Author Archive for crowleyjp18

Redemptive Revolution

For roughly the last 50 years, the United States incarcerated population has grown to 25% of the global incarcerated population. With 2.3 million U.S. citizens currently in prison, society is desperate for a change. A young man, Tony Ortiz, was released from incarceration and immediately began his work to become a trained, experienced business owner.

Tony experienced first hand the unfairness of the current prison system and recognized that many released convicts are rearrested and put back into prison within their first year of freedom. This problem was too personal to Ortiz, so he decided to do something about it. He began by focusing on hiring youths of his community of Denver, CO and paying them wages high enough to live off of, based on the cost of living. At the time he was the sole proprietor of a contracting company which he used to give young people a means of earning legitimate income. He continues to operate this business and on top of that he has started an additional company to share his wisdom with the public to raise awareness about the injustice of the prison system. This business is called Redemptive Revolution.

Image result for tony ortiz redemptive revolutionOrtiz uses this business as a platform to raise awareness of the injustice he’s seen and experienced while incarcerated. The goal of this venture is to help redeem society by pointing to an enormous problem that the majority of the population overlooks. The business itself is primarily run by Tony Ortiz, but also consists of a few other employees and many volunteers whom help with education programs and coaching for recently released prisoners. Redemptive Revolution aims to keep people out of prison to begin with, and also to aid those whom have been incarcerated in the process of “getting back on their feet”. The long and painful process he went through to turn his life into a success, Ortiz is now sharing with his community, and hopefully he will eventually cause desperately needed widespread impact in society.


For more information, check out the company at:

Hydro Flask

How many times have you been getting ready to walk down to the beach, filling up a tall water bottle of icy cold water, and by the time you make it down to the hot coast that cold refreshing water has turned lukewarm? Or how many long winter hikes have you packed some hot tea to enjoy at the end of the hike, and by the time you get there, the piping hot tea has somehow become iced tea? The issue of water bottles being dependably able to retain the temperature of the liquid inside for extended periods of time has plagued the world for decades. Founders of Hydro Flask, Travis Rosbach and Cindy Morse, set out to eliminate this problem.

Hydro Flask was created to solve the age old problem oRelated imagef insulating travel-ready cups and mugs. For many it was a simple fact that coffee could only be kept hot for up to an hour or two after brewing, and water could only be kept cold for a little while longer. Travis and Cindy were married and spent ample time out in the wilderness, on hikes, camping, or exploring whatever/wherever they felt inclined to. This lifestyle was incredibly enjoyable for them, but they always had the same sad ending to their long trek. Regardless of their beverage of choice; water, tea, etc., when they finally reached their destination and went for a refreshing sip, it was lukewarm.

Thank goodness the story doesn’t end here. This is where Travis and Cindy decided, enough is enough. As many startups do, Hydro Flask has a very bumpy history, filled with a ups and many many downs. In 2009 these entrepreneurs developed their product and released it into the market with little more than the shirts on their backs.

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When first released there were a number of issues with their manufacturing process. The original process left negligible amounts of Lead in the double-walled bottles. The mending of two layers of steel gave the bottles insulating properties, and the Lead never would come into contact with the liquid inside. However, Hydro Flask leadership decided that the process had to be adjusted to eliminate the trace amounts of Lead in their products. To accomplish this, the bottles would have to be vacuum-sealed. This is an effective solution, but is extremely expensive and complex relative to the original method. When they began to implement the change, their primary manufacturer had great difficulty getting the process right. incorrectly producing 7 to 8 percent of their total output led to massive losses. As entrepreneurs must, Travis and Cindy pivoted. Shifting their manufacturing to a more experienced company proved to save their product.  Since then, the company has been sold once to a board of investors in 2012, then Travis sold his last bit of ownership to an El Paso, Texas based company, Helen of Troy for $210 million.

Travis has now exemplified the stereotypical millennial lifestyle. Sitting in his lawn chair overlooking his most recent purchase of acres of undisturbed forest land in central Oregon, he spoke to a journalist about the recent sale of Hydro Flask . After years of uncertainty and hard work, he could finally relax.

Harry’s Razors

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Andy Katz-Mayfield (left) and Jeff Raider (right) may seem like a couple of jokers. Since meeting in college, these two have come to solve a problem they both struggled with. Shaving. They saw shaving as being inconvenient enough, even without the constant trips to the store to buy complicated razors and overpriced shaving cream. They also found that having smooth, clean cheeks seemed to have become a luxury broke college students simply couldn’t afford. There had to be a better way; there is a better way, Harry’s way.

These college kids got to work and started Harry’s Razors with a vision of providing inexpensive, quality shaving tools that any guy would love. Harry’s has sticks to this vision with each of their products, not investing in the frills and excess, but focusing on simplicity and dependability. These values are seen integrated in each level of the business, principles of simplicity in design, quality manufacturing, and above all else customer satisfaction.

Image result for harry's razors logoToday, Harry’s has effectively penetrated a largely monopolized industry. Andy and Jeff have invested almost everything in growth and expansion, purchasing a nearly century-old German blade manufacturing facility as well as partnering with Target. Their placement in Target has been characterized by owner Katz-Mayfield as “it’s like 4 feet of an Apple store”.

These acquisitions are only the beginning to this ever expanding company. Principal analysts at e-commerce research firm Slice Intelligence, Ken Casser, estimates Harry’s projects booking 200 million in revenue by the end of 2018. This is a classic example of a small idea being taken to a grand scale.

If you’d like to learn more, check out their company website:

Don’t Run to the Coffee, Let the Coffee Run to You

Coffee shops have become a commodity in many ways. There are a few cafes with distinct qualities making them unique, but generally they’re pretty much all the same. An 18 year old high school graduate took that presupposition and directly challenged it.Image result for nomad coffee & crepes nick furnia

In a small town in upstate New York, Nick Furnia takes his love of coffee to the next level. Furnia began by opening a small shop, Nomad Coffee & Crepes, selling espresso drinks, matcha, and chai, along with a selection of RTD coffee. Working out of a 200 square foot building he and his father built, Furnia’s shop offers an intentional intimacy with the customers. He does this by using a custom bar built to accommodate for numerous pour over devices and connecting with customers as they wait for their coffee. The location of this shop is key. It sits within just a few miles from his former high school, making it a convenient stop for students and staff on their way to and from the school.

Related imageNick does more than just offer “the world’s best cup of coffee”. He pursues potential customers by bringing his products to them. Just 3 months after graduating, Furnia came back to the halls of his high school, only this time with boxes of cold brew in hand. Selling his product door to door was risky, as he could have easily been removed from the building and effectively damaging his reputation. This risk ended up leading Nomad Coffee & Crepes to having an outstanding product quality and customer orientation and the school continues to welcome him as he enters. He sells to students, staff, and whomever he may see in between.

I think this business is unique to set itself apart from other cafes through it’s involvement in the community, quality of product, and drive to be successful.Related image

The Benefit of Benelab

The world of charity has remained a sleepy industry for decades. Much of the general population is oblivious to the numerous opportunities available for monetary donation. A young man, Jack Kim, came up with a solution to this problem.

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Benelab is a web-based non-profit organization founded by high-school student, Jack Kim as a means to provide foundations with the support they require. Through the creation of a new search engine, people can donate directly to various organizations. Although similar search engines exist, almost all of them are designated for-profit organizations that take a percentage of each donation for themselves. This platform was designed to create significant impact through what can be boiled down to crowd funding.

Featuring a unique practice of donating 100% of their search engine advertisement revenue to a unique cause every month sets them apart by making guaranteeing significant impact, creating a greater sense of community. Additionally, Benelab is made up of high-school volunteers exclusively.

Kim is pursuing a remarkable idea through Benelab. Very few millennials have the ability to take on the charity industry like he has and pivoted to solve a problem in a new, innovative manner. His tenacity and confidence inspires others to take action and pursue their entrepreneurial ventures, even if the timing isn’t perfect.

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Trash to Cash – Wonky Drinks by Karina Sudentye and Maciek Kacprzyk

Karina Sudenyte, a 22 year-old BA studying for a BA in business management, and Maciek Kacprzyk, a 25 year-old with two masters degrees in law co-own an extremely environmentally conscious fresh juice business, Get Wonky. Their aim is to cut down on the astronomical number of fruit thrown away into the garbage. The fruit and vegetables used are not viable for the produce markets because they are “defective”. Get Wonky takes produce from the growers that would otherwise be unusable due to being misshapen or discolored and makes them into a desirable product. They do this by juicing and bottling the “defective” produce using Grandma’s recipe in 100% recyclable glass bottles and sustainable catering pack to reduce plastic waste.

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I really appreciate this young company because they center their business practice around environmental sustainability, which the marketplace is in desperate need of. Their mission is to “Give wonky fruit a chance”. More specifically, they aim to produce delicious drinks, support growers that can’t shift wonky produce, reinvest all profits into saving more fruit, and reduce food and packaging waste.