Author Archive for cookal1

Travel for Collection

This elegant young woman has rethought the process of sourcing goods and building collections of products. Mehera Blum of Blumera travels all around the world working with local artisans to build up her brand of luxury handbags, jewelry, shoes and more. She is dedicated to providing a unique and quality products for her customers to appreciate and treasure. Shopify gives her the platform and tools she needs to connect with and provide for her customers in the best ways possible. She recalls one experience she had while she was traveling on a plane the woman next to her loved her bag so much she requested to buy one on the spot, so Blum was able to get her credit card information and add to the woman’s life in a valuable way.
It is women like Blum who inspire individuals to make their passion a reality, to create worth in someone else’s life. She has found the way to do that is through building relationships with not only her customers but also with local artisans around the world. She supports them and provides exposure  for them as she collects their pieces to provide for her customer’s unique tastes. She has definitely differentiated herself with the personality and heart of her brand.

If you’re looking for some inspiration in creativity, a neat gift or maybe a new, lovely laptop case, check out Blumera!

Should We Go?

Do you absolutely adore your dog? Do you want to spend more quality time with them and give them the very best gifts? Elise Hennigan does. She left her job working for a start-up to create go create one of her own. Harnessing her entrepreneurial spirit to do some searching she discovered there was space in the pet-loving world for a new product: the hands free leash. She wanted to provide pet owners with a way to connect and spend more time with their dogs in a meaningful way and this is how she started out doing it. Breaking into the world of Amazon she kick started her business Should We Go?, built a wonderful customer base by mastering the key search word tool and realized she loved connecting with her customers! Providing them with a needed and valued product gave her so much joy and catalyzed her launch into the Etsy market with selling customized dog bowls.

She truly believes in the personality and spirit of the brand and cherishes the voice she has in the lives of her customers through her products. Hennigan has shared her heart through her company and brightened her customer’s lives with her care, commitment and love for finding a need and filling it.

Queen of the Gram

Amanda Thomas of Luv AJ has really taken off with her E-commerce business because of her incredible success on Instagram. Providing women with stylish, quality jewelry has been a passion of hers and she is making that dream a reality with her dedication and commitment to online advertising through social media, mainly Instagram. She has learned many lessons through this venture of her’s, one being not to discriminate against her fellow Instagrammers based on the number of followers they have but to reach out to anyone that might broaden her exposure. She has even reached out to a Victoria’s Secret model to model for her products and it turned into a wonderful partnership. Utilizing other digital spaces, Thomas has built her jewelry line empire through Amazon, Etsy, Shopify and other online platforms. One of the ways she is scaling her business is creating easier and faster ways for her customers to buy her products with the ability to click and buy on each of her Insta posts, or through the link in her bio. She is dedicated to providing the very best for her customers and continues to grow in her understanding of and skills the E-commerce world.
She has inspired me to work hard and be intentional for the things I think are worthwhile and to pursue them with everything I have. She has made a name and brand for herself and continues to better herself and her company. This is what every entrepreneur should be striving to do: Be the very best they can be in themselves as human beings and also as entrepreneurs. Check out her Website to see her hard work, be inspired and maybe buy some jewelry!


The Love Gang

Jamie Zumwalt grew up as a Pastor’s kid and at a young age discovered her heart for missions. After marrying her husband John they served as missionaries in Taiwan for several years before they founded a training and sending organization for missionaries. Called back to the states and with a heart for the Oklahoma City “red light” district they decided to open up a coffee shop called Joe’s Addiction exactly in that region of the city. This new entrepreneurial venture has sparked hope and the love of Jesus in this lost and dark community.


 They have since created a family of support and love with the members of the community at Joe’s Addiction. I was able to experience it this past May as my sisters and I rode-tripped out west and decided to stop there. What we found was incredible. We visited on a Sunday morning walking in unawares to the fact they hold a church service every Sunday in the coffee shop. They had a worship team praising Jesus as the congregation compiled of homeless people, prostitutes, low income families and other random people or visitors milled about chatting and enjoying coffee and baked goods. My sisters and I bought some coffee and sat down on a couple of empty seats in the back and just observed this strange but lovely place we were in. What we experienced was wonderful. A man named Paul introduced himself to us and told us a bit of his story. He labelled himself as “the prayer leader” for this church. He had been in and out of homelessness and became involved with this community at Joe’s, and because of the family he found there he didn’t go through with killing himself as he was planning on doing. His life had been changed by the faithful obedience of Jamie and John. So now he faithfully prays for the members of their community and the people just passing through. As the service started Jamie shared her appreciation for the “Love Gang” – those who had gone to get a tatoo of a heart on their face instead of a teardrop or something of the sort that other gangs get done. The mission of the Love Gang is to share and be proud of the love of Jesus that is changing their lives. That tatoo is supposed to remind them of their identity in Christ and their mission to love others as the result. Jamie opened up the floor for the congregation to share their “prouds” and “sorrys”. This is an opportunity for them to share of the good things they had done or someone else had done for them and then maybe something that they were sorry for and needed to seek forgiveness for. What a beautiful way to share community.

I have truly never been a part of a church like this before. The fact that on the outside I looked different than a lot of them but on the inside I looked the exact same, I felt at home with this bunch of “outcasts” or “least of these”. I had found the family of God in this little coffee shop in the poorest area of OKC. It is because of entrepreneurs like Jamie and John who forsake the “American dream” to save the lost that make a difference in the world. Not only in the lives of the many people who have found this little community and joined the Love Gang, but mine as well.

Find out more about Jamie and John Zumwalt or Joe’s Addiction here. 🙂

Plug In

Image result for AY Young aymusikStraight from the hood of Kansas City, raised in a conservative Christian home and home schooled until his junior year of high school, AY Young was a nerd. Everywhere except for on the basketball court he was socially awkward and uncomfortable, making a fool of himself in interactions and conversations with people. Thankfully, when he laced up his basketball shoes he found the confidence, flare and drive he needed to be himself and express his true nature. Through his high school and even into his college basketball career he was able to learn that there was room in the world for his personality and dreams and he wasn’t going to be afraid anymore to keep them to himself. It was then that he decided to stop pursuing a degree at the University of Missouri of Kansas City but launch his music career with AY-MusiK, and his single Say Hey tells his story of embracing himself exactly the way the Lord has made him and to step out in faith with what God has placed on his heart: music.

Image result for aymusik Talented, energetic and care-free AY has since launched the Battery Tour. Using his musical talents and abilities he has created the Battery Tour as a way to raise money in order to produce solar powered batteries and give them to nations around the world in dire need of electricity. He invites people to “plug in” with what he is doing with the Battery Tour and help change somebody’s world with solar powered batteries to get them the power they need to improve their living conditions, their routines and ultimately their lives.

AY has an incredible heart for people and carries passion for sparking life in them with his vision, smile and heart. His faith in God has allowed him to overcome much to be where he is today and do the work that he is doing. AY is creating impact and value for people through this innovative platform of the Battery Tour and hopes to create even more impact the more this Tour takes off.

Plug in the following links to learn more about AY and get an update on the Tour!

Saving Innocence

Have you ever been so convicted of an issue that you commit your whole life to solve the problem? Kim Biddle has. As Founder and Executive Director of Saving Innocence, a non-profit organization that rescues children in the United States out of sex trafficking, Kim has dedicated her life to helping this cause. She founded Saving Innocence in 2010 and has revolutionized the way organizations go about rescuing sex trafficking victims. She has done this by partnering with law enforcement officials to get these victims the legal services they need, with social service providers to provide the care that they need and with schools to help see the signs and prevent trafficking from occurring before it takes place. Based in Los Angeles, Saving Innocence is the first 24 hour crisis response and case management service that is called when a victim is found, they have helped hundreds of kids out of sexual exploitation, trained thousands of workers and continue to help restore victims to society using a mentorship program and directly placing them with families to experience love and support for them to grow.

Kim has seen a great need in our nation in the area of sexual trafficking and has dedicated her time, money and resources to do all she can to solve this problem through creativity and innovation. She is not afraid to go against the flow and blaze her own trail. She takes risk and thinks of others first in her calling. Her heart for people and the betterment of their lives has pushed her to start this venture in Saving Innocence and it has lived up to its name so far. Her drive is backed in her faith in God and pursuit of His Kingdom, she will not back down, she will not give up, but she will continue to pursue the call of the Lord in her life through rescuing these children out of slavery and giving them another chance at life.

If you would like to learn more about Kim Biddle and the work that she is doing with Saving Innocence, or support Saving Innocence in any way please check out this link.