Author Archive for brejwosf23

Ryan Hickman and His Environmental Protection Business

In 2012, 3 year old Ryan was taken to his local recycling center by his dad. This trip seemed to inspire the young entrepreneur, as he approached his family in following days commenting on the amount of waste in the streets. In the following years, Ryan started collecting plastic bottles and cans from his neighbors and from surrounding neighborhoods to sell to the recycling plant in Orange County, CA. It was in 2017 when Ryan and his story went viral. He was featured on multiple high profile broadcasting shows and has partnered with Old Navy and was featured by H&M. Ryan now runs the his fully functioning company, Ryan’s Recycling. The company goes out and collects plastic and  glass bottles, and aluminum cans. His company takes the trash to the closest recycling center to weigh and sort their collection. Since 2016, Ryan’s Recycling has received many awards and recognitions, along with making it onto many notable lists which bring to light the immensity and impressiveness of his business. Already in 2024 Ryan has been recognized in  the Global Young Entrepreneur Society 25 Under 25 List, and by the SAR Certificate of Recognition. Ryan has been reaching out to schools in to engage students in environmental protection and preservation. In the pursuit of cleaning his home town, Ryan has inspired many to not only better care for our homes, but to try what we might think could never succeed. Now he has recycled almost two million bits of debris. He is the embodiment of ‘no excuses’, no matter your age, no matter your position in life.  He encourages everyone, inspiring and reminding people that they have the ability and responsibility to care for the environment.

10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs

Ryan’s Recycling