Author Archive for DellickerJn20

Not Mainstream

In a day where “Bro Country” dominates the country music scene, Tyler Childers (Chill-ders), takes a more traditional approach and continues to innovate within the country music genre.

What Tyler Childers does differently is that he refuses to give in to what the mainstream country music singers and songwriters do. He keeps his roots in mind when writing his music and still retains an country sound in his music. He also still writes and performs all his own music which is a dying talent in this day and age of a newly pop-leaning sound.

At 19 Childers got his start when he released his first album Bottles and Bibles with limited success. But prior to all this at he had recorded two standalone songs that were later released as part of his breakthrough album Purgatory.

Childers now 29 has also started a charitable foundation that helps and assists undeserved and impoverished communities in the Appalachian region where Childers grew up. Many of his songs focus on the difficulty of growing up in a coal mining town, and the hardships faced such a community. He writes and sings about struggles he himself faced, as well as struggles of his friends and family.

Childers does not shy away from his native vocals and embraces who he is and embodies it in his music. He continues to innovate with sound, and refuses to give in to what country music is becoming. Rather he builds upon the tradional country sound with his own touch and experiences.

From the Bedroom to a Lifestyle

Thomas DeSernia was just a guy with an entrepreneurial spirit. He was a dental student with a longing to try something new and invent something. This led to the creation of a brand that has really gotten its foot in the door as a result of the pandemic SA Company.

As a dental student Thomas DeSernia was bored with it he had attempted to invent things in the past but never had much success selling or marketing his products. That is when he discovered Social Media as an avenue to sell and create hype around his product and brand. And that is just what he did.

Thomas setup an Instagram page and posted his T-shirt designs on his page. He quickly grew his social media following, and began to start to sell shirts, of which he was produced and managing orders out of his bedroom.

Quickly Thomas realized what he had was far more than what he had original anticipated it would be. He changed the name of the company to something more universal from Salt Armor to SA to appeal to those inland who can’t relate as well to the salt idea.

Today Thomas continues to innovate, expanding his brand further by taking advantage of mask laws during the pandemic, as well as further expanding his e-commerce model. He continues to develop new products and designs in an attempt to appeal to anyone who is interested.

The truly great thing about what Thomas did with SA Company is that he did it purely out of interest and a drive to contribute something. His entrepreunrial spirit was great enough that he was willing to give up his D.MD. and purse his goals. He took a major risk and it paid off, and has since created a core of reliable customers and continues to expand his brand.

Trial And Error

Mous is a fast growing tech accessory company founded by James Griffith and Josh Shires. They have set out to create phones cases that provide not only protection but a design that makes the phone look good.

Where Mous sets themselves apart is the innovation within their phones cases. They created their own shock absorption system that they call AiroShock technology. It acts as a shock absorber that distributes an impact through the entire case and not just at the point of impact. They also went against the norm and raised the front edge of the case to create more of an air cushion between the screen and the ground if a phone is dropped.

They also set themselves apart with their design. Rather than going the traditional path of creating a bulky case, which is the only alternative if you want to protect your phone, Griffith and Shires were able to keep the case compact. They incorporate all kinds of designs and styles to match anyone’s sense of style and personality.

They also had a great way to test their products. They went to extremes to prove that their cases worked, doing crazy stunts such as dropping them from helicopters and from the top of cranes. They even snuck into an Apple store disguised as press to get publicity for their cases. All in all Mous founded by James Griffith and Josh Shires truly is an innovative idea.

“Framing” Success

In our digital world, everyone has become a photographer. With platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, people are taking more pictures and sharing than ever before. But these digital photos are not easily converted to real pictures. You have to set out to buy quality photo paper, make sure the photo prints right and then you have to fit it to a frame. This is where Adam Weiss steps in.

Adam developed an app that allows you to put this all into his hands. With Keepsake you can easily convert any photo on your phone into a real, tangible, framed photo. While not a brand new idea, Adam’s has quickly grown to be the best.

With Keepsake not only do you get the photo sent to you, but every frame is handmade, and can be designed to fit you own style. It allows for personalization and lets you further put your own touch into your memories.

With over 50,000 downloads on the Play store and and even more on IOS with an rating of 4.9 stars, Adam Weiss and Keepsake are truly framing success.

Brothers Can Get Along

Brothers Ryan and Roy Seiders never expected that their cooler would grow to the expanse that it has. As the founders of Yeti, the two brothers accidentally stumbled upon one of the greatest products and brands in our modern age.

Roy and Ryan saw a need for a cooler that could hold up to their standards. As avid fishermen, there was no such cooler that could hold up to their lifestyle. They needed a cooler that could keep their drinks cold, but could still take a beating. So they created one for themselves. The brothers created a cooler that could withstand the outdoors and one that could keep their drinks colder, longer.

The two brothers initially had no intention of expanding outside of the outdoorsmen market. Their expericence was intended to make a cooler for people like themselves. But before they knew it their coolers were mainstream. They were a cultural influence, and had built a brand. They had expanded far beyond just coolers and became Yeti.

Eventually they expanded and their new design of cooler took off to new industries. They became the brand of envy after expanding not only from on outdoors use but to tailgating, and even cups.

The Seiders brothers through their innovation of cooler technology, created not only a superior cooler, but a superior brand. They took an everyday commodity and made it into a sought after product, that people back and a willing to pay extra for. IN the end they created an experience and a sense of pride for their coolers.

Rediscovering Manliness

In a world where supposed “toxic masculinity” is running rampant, the founder of Art of Manliness is taking a stand. Brett McKay through his website promotes male traits, and helps men of all ages to better themselves through articles published on his website.

Brett McKay grew up in a Edmond, OK a suburb of Oklahoma City. He then went on to attend the University of Oklahoma. After receiving a bachelor’s degree he went on to pursue a dream of becoming a lawyer by attending the University of Tulsa College of Law. While at law school, McKay filled his free time with the headwaters of his website. In 2008 he began to write articles in college as and post them but never really had it amount to anything.

The website took off. Pretty soon he was in local media as he was reaching a new demographic. McKay had said that he was looking through some men’s magazines and just felt that none of them were relatable to him so he took it upon himself to start a site that would provide more old-fashioned values and virtues to any kind of man.

Brett McKay really started to focus on the website after he gave up his job in his law office. His audience quickly grew as local media began to cover the new site, to a point today that the Art of Manliness has grown to the largest independent men’s interest site online.

He also branched out a began a series of podcasts that are podcasts that are posted to the site. He invites guests in all fields from businessmen to psychologist to survivalists, etc. He also started merchandising and writing books.He even ran a

Youtube channel with instructional videos for a period.

The purpose of his site is to cater to all kinds of interests. When you open the site you never know what you might find. Brett McKay and his team try to find something to reach men with any interest as along as it fit their virtues.