Author Archive for coreyma18

David Karp

This young man founded a very popular social media website called Tumblr back in 2007. It is crazy to think that he started this company when he had not even obtained a high school diploma yet. He grew up in the Upper West side of Manhattan, New York and had a strong interest in technology and computer programming and began using them when he was 11 years old. The social media platform included blogs, photos, audio clips, videos, quotes, and many other things that were involved. I was never a user of Tumblr, but I had heard about it all the time as I was growing up and I especially knew it for the aesthetics that were created on people’s profiles. Design was a primary feature that users could explore and mess around with in this platform which put it on the map. Something I find interesting is that Tumblr used the term “fan mail” when getting in touch with other users on the site instead of “messaging” in order to promote a positivity on the app where people are lifting each other up instead of cyberbullying or commenting negative things. That being said, they never implemented any sort of commenting option on the app to help prevent this also. The company is praised because of how easy the platform is to use as well as the efforts they make to maintain a positive environment for users. In 2013 Yahoo bought Tumblr for about $1 billion. However, the company did not do well after this switch because it could not meet the revenue it was expecting to and Yahoo ended up devaluing the company to less than half of the price they purchased it for. Tumblr was never really able to bounce back after this and the David Karp ended up resigning from the company.

Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston

These 2 successful young entrepreneurs are the founders of a company called Dropbox which they officially started in 2007. It is a free file-syncing service that uses computer clouds and allows people to sync photos, videos, other files, etc. anytime they need. Customers are able to both share their files and also put them into storage as well. This business is in the category of software/infrastructure and it is very interesting how this business idea came to be. Drew Houston came up with the idea one day while he was waiting at a bus stop and was trying to finish some work on his laptop when he realized he did not have his USB with him so he was not able to do any work. He started to write some computer codes during this and it stemmed into the idea for the company Dropbox. He teamed up with Arash Ferdowsi who was a student at MIT in computer science and they became the dream team for this business to thrive. The company is very successful and has over 500 million users. Their overall market cap comes to about $16.7 billion. They have even expanded their company into 4 other languages besides English including Spanish, German, French, and Japanese. These men definitely possess important entrepreneurial traits and I especially like how Drew Houston used a personal story/experience that had occurred in his life to come up with a solution to this problem that many other people most likely experience as well. They have shown innovation through personal struggle and have created a widely popular platform for people when the world of technology was still advancing (considering they founded it in 2007). The pair were able to take advantage of their skills and the time period the world was in and obtain great success from their hard work.

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is arguably one of the most successful young entrepreneurs there has been. He is the founder and CEO of Facebook which he started in 2004 and is a social media app that has gained a wide following and has become widely popular over the years. Zuckerberg started this business while he was attending college at Harvard University and had seen it quickly gain popularity considering that half of the student body had signed up for (which what it was originally called before he changed it to Facebook). Facebook differed from other social media networks in the sense that the information input into it had to be real (it was a trustworthy source) and that it had a large focus on networking. In 2005 they had received their first venture capital of $12.7 million. In 2007 Facebook made a deal with Microsoft (after rejecting a deal with Yahoo) and they had a 1.6% stake of the company for $240 million and in 2009, Facebook made a deal with Digital Sky Technologies that had a 1.96% of the company for $200 million. The business has grown so much that its current estimated net worth resides at about $527 billion. As of 2020, there is an estimated total of about 2.7 billion active monthly users on Facebook which is a substantial number when considering that the world population is about 7.6 billion. While I personally am not a member of Facebook because I prefer other social medias, almost everyone I know is and I am aware of its mark on the world. However, I have recently watched the documentary on Netflix called “The Social Dilemma” and there are a lot of points in it that describe why social media is harmful and the truth behind what actually goes on at big technology and social media companies. That being said, they discuss Facebook a LOT and it makes me question whether it is a beneficial platform for people or if it is harming them in ways they cannot even comprehend or are aware of.

Fenty Beauty

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Robyn Rihanna Fenty has taken the world by storm for years now. The 32-year-old has made her presence known in the music world, the business world, the black community, and so on. She went from pop star to philanthropist to business-woman very abruptly. She was born in Bridgetown, Barbados and left when she was 16 years old and moved to the United States of America. Rihanna became popular in the music industry in 2005 at age 17 years old. She started her company called Fenty Beauty in 2016 (at age 28) which sells a variety of makeup products that cater to many different ages and cultures of people. Fenty Beauty originally started in a collaboration with Puma and then branched off and joined LVMH’s beauty brand Kendo. One of the main things about this company that caught the eye of consumer’s was that the brand offered 40 different shades of foundation. This feature of the company alone allowed for people to start viewing it as a culturally diverse company because it offered a shade of foundation for essentially every skin color/type there is which other makeup brands have failed to do in the past and to this day. Rihanna is extremely adaptive, innovative, etc. considering that she saw an area that was lacking and aimed to fix it and bring something new to the table that would appeal to many different groups of people. She is now known as the richest female musician and has grown her net worth to $600 million. In relation to who she is as a person and her values, she has been an advocate for equality across races and for women’s rights as well. She inspires me in so many ways seeing that she is extremely talented and has accomplished so much in so many different areas which shows how diverse her abilities are.

Kareesha Carter Hair Extraordinaire

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Kareesha Carter is a super driven, young entrepreneur. She did not have an easy childhood whatsoever. Her mother went to jail when she was 10 years old and she had to be raised by her grandmother because her father was unemployed at the time. She was able to adapt to an incredibly different and complicated situation such as that which shows that she has the adaptability trait that is crucial for entrepreneurs. She left home at 17 years old and went to live on her own. This shows extreme responsibility and motivation considering she managed all of this at such a young age. She started her first business at the age of 21 which was a hair store in Sacramento CA and her business provides for people all over the world and has now generated 5-figure revenues per month. She has managed to earn $100,000 per month amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This demonstrates her adaptability once again and how she was able to accomplish these huge numbers when our country and a lot of businesses are currently suffering. Next, she has two other businesses in addition to her hair store. She runs a podcast called ‘Lady Boss’ and also runs a ‘Beauty Bootcamp’ which both specifically cater to young entrepreneurs. She teaches various important aspects of running a business including: increasing sales and numbers, how to create expensive marketing plans, and how to reach and keep customers over time. On top of all her endeavors she is now a mother to a wonderful little baby and yet still continues to maintain her podcast and store. Kareesha is extremely inspiring to me considering she manages to juggle 3 businesses while being a mother, has achieved so much at such a young age, and, despite her difficult past, has managed to make something of herself and provide for herself and now for her daughter.

Nannies by Noa


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This young entrepreneur named Noa Mintz started a business called Nannies by Noa when she was just 12 years old in 2012. She has made numerous appearances on various television stations and channels to talk about her service and has a wide following behind her business. As of 2015 her business had a net worth of about $375,000. Her business aims to find the best nannies and babysitters for families around New York City, the Hamptons and the Tri-state area. Noa is extremely driven by her passion for helping children and their families. Friends and family close to her would say that she has a niche for matchmaking people together which has aided her in finding nannies and babysitters that are compatible with certain types of families. Her idea is great and very interesting because it gives families a platform in which they can find reliable, fun, passionate, and trustworthy nannies that parents can feel safe leaving their children with and to help care for their children when they are unable to. They do a detailed background screening and even provide some educational services for nannies and babysitters to improve their skills. She ended up hiring a trained CEO to run the business for her because working 40 hours a week was interfering with her schoolwork. That being said, she clearly cares about her education in addition to her business. When she is not engaged in work for her business or school, she is also part of an organization called The Friendship Circle which pairs teenagers with special needs children and offers mentorship for them. She demonstrates innovation by providing this service to families all over New York City and the Tri-state area, which is a very large geographic area, that has a lot of people in need of this type of service. Her story and motivation is very inspiring to me and shows me that any business is possible to create and establish no matter what age you are.