Author Archive for crispnd21

Hart Main

Hart Main is a young entrepreneur that started his own candle business call ManCans. This idea first started out as a joke. His sister was selling candles to her school and he jokingly said that there should be candles for men. His mom over heard this and realized that her son found a problem that he could fix. So, she pushed him to do something with this idea. Hart, even though it was an accident, found a problem that he could solve. What make this idea great is that his mother showed him the way to his great idea and now we have ManCans. Hart also took the time to see what all men like smelling. He made these smells like, bacon, fresh cut grass, a new glove, and coffee, his base scents. Hart also says that he was going to put out some more scents in the beginning but realized that he should stick to fewer ones and be patient. What I can take away from this is that sometimes even a joke can lead into an amazing idea, and that great ideas can arise from something like a joke. New ideas can also be something so simple that nobody ever really thought about as well.


Works Cited

Chun, Janean. “13-Year-Old Entrepreneur Invents Candles for Men.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 28 July 2011,

Jojo Siwa

JoJo Siaw is a dancer, singer, and a youtube creator. Her career started off in a show called Dance Moms. With the fame she got from this show, she decided to start create her own fame by starting her own youtube channel. She know has launched her career to singing and soon she will have a TV show of her own. What is exemplary about her is her passion that she brings to everything she does and her ability to find a niche to become successful. For example, she always has an upbeat personality and she always has an energy that she brings to the table. She also found her niche but understanding her main audience was younger so she decided to become more playful and always wear crazy clothes that were full of bright covers. The niche was that she already had a huge following and with that she knew should would be able to keep it and use it to grow with anything she decided to do. What makes this idea great is that she already had that following and she figured out the best platform to have them follow her and she was able to grow so much from that. She is innovative because instead of just staying strictly to youtube she went and made her own TV show and will profit even more from that. JoJo Siaw inspires me because I want to have that upbeat attitude towards anything I face in life. With that energy I believe it can help you think of even more great business ideas. The principles I learned from her was that to have a good business, I need to find the right audience first before I can truly grow. JoJo Siaw is a good, young, successful entrepreneur and I hope one day that I can be as big as she is.






Works CIted:

Official Site, 28 Aug. 2021,

For The Boys Cuts

For the Boys cuts was created at Grove City College by Nick Crisp and Jack Stewart. They had this idea one night in the dorms thinking about ways that could make a little profit while at college. They then thought of this. Nobody really cut hair on the campus and every freshman was complaining about having to go home for a haircut. So, the next day they went to Walmart and picked up a set of clippers and scissors. What drives these young men is to help their friends look confident and look good on campus. What makes our idea great is that nobody is promoting their hair skills like them on the campus. They started an Instagram and sometimes go door to door asking if people need haircuts. The entrepreneurial traits they have is the ability to find and solve a problem they found on campus. Another is that unlike the other hair cutters, they have pushed out their business better than others, so their name is out there. They are innovating by think of the best ways they can promote their name and brand, like T-shirts and social media. They have made a huge step with the social media game and are soon going to produce and try to sell t-shirts to their customers. These guys were inspired by trying something new and going into the unknown. Neither of them has had any experience with cutting hair so they had to practice on each other which surprisingly went well, and it made others trust them. To build more trust with their clients, they made their first cut free, that why they wouldn’t think they were going to be ripped off. They treat every client with love and a brotherhood.  Next time you are at Grove City, come to for the boys cuts.


The NELK Boys

The Entrepreneurs that I am writing about are called the NELK Boys. They are originally from Canada then came to the United States. They started by making YouTube videos and doing crazy pranks on people that were very funny. They still do pranks now but they have turned into a global business. They started a brand called Full Send which is their clothing company and all of their fans, and me, love it. They have grown so big and have helped so many people out that they were able to go onto air-force one and meet with the president of the united states and they were also the first brand to do a collaboration with UFC. They are unique because they took YouTube videos to a whole new level with the pranks they pulled and the crazy stunts they have done. The two main faces of the NELK Boys are Kyle Forgeard and Steve Deleonardis. See the source image Steve is the main reason they are so popular in many peoples eyes. He buys things for many families in need and will give people random amounts of cash wherever they go. WhSee the source imageat drives this group is to just have fun while living life. They have fun with their job and can go and do anything they want. The ideas they come up with are insane for their YouTube videos. For example they came up with an idea to do a sasquatch prank on a sasquatch researcher. They are innovating by coming up with new brand collaborations and YouTube videos. They also make new clothing orders available one time so every item is exclusive. They also just made their own beer company called Happy Dad. These guys inspire me buy just living their lives to the fullest and to not take anything for granted, and to appreciate all the small things in life. The biggest though is that as long as you love what you are doing you will be the happiest person alive. Some business ideas I have learned from the is to believe in what you do and as long as you do that and not stray to far from what you planned on doing, you will make it and be successful.

Nelk boys dance with President Donald Trump at rally! – Bing video

Sources Used:

NELK – YouTube