Author Archive for cascianida22

Post 6#

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and innovator, has left an indelible mark on the world, making him an indispensable figure in my list of inspirations. Musk’s journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring, demonstrating an unparalleled ability to blend audacity with brilliance, and turning seemingly insurmountable challenges into opportunities.

Musk’s unyielding commitment to projects that defy conventional limits is something that everyone should take influence from. The pursuit of colonizing Mars through SpaceX or reshaping the automotive industry with Tesla exemplifies his propensity for turning seemingly implausible ideas into reality. It’s this blend of bold vision and pragmatic execution that distinguishes Musk in the entrepreneurial landscape.

Equally noteworthy is Musk’s resilience in the face of adversity. Confronted with setbacks, financial hurdles, and skepticism, he demonstrates a steadfast determination that resonates deeply with my own entrepreneurial journey. Musk’s ability to weather storms and emerge stronger is a testament to his tenacity and unwavering belief in his mission.

Beyond the business realm, Musk’s commitment to advancing clean energy and addressing climate change underscores a social responsibility that transcends profit motives. His endeavors reflect a broader aspiration to contribute meaningfully to global challenges, a value that resonates with my own sense of purpose.

In conclusion, Elon Musk’s impact on various industries and his fearless approach to innovation make him a pivotal figure in my entrepreneurial journey. His ability to blend ambition, intellect, and a commitment to bettering humanity inspires me to dream big, persevere in the face of challenges, and contribute meaningfully to the world.

Post 5#

Moziah Bridges, born on November 13, 2001, is a great example of how a young entrepreneur. At the age of 11, he made an appearance on Shark Tank where he promoted his business, Mo’s Bows¹. His journey began at 9 in 2011, when he started his bowtie company, Mo’s Bows. Inspired by his grandmother’s colorful and beautiful sewing, he decided to make his own bowties.

Bridges’ story is a testament to the power of youthful creativity and determination. He started his company with the help of his mother at a very young age. His entrepreneurial journey began from a simple desire to look good and feel good, which led him to start making his own bow ties. starting off by using his grandmother’s sewing supplies, Bridges had a very humble beginning, however, his business, passion, and dedication to his craft caught the attention of Shark Tank investor Daymond John, who became his mentor.

His success did not stop there. During the 2015 NBA Draft, several basketball players drafted wore their ties for the occasion. He has since grown his brand to sell bow ties, neckties, pocket squares, and other apparel. As of now, he has an estimated net worth of $100 million.

Bridges’ story is inspiring for other entrepreneurs, especially young ones, as it shows that age is not a barrier to success. His journey illustrates the importance of passion, creativity, and determination in entrepreneurship. It also highlights the value of mentorship and the impact it can have on a young entrepreneur’s journey. His success serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and a little bit of help, anyone can turn their dreams into reality.



Blog post 4, Micheal Wren

Micheal Wren, a 10-year-old boy from Sanit Louis has a loving heart for his community. He started his entrepreneurial endeavors by opening up a business called Mickey’s Munchies Vending which would only be the start. Micheal, now 13 helps out his community in many different ways. He teaches classes about financial literacy and hosts annual toy drives for other kids in his community. Not only is he an entrepreneur but an author! He has written two books; Mikey Learns About Business and Biz is a Whiz. Mikey Learns About Business is about teaching kids how to create a business plan, make marketing strategies, and how to network. Biz Is a Whiz is about the same topics but marketed towards younger kids. In total, he has donated 10,000 dollars’ worth of clothing to kids in his community as well. Micheal is a prime example of an entrepreneur who gives back to the community, at such a young age as well. He by doing, this will foster a healthy community around his company and improve the living standard of it overall. I personally find it a huge inspiration that a boy this young boy can have such an impact on his community.  Even though he might not make the most money from his vending machine business he still gives back to the community in many different ways. Overall, I find that Micheal Wren a huge inspiration for me and for those who want to give back to their community but don’t know how to.

Ryan Hickman, Blog Post #3

At the age of 3 Ryan Hickman did not like seeing bottles and containers litter the ground. Because of that, he started collecting the family trash and going with his dad to recycle it in the nearby Recycling plant. His endeavors would grow from there and he would even start recycling the neighbor’s trash as well. Eventually, this would grow into a business in Orange County called Ryan’s Recycling Company. Due to the youngster’s entrepreneurial spirit, he was gaining wide critical acclaim. He has been interviewed by CNN, Ellen, and Today. He even sells merchandise that goes straight to Charity. However, Hickman has not stopped and is continuing to grow and develop new businesses, for example, his newest one, Project 3R. Project 3R is a nonprofit organization that is based on educating people of all ages about recycling and how it can protect the environment. Having a solution to a problem is a cornerstone of entrepreneurship and Hickman hit it out of the ballpark. He not only is helping solve the problem but is innovating other solutions as well, as shown with Project 3R. I see this as a huge inspiration for me the fact that he was still a kid when starting this out and now has made a very successful business. It’s also inspirating by how he started with no idea really at all and at first, he just wanted to help clean up. The key takeaway from this is that innovating on a problem can lead to huge success as an entrepreneur.


Blog Post #2 Hart Main

From an idea that was made fun of to an actual business idea. Hart Main A 13-year-old boy would make fun of his sister’s candles for being too girly. However, he would reconsider when he wanted to buy a bike for 1,500. At first only his parents would give money to the up-and-coming business called ManCans. Later on, however, they would be sold in every state in the US and routinely bring in six figures. They would have a wide range of smells, focusing on men in particular. Smells like bacon, fresh-cut grass, and grandpa’s pipe are only a few of the total selections. The entrepreneurial spirit to turn an idea that at first, you hated/made of fun into an actually profitable one is crazy to think about. From an idea as small as buying a new bike this idea of a candle business catered to man is astonishing. On top of that ManCan does not only make a good amount of money but is working for a good cause. ManCan employs people with a workforce that is worked by people who are developmentally disabled. On top of that, a large sum of its profits goes to soap kitchens in Ohio and Pennsylvania. I think it’s important to take a lesson from this that one can always give back to the community. It brings value to the people with disabilities and to the company itself. Overall, the business is a good source of inspiration for all younger people by the fact that even a young boy who at first thought the idea was dumb could make a very successful business

Blog post #1 Fraser Doherty

Making a business out of a passion, especially a family passion is something very special. At the age of 14 Fraser Doherty started making his grandma’s family recipe jam and would start a whole jam business out of it. In the beginning, however, he had nothing but his grandma’s recipes, jam, and a whole lot of determination. He would start off by selling his jam door to door gaining a small profit and feedback. However, people really started to take a liking to his jam and more orders would start coming in, to the point where he had to drop out of school just to meet the demand.  Later on, he would be approached by Waitrose, a British supermarket to put his jam on their selves. After that, Fraser’s jam would go international, gaining such fame that the Queen herself would bestow an MBE on him. From a very humble beginning to an international business is a very inspiring and influential example for many entrepreneurs. The whole idea is great, due to the fact that he took a family idea/recipe and turned it into a real business. One thing you can take away from Fraser is that even the most humble of beginnings, can turn your entire life into a new direcWho would have thought that jam could be so profitable!