Author Archive for claffeyke17

Nannies by Noa

Noa Mintz, a freshman in high school, is the founder of the company Nannies by Noa, a full service child care agency. Noa Mintz, living in New York City launched a company that services over 190 families in NYC with a network of over 150 nannies. Mintz serves as a middle man or an agency that coordinates employment between families and sitters/nannies. She claims that she was able to enter into this market because she herself was a kid and knew what kids wanted. Her age provided her with a unique perspective that set her apart from the rest of the competing agencies and businesses within this field. With such a large network of families as well as nannies she is on a one way growth track. Nannies by Noa earns 15% of the nannies salaries which comes out to being about 5 dollars an hours. Nannies by Noa is able to be so successful because Noa saw a unique opportunity and was able to channel her entrepreneurial inclinations and use them to make a business at such a young age.


Alina Morse, the founder of Zollipops, had a modern and health conscious twist on the traditional lollipop.  The idea originated back in 2014, with the help of her father she created a lollipop that not only tastes good but is good for you as well. Zollipops are sugar free, and made with sweeteners and other natural ingredients that help neutralize acidity in the mouth which in the end will lead to less tooth decay. This is a contridictory notion that a piece of candy could fight tooth decay which is one of the reasons why Zollipops really took off. Morse had over $70,000 dollars in sales and was featured on the children’s version of SharkTank. She is now looking to dentist offices and schools nation wide in hopes to sell her product. Alina shows great entrepreneurial strength as she was able to see a window niche within the market and was able to fulfill it. There were very few “healthy” candy companies and she took the opportunity and developed a product that not only wasn’t unhealthy but it provided health benefits which is very enticing to the public.

The Sock Company “Are You Kidding”

Sebastian Martinez, a 7 year old entrepreneur and now CEO of “Are you Kidding.” This business sells fun and creative socks that they call specialty socks. These socks have unique patterns and colors that include a youthful twist. Back in 2014 when the business start, Martinez age 5, designed his first pair of socks and sold over $15,000. In this upcoming year the projected sales are looking to double or triple and are on track for growth. In addition, “Are you Kidding” teams up with charity such as the National Cancer Society. Sebastian Martinez displays a great entrepreneurial mindset and potential. He has a unique idea with a fresh and different perspective which will set him apart from the other businesses in the sock and fashion industry. In addition, he also is concerned and aware of others in need and has made clear attempts to better the community around him which is a great attribute of a entrepreneur.

Sebastian Martinez, CEO, Are You Kidding?


Real Estate Mogul

Akshay Ruparelia, a 19 year old founder of a multi million dollar real estate agency, Doorsteps. Akshay first developed this company when he was still in high school and recognized a gap in the real estate market. He found the commission percentages that agents receive for performing a job that he viewed as relatively easy. Thus, the creation Doorsteps. Door steps is a freelance self-employed construct similar to the employee structure of Uber. With self-employed, overheads are majorly cut allowing for a 97 percent discount on home selling. This is popular agency for obvious reasons, that the clients are saving massive amounts of money. This results in being profitable for Ruparelia as well as there is almost no overhead, which results in lots of profit. This business also has a social impact as it prevents monopolization or price gauging from occurring and challenges the competition.

Akshay displays entrepreneurial characteristics as he not only found a niche and a way to differentiate himself in the marketplace, he also made the choice to tackle an inconsistent and competitive market. This exemplifies that he is willing to take risk, which is often a necessary evil if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

Bonner Saves the Bees

Leigh-Kathryn Bonner, a 25 year old women, set out on a mission to save the bees. The bee population is in decline with over 700 different bees species on the verge of extinction. Bees are a pivotal part of the functioning environment, and Bonner decided to take action to reverse the trend. Considering Bonner is a fourth generation beekeeper, a sensitivity toward bees runs through her blood. Though she is aware of this problem she knew that not everyone was. In hopes to change that and reverse the problem she took it to Fortune 500 companies and urban cities, where the necessary  flora was located for bees to live, but often times not accessible. In hopes to tap into this unchartered territory she asked the corporations to host a bee hive right on their property. One hurdle that she faced was being taken seriously in the cut throat business world. Many laughed her off not actually considering the benefits that being a “beekeeper” brings to the table.

Bonner’s bee hives bring moral, social and environmental perks as well as positive PR for the company. By hosting a hive it gives the large corporations an easy way to make a social impact as well as bettering the environment. Not only does that provide the obvious benefits of reversing the extinction problem, but it also creates a positive image and persona for the company, as they are looking charitable and conscious of the environment and the things around them. This is an appealing and rare attribute in the word of cut throat international business, that is highly valued and impactful toward the general public. Bonner’s company has both innovative and impactful aspects to it that really benefits society in a positive way.


Candles for Men

Hart Main is a 13 year old entrepreneur that is the founder of ManCans. This business idea started as a joke, when Hart’s little sister was selling candles as a school fundraiser. Hart jokingly said that he was going to make men scented candles so that guys could use candles without having their room smell feminine. The joke became a reality when his mom encouraged him to actually pursue his idea. Thus ManCans came to be.

Hart has 8 flavor varieties, from bacon to sawdust, it is evident that men are his target market. The business is a for-profit company with a charitable portion. He uses soup cans to make his candles, so he buys soup, donates it to soup kitchens and then they return the cans and he uses them to produce candles. This is not only charitable but also green. Hart exemplifies an entrepreneur as he saw the gap in the market and fulfilled it in an innovative way. In addition, Hart made a point to not expand too quickly in hopes to prevent spreading the business too thin. MansCans is a great example of entrepreneurship that is exemplified in such a young person.