Author Archive for batesjt24

Christ With Coffee On Ice

After establishing her presence in the social media world during the COVID pandemic, focusing mainly on the presence she held on her blog. Ally Yost has established her own brand twice throughout her entrepreneurship career. Once during COVID, and once after the Lord revealed His love to her. When Yost’s life was changed around 2022, she stepped back from social media and then returned with a fighting passion for the Lord. Ally Yost works to establish the Lord on her social media now more than she ever has before, ultimately aiming to glorify the Lord and make His love known in place of her own glory. Yost’s brand now consists of a noticeable joy of the Lord and a frequent podcast named “Christ with Coffee on Ice.”

“Christ with Coffee on Ice” is a weekly podcast that Ally Yost herself creates the content for and hosts within her home. She is working with a small team to reach six hundred thousand people across the globe to impact the with the love of Christ in a sisterly way. Her goal is to reach young women who are longing for a sense of belonging and comfort within the Christian community. Ally Yost has identified a gap in the Christian community, one that leaves young adult females in a place to seek their own mentoring during this difficult and challenging phase of life. But Yost’s podcast has sought out that community and worked to fill a void in the lives of women. 

The name of her podcast presents a feeling of comfortability within her audience. She accomplished this by highlighting the passion of the Christian community and the coffee world. She works to create a coffee conversation persona as she works through different aspects of being a Christian in today’s society as well as what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ.

You can hear about Ally Yost’s story and love for the Lord in her weekly episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice HERE!

Christ With Coffee On Ice | iHeart

Redefining How the World Hears Sound

After experiencing hearing damage from their concert excursions, Dimirti O and Maarten Bodewes, two Belgian engineers established the ‘Loop Earplug’ product and goal. Loop Earplugs, initially produced as ear protection for the night life that the founders so greatly adored, turned into a collection of earplugs. These earplugs are oriented to protect ears within different areas of our lives where sound levels often lead to temporary discomfort or permeant hearing loss. 

The Loop Earplug brand is appealing to consumers for many reasons, one being there is nothing like it on the market. It truly has increased its technology and development 10 times faster than others it may be competing with. In reality, their brand has placed itself in a market of its own, focusing solely on 3 different types of earplugs that impact lives of users greatly. The earplugs sit inside the ear canal, with a loop attaching to the piece within the ear canal. The loop not only allows for easy use and removal, but also keeps the earplug from being pushed too far into the ear canal. The loops also provide a stylish option for users to select their color and even material of their loops. The earplugs come in a little case, almost the size of an air pod case, that is perfect to store the little loops for wherever and whenever you made them. These earplugs offer protection, comfort, and style to their users.

But more than anything, the establishment of the Loop brand and product is one we can all take a few notes from. The founders of loop identified a pain within a niche group of people that they also had a personal connection to. The found a solution to that pain and started small with one product geared towards that specific pain and group of people. From there they were able to establish a customer base and began to solve other pains within the area of hearing damage. Their product is one in a market with competitors, but they have beyond excelled in the development and making of their product that they are now in a league of their own. Loop earplugs have redefined how the world hears sound, but also have redefined the hearing protection market.

Visit the Loop Earplug Website Here!

Meet the Co-Founders of Loop Earplugs

Miracle Olatunji Taking a Miracle OpportuniMe

After the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Miracle Olatunji saw a decrease in the motivation of Gen-Z to pursue a career after completing their education and decided to shift her previously founded OpportuniMe platform that assisted high school students in deciding what path to take after high-sMeet Miracle Olatunji | MYCOMEUP Magazinechool. When she originally founded OpportuniMe, her target market was students in high school, specifically in their junior and senior years, preparing to head off to college or into the workforce, but after COVID-19, she knew that her audience had shifted to be more focused on individuals who are experiencing stress and anxiety during the job interviewing and application processes. She had witnessed and personally experienced the pain that those around her felt. So, Miracle Olatunji pivoted. She changed her goals and perspective of OpportuniMe and sought a different market. Her new goal was to offer people tools to help them better take care of themselves while continuing to work towards their personal and career goals. COVID-19 offered Olatunji a new perspective, one that values self-care, but also realizing you, personally, must put in work to pursue the goals you have for yourself. Mircale took this perspective and put it into play in her life in 2021 when she decided to continue her college education online. After making the decision to continue online for her education and experiencing the benefit of it in her everyday life, she wanted to provide her users with that opportunity to experience the same self-care she was now able to prioritize. Miracle Olatunji took her personal experience throughout COVID and used it to reach people who had not received support post COVID. Now, OpportuniMe supports individuals searching for a future career and individuals who are experiencing stress and anxiety during that searching process.

To visit Mircale Olatunji’s interview with, visit here.