Author Archive for AyersJD1


Instrumental is a company started by two former Apple employees Sam Weiss and Anna Shedletsky. They built the company to help combat recall issues that can affect some companies. Due to overlooking an issue or not testing for it. The company builds hardware that gets installed onto an assembly line. This device takes pictures and shows when things begin to get put together incorrectly, or where the issues are located at. Engineers also don’t have to be at the factory to see and fix the issues. Because of the device they can stay back at the office and inspect what goes in the factory.

More information on Instrumental.

Home Page



Brandless is an online retailer started by Ido Leffler and Tina Sharkey. The company sells household products from toothpaste to ketchup. The main idea is to just give people the products they want without any additional costs that come with buying from brand names. Each product simply states what it is, and its ingredients. For example, you may buy a bottle of just mustard, and you’ll get a yellow bottle of mustard, no brand name, and just it’s ingredients list.

The other reason why they are doing this online is so that they can cut out supermarkets and such so that its easier and cheaper for people. They also only sell hundreds of items, as opposed to the thousands or millions on Amazon or Walmart. They want to keep things simple and clean. With every item bought, they donate a percentage of that to Feeding America.

Some information on Brandless.


California Beard Company

This company was started by Chandler Sterling. Frustrated with the lack of a good beard oil for self grooming, Sterling set out to start his own company to fix that problem. Using very natural resources he came up with his product and from there started the California Beard Company. Over time his company has grown into a well recognized and respected company, that keep putting out new products all the time. And one big thing that drives Sterling is his love for green. For every product that his company sells, his company plants one tree. So as he takes away, he gives back. This is one of the big things that his company pushes for, keep our planet, and our beards, clean.

More information on Sterling:

Chandler Sterling



Kyle Vogt – Former Co-Founder of both Twitch and

Kyle Vogt was a student at MIT, during his Junior year he left to go join the start-up team that would form and Twitch. Through that process he was the company’s main programmer, he was called a “creative genius” for his work in the company.  After Twitch was sold to Amazon, Vogt left to form his own company, Cruise Automation, which works on autonomous cars. This was a passion of his ever since he was a younger. Cruise was bought by GM in 2016, for 1 billion dollars. Vogt along with his co-founder Dan Kan are the youngest senior directors at GM.

Cruise Cars,

Info on Kyle Vogt,

Millennial Skills

Millennial skills is a company formed by Hector Santiesteban. His company is supposed to help millennial’s gain the necessary skills for building businesses. His site,, is where he posts blogs and has resources for entrepreneurs. He’s trying to provide millennials with the information to build a profitable business, and how to advertise, basically teaching people how to earn of profit in the digital world.

One of his articles.



Fair Harbor Company, Helping Save The Oceans.

Fair Harbor Company is a clothing company that sells swimsuits, sounds normal right? The interesting thing is that this company makes swimsuits out of recycled bottles, they also make clothing through recycled polyester. The company idea was started by Jake Danehy. The company name comes from a summer spot, called Fair Harbor, that he and his family went to during the summers. Over time he and his sister Caroline developed a deep love for the ocean. Later while studying geography at Colgate University he was moved by how much damage was being dealt to the oceans. So entering Colgate’s version of Shark-Tank, along with his fashion minded sister Caroline, they debuted Fair Harbor company. They won a 20,000$ grant to start their company.

Even with this grant they have faced challenges and mistakes with starting and keeping the company going. But the duo are continuing onward and striving to always make a superior product. They intend to show how plastic can be used for so many other things. And how plastic is not just a one time use product, and their way of showing that is by making swimsuits out of plastic.

Company Website

More Info on the company