Author Archive for Rachel DeMar

Eva Longoria, Bridging the Gap

Eva Longoria, the beautiful woman known for her acting, make-up, and modeling career, is more than we think. Eva has won many awards and been very successful in her acting career, but few people truly know about her passions and other ventures. Aside from supporting various charities, Eva has started two of her own. Using her passions and perspective, she was able to see the social pain striking the people in the United States.

First, Eva founded a charity that helps children who are developmentally disabled. As a women who saw the prevalence of developmental issues in LatinAmerica, Eva wanted to help. However, her largest endeavor, making her a truly innovative entrepreneur is the “Eva Longoria Foundation,” which aims to close the education gap against Latinas and poverty. There is a large need in this area because many Latinos were raised to be migrant workers, however, now there are vast opportunities for everyone. This foundation supports programs to help Latinos succeed in school and further on to college. Eva, also, expanded the foundation so that Latinas may explore the world of entrepreneurship through careers, mentoring, training, and opportunity.

I think this is remarkable because she saw a true need right here within our own country. Eva was able to see the changes that needed to be made, and she was bale to understand and empathize with these women that she desires to help.

Jeimy Ibarra

Jeimy Ibarra is one of America’s 30 under 30 award recipients. She is not an entrepreneur by name, but by far one of the best there is. Jeimy was born in Mexico but currently resides in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. At just 24 years old, she has a bachelors in psychology and criminal justice, and she claims that she did not find her career, her career found her and success followed. Jeimy is the youth community outreach coordinator at Casa San Jose. Casa San Jose is a non-profit organization to provide community and resources for the hispanics in the greater Pittsburgh area.

Through her few short years, she has shown her ability to innovate, be creative, reach outside the box, and show that all her efforts are effective. I find her specifically interesting, because the work she has done has made such a large impact in the Hispanic and immigrant community. As a Spanish major, part of my research has shown the growth in the hispanic community in our area, and by way, we have seen an increase in participation at Casa San Jose. Jeimy was able to take her position and create and invent a way to reach more people.

Carli Bybel

Carli Bybel is a 29 year old Youtube and Makeup/Fashion star. Worth over $1.5 million, Carli has built herself a huge following base and it is growing rapidly.  With 6 million current followers, Carli started as just a girl who loves makeup and fashion. Having done some modeling work in her past, she is an experienced woman within the beauty world. Carli is from a small town in New Jersey, and post High School, had no idea where her life was going to go. She never thought she would end up with her own brand of makeup and huge Youtube blog.  Her first blog was about straightening hair, which did not receive much following, but later one video, teaching girls to do their makeup like Megan Fox, had 4 million people in awe.

I think Carli Bybel is particularly note worthy because of her drive and ambition to succeed. She had no real direction or guidance, all she did was follow her dream. Her dreams lead her to be on the charts for best everyday makeup brands with Kylie Kardashian, Tarte, and more. She did not give up, even when her Youtube Channel was struggling and she was just an average person. However, she did not give up because she believed that she had something valuable to offer people all over America about beauty and confidence. She carries herself in an empowering way that makes other women want to join her. I think this is so important.

Shawn Johnson East

Shawn Johnson East is a 27 year old Olympic Gymnast Gold Medalist, entrepreneur, author, wife, and soon to be mother. Shawn dedicated her life to her sport as she trained and competed for many years, leading her to victory. After her gymnastics career,  Shawn decided it was time to put her passions, aside from gymnastics, into practice and find herself in something else. While doing this, Shawn was able to write two books and become a philanthropist. Her books were mainly about her life and self-image, which led her to be the co-founder of The Body Department. The Body Department is a site dedicated to helping women accept and openly talk about self image, health, wellness, and fitness.

Shawn took her own experience and developed it into something that could help others. She may not be making vast amounts of money but her entrepreneurial goal was to reach women with the same issues that she struggled through. I think it is exceptionally interesting and rewarding that someone with her caliber would still struggle with self-image, just like the everyday person. I think Shawn noticed that she could relate to this and used this as a window of opportunity. After an entire life of serving and training for her own glory, she claims it was all a passion to stand with others in a lime-minded facet.

Her story is amazing and she has done such a great job with shining a light of Christ. In 2016, Shawn married Andrew East, which they then started their own line of clothing called “East.” They both share an entrepreneurial passion which Shawn mentions on her website, which they paired with their love for people.

Whitney Simmons

Whitney Simmons is a 26 year old health and fitness inspiration from Cincinnati, Ohio. She was passionate about competitive gymnastics and then moved into competitive cheerleading. However, after some time, Whitney was cut from her cheer squad, causing her to spiral into depression and a longing for something more. Whitney discloses to her followers that she struggled with body image, negative feelings towards health and fitness, but it was her Dad that kept her motivated and eventually pushed her back into the world of physical activity. Immediately she was hooked on weight lifting for specific results, like toning and shaping, especially for females. After a few years, Whitney started a Youtube Channel, thinking it would not grow like it did, however, within the next few years left her regular Marketing job for Youtube full time. Very quickly after she started her full time Youtube Fitness blog, she grew popular. She gained a following over 1.7 million people, which led her to being a GymShark Ambassador, model, and now the face of Tarte makeup. Whitney now has a following over 2 million followers.

I think Whitney is especially commendable and worth noting because, as most entrepreneurs, she started out as a normal, average person with a dream. I commend her success in branding herself on something that requires discipline, self- control, and motivation. She notes in one talk with a reporter that her journey was purposed to help herself, however, when others started to be inspired, she switched her focus. It is so incredible that she was able to grow so much over such a short amount of time, aprox 4 years. She is now worth over $350k, which i think is truly incredible for someone just chasing to inspire others.

Hannah Grace- BeYOUtiful

Young entrepreneurs are booming in our world today. One of which being a 12 year old girl, Hannah Grace. Hannah is the founder of BeYOUtiful, a hand made health and beauty line that supports Juvenile Diabetes Research. Her story is listed on her website and in many other places, she was challenged by her father to make the products that she loves to buy in stores, bath bombs. At first, the idea came because Hannah loved to do crafts, but then she realized she could combine her love for crafts with her love for beauty supplies. Hannah makes creative and adorable bath bombs and a more reasonable price, while building awareness and support for JDR.

At age 11, she was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes and celiacs disease, among all the medical stress, she claims that her venture became an outlet, and then the driving force. She is exemplary in not only her age but he vision and ability to see the need, cheaper, nicer, and more natural bath bombs. I find her business interesting because aside from bath bombs, she only sells shirts to promote diabetes awareness. This is such a niche market because it appeals to such a small percentage of people, however, the interested population is in fact growing.

Hannah demonstrates great entrepreneurial skills and traits through her relentless drive and perseverance. Although she is too young to handle some of the legal work, she hand makes every single product. Personally, she shows great innovation by allowing her profits to benefit a good cause. Society has taken a shift to the likening of small businesses, and especially those with a good story and purpose. In some ways, people may say she’s “playing an angle” but I think it’s just natural for her to market based on her purpose. She shows that she is driven by a purpose and that it is unwavering, which in itself is inspiring. I appreciate her extroversion that she shows through her vlogs and video casts, which only draws more people in. Consumers want to feel a connection to their product owners.

Additionally, as a child she allows people to feel comfortable with the genuine nature of her products and they build an emotional connection to support her cause. And aside from that, in having a good product, people connect more and spread her name/business.

Hannah Grace is an adorable young entrepreneur, striving to make a difference in the lives of many.