting the company. Another trait he demonstrated very well is finding a gap in the market. Although there’s many types of braille, an affordable printer was new to the market. Overall, Banerjee’s story is very inspiring, and we can all learn from it.

Fishflop fashion

Madison Robinson is a young entrepreneur that founded her business fishflops. Fishflips has become a very popular line of beach style footwear and has made a name for itself all around the world. Madison always had a very creative mind and one day she started sketching her idea of these beach themed shoes which she called fishflops. She then presented her idea to her dad and he loved it. Through high school she worked hard to grow her business but said she still left time for academics, friends and family because those things were important to her. Through the whole process Madison’s message was to work hard, stay positive and to have that never quit attitude. She wants to inspire others to pursue their dreams and reach for the stars because with the right attitude and mindset anything it possible.  One of her biggest drives was to give back, in fact she has donated over 20,000 pairs of fishflops to organizations to help people in need. If fact a portion of each sale goes towards a charity. She constantly is coming out with new types of fishflops and wants to continue to expand her business.

Madison’s story is very inspirational and we can all learn a lot from her. Even though she was only a young 8-year-old when she first came up with the idea, she had a passion for it and was motivated to become successful and give back.  One of the cool things about how fishflops got known Is through her story. Yahoo featured her story and was read by millions. Soon after that every retailer that sold fishflops sold out. Her story is proof that if you do things the right way and for the right reasons, success will follow. Overall Madison had a great idea along with a great vision and is why her business has become so successful.

Luv ur Skin

Isabella Dymalovski is a young entrepreneur that started her business “luv ur skin.” Her products consist of all-natural skin care products that are made with botanical ingredients. One of her biggest motivators was to create a skincare product that was aimed towards the younger generation. She also wanted to create a product that was all-natural and healthy for the skin because when she was looking for a product with these attributes, she realized there just wasn’t one. That’s when she decided to take things into her own hands and start her business. When asked what her motivation was behind starting luv my skin she stated, “I noticed a real gap in the skincare category for a range of natural products that would be suitable for young girls skin.”

For how young Isabella is, she demonstrates numerous different traits that makes her stand out. First off, she was able to find a gap in the market. Although there’s tons of skin care products, there was a need for all-natural products that are aimed for the younger generation. With her product she fulfills this need.  Secondly, she is highly motivated. She’s one of the youngest entrepreneurs to appear on shark tank and she worked very hard to make her dream of starting a business a reality. Even though she had a great idea it took hard work to become successful and get to where she is today.

Overall, I am very inspired by Isabella’s entrepreneurial mind. Not only did she come up with great idea, but she worked hard to get where she is.  Even though she has a successful business she plans to continue to make new products and keep working to improve the skin care market. One of the biggest principles I’ve learned from Isabella’s story is to listen. She would not be where she is today without the help of the people around her and that’s important point I think we can all learn from.

From Idea to world-class product: 15 year old Isabella brings her business to life

New Furniture Design Options

Mukund Agarwal is a 19-year-old entrepreneur that found a gap in the furniture market and started up his own company, Brownstraw. Brownstraw is a furniture company that produces a wide variety of customization options. He first thought of this idea when he was shopping for clothes. He realized the lack of options for customized furniture and wanted to create a company that has a variety of furniture just like clothes do. Agarwal’s biggest goal is not only to customize furniture but have options of different types of furniture that a customer wouldn’t normally see when furniture shopping.yourstory-Brownstraw

Agarwals company is unique from others because he strives to provide different furniture options that a customer could not find elsewhere. What makes his idea great is he is trying to reinvent the furniture industry. There are thousands of places that sell furniture, but you generally find the same designs and features. This is where Brownstraw looks to separate itself from the competition. He wants to be different from the rest of the competition.

One thing I’ve learned from Agarwals thinking is that even through an industry like the furniture industry is successful and well established, doesn’t mean it can’t be made better. Although this wasn’t a need in the industry, it’s providing an answer to a want of more options when furniture shopping. Agarwal definitely has a entrepreneurially spirit and has a bright future considering his families background in business.

Matching families through Nannies by Noa

Sometimes finding the right person to take care of your kids can be a real struggle. Finding someone that you can fully trust can be an even bigger challenge. That is why Noa Mintz, a young entrepreneur created her business called “Nannies by Noa.”  Her business sets up families in New York City with a perfectly matched nanny, depending on that families personal, unique requirements. Each nanny must go through a variety of screenings and background checks before becoming a nanny through this business and even then, their acceptance rates remain low. What is unique about Noa is she came up with this idea because she thought she could benefit from it. She created this business because she knows first hand how important it is to have a fun, caring, entertaining nanny and she wanted that for others kids her age as well. What makes her idea so great is that there is a real need for well trained nannies that families can trust leaving their kids with; this business fulfills that need. Families can quickly and easily match up their kids with the perfect nanny and not have to worriy about who is taking care of them. Nannies by Noa is always updating the guidelines nannies must follow and is constantly checking that the nannies are up to their standards. This allows them to stay ahead of the competition and is why it has become such a successful business.

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Seeing Noa’s idea and how she started up her business inspires me because it shows that you are never to young to start up a business. She was just starting middle school when she came up with the idea and her business only grew from there. Being in college I often find myself thinking I’m to busy or don’t have time to follow up an idea but seeing her do it at such a young age has inspired me to start trying to follow up on my ideas because who knows where it could go from there. Something I learned from Noa’s story is that if it’s a problem i’m having, other people probably have that same problem. That is how Noa came up with her idea and that’s a good place to start when I’m brainstorming ideas.
