Author Archive for bethanyweaver


Cristine Rotenberg a Canadian YouTube known as Simply Nailogical owns the business HOLO TACO. She is also a crime analyst, Podcaster, and businesswoman. In 2014 she started doing Youtube to express one of her favorite hobbies, painting her nails. She posted nail design tutorials. As her channel grew, she changed up her content and experimented with other forms of nail art and polishes. Throughout her life, Cristine has always had a problem with nail polish companies and their products. They would not make the formula efficient enough to last long on a shelf, keep a nice/efficient color, and have good performance on the nail. All the polishes she had taken too long to dry, required several coats in order to show color, and did not have enough shine. After years of trying to find the best nail polish brand, she was left empty-handed.

Another major issue she faced was finding her favorite nail polish holo. Holo is small pieces that reflect light to show tiny rainbows.

Due to businesses not fitting her polish needs she created her own nail polish business. HOLO TACO which focuses on creating the best nail polish formulas with the best gloss finish, sparkle, and opacity. Today it is becoming a good contender in the polish market. She has sold many bottles and will continue to grow.

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Mo’s Bows

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Moziah Bridges a young entrepreneur started Mo’s Bows. At the age of 9, Moziah was having a hard time finding a job that best suited him. He noticed a good fabric not being used by his grandmother from past sewing projects. With the help of his grandmother, he learned how to sew. With this problem in mind, he took the fabric that he like to find the bow that best suited him. After a successful prototype and gratification, he decided to start his own business to sell his own bows. He hired tailors and focused on the creative side of the business sides.

He appeared on SharkTank, his business is thriving more than ever selling more than just bows! One summer he even did a scholarship for a kids’ summer camp.

Illuminate Labs

Calloway Cook the founder of Illuminate Labs, created this company to give customers easy access to herbal dietary supplements that are guaranteed clean. Cook has always been interested in a healthier way of living. He became knowledgeable on what is good and bad for the human body regarding particular products and the ingredients within. In 2019, he had a huge investment in his company, he saw the major gap in the supplement market and took advantage of it! The only issue with this was that customers were willing to pay a high price for clean and safety-tested products, but no manufacturers were willing to do so.

His inspiration for his business stemmed from his frustration. For the longest time, he spent searching for tested and safe dietary supplements and was left empty-handed. After many attempts to get ahold of the companies of these products to prove clean testing they all refused. After creating his business, he was able to supply clean products to not only himself but so many others. He found a third-party non-profit partner laboratory to complete the testing. Cook is a firm believer in helping people know what they are taking and why it is important for their bodies, he wants you to be healthy!


ManCans-Beaver Creek candle company

A 13-year-old boy named Hart Main created his very own candle business. He came up with this idea while teasing his sister about her “girly scented” candles. Main spent his $100 dollars of saving with the help and advice from his mother to invest in candle starter kits. With his savings, he purchased kits for candle making in hopes of selling his own candles for a profit. Within a few months, the Main household was able to create 20,000 candles! “That was a rough time. Everywhere you would go, there would be piles of cans and candles,” Hart Main recalled. “You couldn’t come down for breakfast in the morning because you didn’t have anywhere to sit.” In order to make the candles feel more masculine, he made the candles in soup cans instead of glass jars. He was later approached by Beaver Creek candle company, after accepting the offer he was able to further expand his scents and number of products. ManCan also donates 75 cents of every candle sale to soup kitchens in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan. He sells his candles in around 150 stores. He originally started his business to buy a new bike but shortly released it was not a silly joke any more and worked very hard hands-on to make his business an active reality.

Firebelly Tea

Co-founders David Segal and Harley Finkelstein launched their company Firebelly Tea. Their line of cultured teas hopes to end Americans’ exclusive relationship with coffee for good. They mentioned, “When people think of tea, they frequently think of artificial flavors and unpleasant sweetness. Segal is on a mission to give tea’s public image a much-needed makeover”. When Finkelstein had mentioned that his afternoon coffee was keeping him up at night Segal wanted to curate a tea collection for him. He then went on to contact the best green tea producers. Once Finkelstein tried the tea he mentioned that he had “sustained energy”. He also mentioned that it was nothing like the coffee “peak and crash”. As both their love grew for tea they became curious as to why more people aren’t drinking it. They created a line of natural, pure tea blends. They even took a modern spin on the boxes to make them look like books that are to be displayed.

Erika Kullberg

Erika Kullberg is an award-winning lawyer who advocates for entrepreneurs. She is the founder of a legal tech startup, Plug and Law. Her mission is to make legal assessable for entrepreneurs. She actively creates short videos on Youtube, Tik tok, and Instagram to advocate the fine print shortcuts in day-to-day life. These videos range from Starbucks hacks to human rights. She found a love for personal finance and strives to help those in student debt. On her website and social media, she provides free resources for legal guidance.