Author Archive for comptonjc18

The Giving Keys

The Giving Keys was founded by Caitlin Crosby in 2009. Crosby was a singer and entertainer and always had a heart for supporting women who dealt with body image issues. She originally started an organization called Love Your Flawz with Brie Larson. This organization consisted of people taking pictures with a hand written sign that embraced their flaws. Later in 2009, Crosby was inspiredImage result for the giving keys owner by a key that was given to her at a hotel. She wore the key around her neck as a way to remember it and wrote “Love Your Flawz” on it. Crosby then made multiple keys that had inspirational words and sayings on them and began to sell them. The keys symbolized how everyone is unique and flawed, but still play a major role in society. Crosby originally sold the keys at her concerts, telling her fans to “pay it forward”. The keys began to outsell her own albums, but she knew something about the keys was missing. This is when she had the idea to employ homeless people as key engravers. In 2010, Caitlin Crosby renamed the brand The Giving Keys and started a website for people to place orders on and easily buy the product. In 2011, Crosby partnered with Path to find employees for her business.

Caitlin Crosby constantly shifted her entrepreneurial goals. Originally, she was an entertainer, then the founder of Love Your Flawz, and finally she was the owner of The Giving Keys. Crosby always pivoted her ideas until she found the perfect cause for her to support. She always had a heart for giving back, but her focus for that shifted over time. She began supporting women who deal with image issues and ended by employing homeless people. The heart of her cause never changed, despite finding more factors to focus on. The keys still share the same message as Love Your Flawz, but she found another cause she could support at the same time. Crosby’s entrepreneurial spirit was focused on pivoting until the perfect idea was created. Now, through The Giving Keys, 144,719 hours of work has been created for people transitioning out of homelessness.

Teva: “Amphibious Utility Sandals”

Teva footwear was founded in 1982 by Mark Thatcher. Thatcher was a Grand Canyon River guide and realized that there was no proper footwear for river activities. Thatcher saw this need and created a very basic design for proper river footwear. The design was basically a Velcro strap attached to a basic flip-flop. From there, Thatcher was able to create both a brand and a lifestyle. The Teva brand is focused on durability and adventure and the Teva community stands for spontaneous adventure and a new culture has come out of this. If you meet anyone that owns a pair of Teva Originals, an automatic bond has been created and the stereotype that surrounds this footwear allows for great conversations.

In the early 2000s, Teva’s popularity had fallen drastically but, since being bought by Deckers Outdoor Corporation, Teva is back on the rise. With a new marketing campaign focused on the Instagram adventurer, Teva has been able to focus on their target and create even more community than what existed in the early days. Teva’s Instagram posts stories of their various adventures and focuses on spontaneous adventure.

In 1982, Mark Thatcher saw a hole in a very niche market and began to create something great. He also used the need for experience to create and expand his brand. Teva now stands for the adventurer’s experience and is focused on a spontaneous, do anything mentality. This all began with a Grand Canyon River guide searching for a solid pair or “amphibious utility sandals”.

Highway Manor Brewing Company

Throughout Johnnie Leroy Compton III’s life, he has aspired to create a brewery that makes and sells only sour beers. Compton began this dream after first encountering a sour beer in Philadelphia and from there, began to dissect the flavors of this sour beer he had tasted. From there, he began brewing beers in his manor in Liverpool, Pennsylvania. Johnnie Compton then went toImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, beard and outdoor beer festivals throughout the east coast with his home brewed beers and was constantly complimented and told to start a real brewery. Compton took this advice to heart and many years later began Highway Manor Brewing Company. In 2013, Johnnie Compton first began turning his dream into a real company. Five years later, Highway Manor Brewing Company is now situated in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. The line of sour beers can be found in various taprooms around the east coast from Florida to Vermont.

Johnnie Leroy Compton III is constantly expanding and improving on his current line. By doing this, Compton has allowed his product to be enjoyed by all, even if the customer does not like typical sour beers. Compton introduces seasonal beers and creates unique flavor combinations, making his product different from almost all other breweries. In addition to having a broad line of sour beers, Highway Manor Brewing Company is the only brewery that only sells sour beers, creating another point of differentiation. By selling only sour beers, Compton generates finely crafted sour beers that only come from someone who truly know how sour beers work and allows Compton to produce a broad line of sour beers. Currently, Highway Manor Brewing Company is working on a taproom in which Compton’s unique style, in both beers and design, will be showcased. Johnnie Leroy Compton III through Highway Manor Brewing Company shows how innovation in a startup can come at any point. In the beginning of Compton’s brewing days, he was purely a home brewer. Then, Compton took on the strategy of distributing through the east coast, with no taproom. Currently though, Highway Manor has taken on a new look through it’s upcoming tasting room. To learn more about Compton’s process and Highway Manor Brewing Compton, click here.

Sseko Designs

Liz Forkin Bohannon founded Sseko in 2010 and took the business idea to Shark Tank. The business left Shark Tank with no investors but realized that they believed in the traditional form of philanthropy. The investors of Shark Tank, according to Liz Forkin Bohannon,

think that if you are going to do something good, you have to get rich first. This idea startled Liz Forkin Bohannon and she continued on with her original business plan for Sseko. Liz Forkin Bohannon saw 2015 as a year of growth and a time to expand brand awareness.

Sseko means laughter in Lugandan, this is seen through Sseko’s mission. Sseko’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty in Uganda and create opportunities for women to pursue higher education. Sseko has sent one hundred and six women to college through their program and plan to send many more. The company also partners with local artisans in Uganda and create transparency between the customer and the company. Liz Forkin Bohannon says that Sseko seeks to create a new standard of transparency and connection between the customer and who made the product.

Sseko has been featured in Vogue and Cosmopolitan as well as Shark Tank and been seen on numerous celebrities. The goal for growth in 2015 has obviously been a success. The brand is booming and sending their largest class to college. Sseko shows how setbacks, like leaving Shark Tank without an investor, can still lead to great things. Sseko is completing their mission of sending women to higher education. Liz Forkin Bohannon’s perseverance is something that all entrepreneurs need and she is a great example of pushing through despite setbacks.

Jonas Paul Eye Wear: Buy Sight, Give Sight

There is a Vitamin A Deficiency that effects 250 million children a year. This 350,000 children with Vitamin A Deficiency will go blind and half of these children will die within twelve months of losing their sight. Clearly this is a huge epidemic in our world and the founders of Jonas Paul Eye Wear saw this and created a social enterprise.

Ben and Laura Harrison founded Jonas Paul Eye Wear in 2013, using their son as inspiration. Their son was born blind but through a series of twenty-one surgeries, regained a small amount of his vision. Through the process of finding glasses for their son, they realized that there were no fashionable glasses for children. This is the main fuel for Jonas Paul Eye Wear. The couple began designing glasses to help children feel good in their glasses.

In addition to designing fashionable glasses for children, Ben and Laura Harrison also used this company as a platform to assist in the Vitamin A Deficiency. So, the Harrisons decided to partner with Christian Blind Mission (CBM) by donating to CBM every time a frame is sold. CBM promotes foods rich in Vitamin A and provides Vitamin A supplements to two children for a year just from one frame bought from Jonas Paul Eye Wear.

Jonas Paul Eye Wear did a fantastic job of finding a simple problem and relating that simple problem to a larger problem that is happening on a global scale. Ben and Laura Harrison saw their son’s need for fashionable glasses and saw the Vitamin A Deficiency epidemic happening across the globe. In addition to this, Ben and Laura Harrison also show their entrepreneurial spirit through the fact that they quit their stable jobs to establish this company. This proves that connecting something personal with something global and taking big risks can pay off.

Krochet Kids Intl.: Innovating Impact

Krochet Kids Intl. is a non-profit clothing brand based in Uganda, Peru, and California. This company was started by three men who learned to crochet in high school: Kohl Crecelius, Travis Hartinov, and Steward Ramsey. The three began using their shared talent to sell hats to other students and eventually raised enough money for an elaborate prom. After prom and high school, crocheting was abandoned, but the three grew a desire to help people in developing countries. Many developing countries have government camps that people live in for countless years at a time, but the people living in these camps long for a way to provide for their families. Crecelius, Hartinov, and Ramsey saw this need and decided to translate their passion of crocheting to provide jobs for women in developing countries who were searching for a way to provide for their families. Thus, Krochet Kids Intl. was established in 2007. Since the foundation of Krochet Kids Intl., the business has grown from a small business in a hut in Uganda to a thriving company serving women in both Uganda and Peru. This company provides wages above the poverty standard and introduces each customer to the creator of their product so that the customer can know the creator’s story and encourage them on their journey out of poverty.

The innovation that Krochet Kids Intl. presented is seen in their view of poverty. These men went into developing countries hoping to provide funds and food for the citizens but found that creating jobs is what was most needed which ultimately shifted how non-profits are viewed. The fact that they saw a need and created a business off of it proves their innovation, ability to pivot, and entrepreneurial spirit. Crecelius, Hartinov, and Ramsey used a basic skill that thousands of people know and turned it into a way to help women out of poverty. This is something that inspires me about entrepreneurship. Anyone can take a basic skill and create something that can help others just like these three men who love to crochet did.