Author Archive for Capcap6

Zachary Weisenthal

Zachary Weisenthal is the founder of Zach’ At the young age of 14, Zachary has already created web designs for Keep Punching, a nonprofit brain cancer organization, Ry’s Ruffery, an all-natural dog biscuit company, and Emilee Tominovich Racing, the website of a female race-car driver. Despite his young age, Zachary has already made $15,000 through his company. Though he is obviously quite skilled in his trade, Zachary is continuing to understand WordPress and web design so that one day he can create a website for a big company.

Willow Tufano

Willow Tufano amazes me. From a young age, Willow Tufano began making money, a good amount of money. She went around her neighborhood and took things out of people’s trash that she could sell. Eventually, Willow had made about $6,000. In Willow’s hometown, the recession had caused the price of houses to drop to $12,000. With the help of her mother, Willow decided to buy a house. She began to rent it out for $700 a month. She eventually made enough money to buy two more houses. While most kids her age were messing around, Willow was getting a head start on the them.


Codie is a toy that teaches kids about coding it makes coding fun for kids. The toy was first created by Adam Lipecz in 2013, when he was only 15 years old. This is a very important toy not only because coding is very important to us in this generation, but also because Codie helps kids to unleash their inner creativity. The toy bridges the gap between kids’ imagination and the algorithmic thinking. Codie is getting kids ready for the world in the best way possible.

Rachel Zietz

Rachel Zietz started her own sports company when she was only 13 years old. Like many people, she found ports equipment too expensive and not durable. Unlike most people, Rachel decided to do something about it. Funded by money she won from an entrepreneurship competition, she went on to create her own line of quality and affordable rebounders and goals for lacrosse players. Rachel’s company Gladiator Lacrosse became quite a success. In its first year, it brought in $200,000 and in just two more years, it brought in over $1,000,000. In addition to all this success, Rachel was on of the finalists for the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 Entrepreneur Award. Rachel has not let her age stop her from being successful.

Mo’s Bows

At age 9, Moziah Bridges started his company called Mo’s Bows. Mo’s Bows is a bow-tie business. At a young age, Moziah was driven by his love for style, especially style of the more expensive kind. Every time Moziah saw someone dressed well, he thought, “This man is about something.” This was something that Moziah wanted. He pursued his dream of making stylish bow ties. He learned how to sew from his grandmother and went out selling his unique bowties to local businesses. His company has grown to the point that he just signed a deal with the NBA to provide bowties to every team. Also, this deal is worth up to seven digits. He is only 13 and is already more successful than most are or will be. He is driven by a dream and now he has reaped the rewards for following that dream.


Alina Morse is a the creator of Zollipops. Zollipops are sugar-free lolliops that not only taste good but are also good for you. She came up with the idea when she was only 7 years old! She was offered a lollipop by a bank teller but her parents said no because, of course, candy is bad for your teeth. As a result, Alina sought to make a healthy lollipop. The ingredients for the Zollipops are xylitol, erythritol, stevia, and other natural sweeteners. These ingredients help to neutralize acidity in the mouth. By neutralizing acidity, bacteria cannot grow. Zollipops have already proven to be quite successful. She sells her products at Whole Foods,, and She is attempting to get Zollipops in doctors’ and dentists’ offices as well. Eventually, she wants ten percent of her profits to go to hygiene programs in area schools. Alina took a common problem every one struggles with and made it into a successful business.