Author Archive for cbrest32

The Drinkable Book

A team of Americans partnered with a non profit organization to create a book that cleans and purifies water as it passes over the pages. One page of this book can possibly clean up to 100 liters of water. This product can give people a cheap and easily accessible way to clean their water. Pages contain silver so the diseases such as E-coli or typhoid disease gets absorbed by the silver and dies. This product has hopes to significantly decrease the current 1.5 million deaths per year globally due to waterborne diseases. The book comes with 25 thick, and sturdy water cleaning pages and comes in at a price of $50. The only issue that has arose from this product is the uncertainty of the amount of bacteria that has been removed from the water. Regardless, any attempt at cleaning water is a big step to reducing the 1.5 million death toll. The creators of this product make these books by hand, but hoping that demand grows, they hope to be able to land a manufacturing deal.

Glasses for the Color Blind

The Enchroma glasses are sunglasses specifically made for the color blind. When someone diagnosed with color blindness puts these glasses on, their world is enhanced and more realistic to the way people without color blindness see the world. These glasses range in a price from $300 to $429 for people that don’t need a prescription and $450 to $600 for prescriptions added. People that try these glasses for the first time are amazed by the wide variety of new colors. These glasses can help up to 80% of people with color vision problems. These glasses help correct the cone cells that do not respond to light inside the retina and they enhance colors to all new levels. They remove certain wavelengths so that the cone cells can respond to colors the proper way. The glasses are one unique innovation, but the people’s reactions when they try the glasses for the first time are even better and heartwarming.






Self-Heating Coffee Mug

The Ember Travel Mug is a coffee mug where you simply pour yourself a coffee, and you go. This mug does the heating for you and you don’t have to stand around and wait. This coffee mug is controlled by an app that pairs to the specific mug that you have. You can adjust the temperature and the length of time that the mug is warming your coffee. Forget you have a cup of coffee sitting at your kitchen because you got distracted and it’s cold? The Ember Travel Mug fixes that for you in minutes. Although this seems like an incredible innovation, giving users the satisfaction of drinking a cup of coffee that’s the same temperature as it was ten minutes ago, there are a few bugs that still need to be worked out. One being the battery life on the mug itself is only an hour long. So coffee addicts will be plugged into the charger/coaster for the majority of the day. But that battery life is at the default heat setting of 135 degrees. If you like your coffee hotter, then count on the battery life being lower. Besides, that and the few design issues that can be worked out, the Ember Travel Mug comes in at a price of $79.95. This includes the app. If you want to drink coffee at the same temperature from the first sip to the last drop, then consider the Ember Travel Mug.

Non-Touch Thermometer

Arc Devices product called “InstaTemp” is revolutionizing the way we take our temperature. This device is known to be a must have for parents and home caregivers. Any parent knows the struggle of trying to get a kid to sit still long enough to take their temperature. The InstaTemp is designed to take core body temperature readings without contact. The device is guaranteed not to lose accuracy until after a tested 13,000 measurements. The device consists of chip technology that accurately measures core body temperature within +/- 0.4 degree Fahrenheit. This device also eliminates the need of expensive probe covers, consumables and it decreases medical waste. Not only that, it also greatly minimizes the risk of cross contamination. This device saves money and lives.

Timer Toothbrush

Plenty of people admit to bad oral hygiene; not changing bristles on toothbrush every three months and not brushing the recommended twice a day. Startup company Quip has come up with a toothbrush that is on a two minute timer with vibration reminders to change brushing positions on thirty second intervals. Also with the toothbrush, you are charged $5 every three months and you are mailed new toothbrush heads. If desired, customers can pay $10 for the brush heads and a three month tube of toothpaste (plus a two week travel tube of toothpaste). Prices per brush between $5-$40 depending if the brush is manual or electric. The mission of Quip is to help people prevent gum disease and have overall better oral hygiene.

Self-Tying Shoes

For over 10 years, Tiffany Beers has been designing a shoe that is able to tie itself. It was inspired by the Air Jordan shoe that was created close to 11 years ago. According to Beers, the product is not “gimmicky” and they are designed for the best possible fit. After all, athletes are always moving and comfort and fit is important. To put on the shoe is a small struggle, but just slide foot into the shoe and tug on the loop and heel. Once your foot is inside the shoe and you have stood up, sensors in the heel trigger the automatic tying system. The one issue with the shoe is the weight. Because it holds an entire mechanical and battery powered system that holds charge for a month, it is definitely on the heavier side. Beers believes customers can look past that. This shoe is also designed for people that struggle with every day things, like tying shoes. Specifically at children, elderly, and the disabled. These shoes have been priced at $720 at release and have been on the market for two years