Robert Nay, a seemingly typical 14 year old, took the mobile game industry by storm back in 2010. He developed the app “Bubble Ball”, which is a physics-based game that involves a series of puzzles to solve and levels to beat. Robert only spent a month coding and researching before the game was introduced to the Apple app store. Within the first two weeks of its release, Bubble Ball was downloaded 2 million times. At the beginning of 2011, the app reached 16 million downloads thanks to the company Ansca Mobile, who chose it as its app of the week. At one point, Bubble Ball took the first-place spot from Angry Birds under the category of top free games in the Apple app store.
It is truly amazing how a someone so young executed on an idea he had that resulted in major success. Robert was not held back by the obstacles, but instead learned what he had to in order to bring his vision to fruition. This story sets a good example for anyone who thinks they want to pursue an idea they have but aren’t sure where to start. What truly determines if something will succeed comes down to taking action and taking on every challenge that’s ahead.