Author Archive for colbertml18

Lani Boo Bath

Jelani Jones is only 9 years old and is the fourth grade but has already accomplished so much in her life. Jelani is a great example of true entrepreneurial spirit. She is the founder of Lani Boo Bath. Lani Boo Bath is a company that sells different types of soaps and bath bombs. Jelani had the idea to start this business simply from one experience she had making bath bombs. She had the chance to learn form someone how to make them and together they made a few bath bombs for fun. Jelani had so much fun in fact that she went home and continued to do research and find her own way to make bath bombs and improve upon them. Together with her family Jelani bought the supplies to start producing bath bombs and her company grew form there.

I love that Jelani started this company simply because it was something that she loved doing. I think it is best if entrepreneurs focus on something they themselves are passionate about that way they will have the motivation to put as much effort in that they need to they their ideas rolling.

Jelani’s company started small. Just by selling to friends and family, and it slowly grew into small online shops on Etsy and Facebook. Today her sops and bath bomb selections have expanded, and she continues to create new ideas that she would love to see come to life. I think that Jelani has the entrepreneurial mindset to do just that. At such a young age, to be able to stay focused and motived to start a company and keep it going is really impressive. Not only that but she continues to develop ways for Lani Boo Bath to expand.

Eli Zied Spreads a Positive Message

Eli Zied is the founder of the clothing brand Habits 365. Eli has the mind of an entrepreneur from a very young age. When he was 12, he started buying and reselling sneakers which then eventually lead him into the clothing industry. At the age of 15 Eli started a few different streetwear lines that eventually formed his brand Habits 365. Eli said that one way he learned was following and watching what other companies were doing. He would watch what other companies would do on social media and started developing ideas of his own by taking what he saw other brands doing and adding his own ideas into the mix.

Eli’s motivation for Habits 365 came from his passion to create a lifestyle brand. Meaning a brand that had more of a social impact that promoted a positive way of life. He wanted to draw people’s attention to their habits and remind them how important it is to have good habits. Since these are things, you do every single day he wanted to remind people that bad ones can have a huge negative effect in their lives, and they should try to change bad habits into good ones.

Eli started designing the brand logo, clothing designs, and took to social media to start building his brand presence. Eli really took a leading role in the startup of his business, and I think this shows great entrepreneur characteristics. He tackled each piece of the puzzle that came up and successfully created a brand with a positive reputation that represents his original message well. Habits 365 started to spread by word of mouth and social media and any other ways Eli could get the name of his brand out there. Today Habits 365 is still doing well and Eli has not stopped developing and improving his brand into something unique and special. I think it is cool to see a young entrepreneur doing his best to spread such a positive message.

Mikaila and the Bees

Mikaila Ulmer is the founder of Me and the Bees Lemonade. What I find the most interesting about her story is how young she was when she came up with her idea. Mikaila was only four years old when she was stung by a bee. This event drove her to learn more about bees and what they do for the earth. It was around this same time when her family encouraged her to enter a couple children’s business competitions. While searching for business ideas Mikaila’s great grandmother shared her homemade lemonade recipe with Mikaila. It was then that Mikaila had the idea to combine her great grandmother’s recipe with her growing interest in bees together. With the help of her family, Mikaila changed her great grandmother’s recipe to include honey.

Mikaila entered competitions and sold her lemonade outside her house at her lemonade stand. She continued to nourish her idea and sell her lemonade. Now about ten years later Mikaila is 15 and is still working hard to improve and keep her lemonade business going. Today her lemonade has won awards, comes in five different flavors, and is sold in a multitude of different stores. Something Mikaila has done since the beginning is donate a percent of the profits to help save the bees. This is something she continues to do today. Her story really comes full circle as the bees are what gave her the idea for the product and now, she can help the lives of the bees with the product they inspired her to create.

Something I really like about Mikaila’s story is how she continues to embody the spirit of an entrepreneur. Even at her young age and being a part of this business for her whole life she continues to foster it and improve it. When she is not directly working on her lemonade, she does other things to help support the Healthy Hive foundation. Which is just another way she has found to support the bees. I love how her idea is centered around one thing, the bees, and she continues to support them throughout her entire business and life.

Jooyeon Song: Seeing a New Perspective

Jooyeon Song is the co-founder of ManiMe at the age of 29. ManiMe sells custom fit and good quality stick on nails that the customer can purchase and apply themselves at home. Their products are cruelty free, nontoxic, and easy to use.  Song first thought of her idea when she was growing up in South Korea. She loved to go and get her nails done but she found with her busy schedule she just did not have the time to go to a nail solon. It was not until she attended college at Stanford where she met the man who would become her co-founder and together, while her was still in college getting her MBA, they created ManiMe. They use 3D printing technology to create the custom fit gel nails from 2D pictures.

Song explained one of the hardest things she faced while starting ManiMe was that most the investors she pitched to were male, and they did not understand the problem she was trying to solve. I think this problem happens more often than we think. I read an article that said, “there are 114% more female entrepreneurs in the US today than 20 years ago”. Women today are entering an environment that used to be all men. They bring to the table a new perspective and Song experienced the difficulty of trying to get others to see situations from a new perspective. Male or female this is an important part of entrepreneurship. Being able to get others to see the problem you see and understand how your idea can uniquely and effectively solve that problem is the heart and soul of entrepreneurship.

Song was able to explain her perspective and her solution to the problem and was able to get her business going. I found it really intriguing to learn about Song’s journey and what part of her entrepreneurship journey she struggled with the most. I feel as though it is a great example of the success that can come from perseverance, dedication, and hard work.


Here is a short video about Jooyeon Song:

Hart Main: From Wanting a New Bike to Creating a Six Figure Company

At the age of 13 Hart Main found himself in a pickle. Hart wanted to buy a bike but did not have the funds to pay for it. So, he set out to make some money. He got his big idea when he was making fun of his sisters girly scented candles. He realized that there was a lack of manly scented candles and he wanted to change that. His original motivation was trying to save money to buy his bike, but he fell in love with his new idea for manly candles. With the help of his parents Hart created and launched a new brand of manly candles. They were called Man Can. In the beginning Hart and his family put in a lot of time, effort, resources, and money to get their Man Cans ready for sale. Now Man Cans are sold in every state and their business is going very well. Hart has made enough money for more than just his bike.

What I love about Hart’s story was how he came up with his idea. He only wanted to buy a bike. But when he thought of his candle idea after a silly conversation with his sister, he knew he was about to create something so much more then what he needed to buy his bike. He had the entrepreneurial mind needed to recognize a good idea when it appears. I am inspired by the way his family cam together and supported his idea. His parents helped him every step of the way and did not push is ideas to the side simply because he was young. They supported him and helped him get his idea rolling. Together they were able to create a very cool product that not only Hart is supper passionate about but the whole family.

Alexander Kulitski: A Driven and Young Entrepreneur

Alexander Kulitski is the founder and owner of Smart IT. AlexandAlexander Kulitskier was only 15 and in high school when he first had his idea. He participated in computer programing competitions in school, and this lead him to his idea. He realized that what he was working on for the competitions was very similar to commercial programming. He wondered, if he could do it for the competitions, why couldn’t he start some kind of programing business?

Alexander had both the right passion for computer programing and the right drive to make his idea work. He was able to look differently at his situation and see an opportunity there that no one saw before. His realization that he could take what he was doing for fun and turn it into profit showcases his innovating mind.

I think Alexander’s drive is what makes him unique. His drive to create a successful company helped him in the long run, because he did not have the easiest start. He originally started his search for programming job opportunities at the age of 15. He applied to several places even though he might not have had the right skills for the jobs. His attitude was, “I can figure it out as I go along.” He had an idea, and he didn’t let his current skill level stop him from reaching for his goals. He had the determination to succeed even when the odds were against him.

When he was a freshman in college the ball finally started to roll for him. He got some recognition and started picking up job offers. As his work started to grow he brought in friends around him to help him out. He faced bumps in the road all along the way. His first few projects were not successful. However, what was important was that he continued to work towards his dream. Alexander had the desire to run his own business ever since he could remember. It was something he wanted, and he saw his opportunity in computer programming. He slowly saved enough to rent out office space and equipment. He also as able to pay a couple of employees. Together with his friends in the new space they created Smart IT. “Smart IT builds custom software and web applications for small-medium business and supplies the development and support teams for prominent enterprises internationally.”

I think what helped Alexander to succeed was his persistence. He never gave up on his idea and his dream to own his own business. As soon as he had his idea, he went to work trying to achieve it. He didn’t feel as though he was too young or too inexperienced. He just knew that if he worked hard enough one day his goals would become a reality. I believe this is important in entrepreneurship, being able to keep going even when things get tough.

If you would like to read more about Alexander check out this article, here.