Author Archive for druscheldm1

The Successful Story of Adam D’ Angelo

Adam D’ Angelo is the CEO and co-founder of Quora. Quora is a site that helps people answer the questions they have. Adam however did not start with this huge success. In fact, his career started way before this. He went to “Phillips Exeter Academy” which is the same high school that Mark Zuckerberg attended. They both were friends and actually created Synapse Media Player which was very successful. It eventually got bought by Microsoft. After this, he created a website called “Buddyzoo”. Then he went to help Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook. He eventually left that job, and that is when he went on to create Quora. Quora is a huge success that far outperforms every other Q&A website. Adam D’ Angelo is now worth around 600 million dollars. He is a perfect example of a millennial entrepreneur who did not let anything stop him from success.

Peter Cashmore- Story of Mashable

Mashable is a news media site that is used by millions each month. The story of the brain behind the site is truly fascinating. The site was founded in 2005 when he was only 19 years old. Peter spent a lot of his childhood reading/subscribing to blogs and learning computers. He missed school more than the average student and spent his time on the computer to make up for his education. Peter Cashmore would stay up all night working on his own blog and trying to build his followers. He would stay up during the night mostly because he lived in Scotland; and he needed to be awake writing and blogging during US hours. This is the perfect example of using just plain, old hard work to grow your business. Currently, Mashable has built a huge following and is continuing to grow today.

John Zimmer- The Story of Lyft

John Zimmer and Logan Green founded Lyft in 2007. It started out as a social platform to create more affordable transportation. John realized there was an issue while he was attending school. He found out that only 20% of car seats are used on average when people are driving on the highway. This is the problem  that he started out with to solve. He first founded Zimride, and then went on to found Lyft. Starting from this problem, he created a way to solve this issue of empty seats in cars, and make travel more affordable and connected. The product was eventually revealed in June 2012. The company has raised over 80 million dollars from investors. Starting from the problem John Zimmer realized back when he was in school turned out to be a company that serves people all over the United States. John Zimmer is an inspiring millennial entrepreneur who never gave up. The fact that Lyft has to compete with Uber means the people behind Lyft really believe in their product to succeed. Lyft is transforming the way the US sees transportation.

Brian Evans- The Founder of Influencive

Brian Evans founded BDE ventures which has grown to become one of the most successful marketing agencies in the US. Also, Brian has become the CEO/founder of Influencive. Influencive is a business that takes a different approach on what it takes to become successful. The website provides users with “unconventional wisdom” through books and posts on the site. Brian also helps mentor other entrepreneurs in their startups and businesses. He has become a widely known business journalist. Brian has even become an Inc 500 entrepreneur which means he is one of the most influential millennial entrepreneurs. Influencive has grown from an idea in Brian’s own mind to a media empire. I think his story is very inspiring and encouraging to those looking to be innovators themselves. His businesses focus on doing things outside of the box in order to be successful. I hope that people will be inspired by Brian’s work; and will find his influence on their own work someday.

Gerard Adams- The Millennial Mentor

Gerard Adams was not always wealthy. In fact, he grew up with very little and made it to the top with his own success. He wanted to make it his goal to make it to the top as an entrepreneur. He dropped out of college after his first semester. Gerard was not afraid of failure; and he in fact did fail on his entrepreneurial journey. However, he eventually co-founded a platform called This platform sold for 50 million dollars to a global company. Gerard Adams then decided his life and entrepreneurial spirit were worth sharing. That’s when he created the website His website is all about helping the young entrepreneur through videos, networking, and teaching. The whole purpose of his website is to support others, and drive out the negative mindset that so many people have. He teaches people through speaking events, online communication, and through his website. Gerard has built the life of his dreams; and is out there to help other entrepreneurs build theirs.

Spotify- Revolutionizing the music industry

Daniel Ek is a co-founder of the famous music streaming service, Spotify. This service has become one of the leading streaming services for people around the world. Spotify offers offline services for those willing to pay a monthly fee. Just like most other streaming services, it offers a free version with advertisements. At first, the music industry was not on board with Spotify. This was mostly because of the worry that less money would be produced from Spotify than other services like iTunes. However, Ek was confident that it would decrease the amount of music that was pirated. Therefore, in the long run there would be more money generated from Spotify. Most of the music industry would make money off of royalties from the service. Although, streaming services may have struggled at first, eventually Spotify broke through; catching the attention of everyone. Investors and consumers fell in love with the service and it grew at a rapid pace. In 2010, Spotify began to receive a lot of money from investors. Spotify has over 18 million songs; and is still growing to this day. Spotify allows consumers to listen to all of their music in one place offline for a mothly fee. However, it also provides consumers with a free version in which they have to listen to advertisements. Overall, this service is amazing and user friendly. Daniel Ek is an inspiring entrepreneur who helped bridge the gap between consumers and the way they listen to music.