Author Archive for elversonjr20

Garrett Gee

Garrett Gee was a 21 year old student attending Brigham Young University in Utah when he saw that there was a new iPad launching back in 2011.  Gee had already been thinking about how bad the current QR code scanning apps were and saw this as an opportunity to be one of the first people to create an app for the iPad 2 that was compatible and useful. Garrett did this under the assumption that Apple would post their top 10 apps for the new device like they had in the past and, when it came out, he spent two sleepless nights in a row to make a properly functioning QR code scanner and titled it “Scan”. Sure enough, quickly after the iPad was out, he made it onto that list of apps. Gee then took this to Shark Tank where he quickly was rejected, however, he did not stop there. Garrett kept developing the app and soon after the rejection of the Sharks, he was offered 54 million dollars to sell his app to snapchat.  Garrett Gee is a great example of a risk taking entrepreneur that didn’t give up, but rather, found ways to pivot until he succeeded!

The Man Can

Hart Main was 13 years old when he saw his sister selling “girly scented” candles for a school fundraiser and decided to tease her about candles being so girly, however, that sparked an idea. He very quickly developed the idea of a candle that has scents catered to men and called it the Man Can. Main and his parents didn’t have too much money to put into the idea, so they started using soup cans to fit the candle inside and still uses them to this day. Harts business quickly blew up and, at age 17, has now been making 6 digit figures annually for the past 3 years and the numbers are only going up. Main has not been keeping all of this money for himself though, rather, he donates a portion of it to community kitchens in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Michigan. Hart Main is a great example of an entrepreneur that didn’t just let an idea sit in the back of his mind, but rather, he acted upon it and the payoff of that action was much more than he ever could have anticipated!

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the multi-billionaire owner of Facebook is not typically thought of as a “young entrepreneur” but many people do not realize how long ago the story of Facebook began. Mark enrolled at Harvard University in 2002 at the age of 18 and quickly realized that there was a significant gap in the college students abilities to communicate with each other and share photos easily so he immediately started working on his own website and released “”, soon changing it to the now well known name of Facebook.  Zuckerberg released the website at the shockingly young age of 19 and within the first two weeks of the project, more than half of the students at Harvard had signed up.  He quickly pivoted to looking at spreading his new website to other campuses and he and his roommates worked vigorously to do so. Mark’s company quickly skyrocketed in popularity and thus made him one of the youngest billionaires in the world. Mark Zuckerberg is clearly a very successful entrepreneur that continues to shock the world with his success and he has not stopped innovating, clearly shown by the creations of Instagram, WhatsApp, the Oculus, and much more!

TommyInnit, taking the internet by storm.

Thomas Simons, also known as TommyInnit is a 17 year old boy with 10.9 million subscribers and is growing in popularity on YouTube at an incredible rate. This, however, was not always the case. Tommy has been doing YouTube since he was 9 years old and for multiple years he was just another drop of water in the ocean of YouTubers but what made Tommy different is the fact that he would not quit. Tommy found that the amount of YouTube channels was continually increasing and he wasn’t seeing much attention drawn to his channel amongst the vast amount of competition and decided to move from his first channel to streaming on Twitch at the age of 14 to try and get the attention of the gaming audience and developed over two thousand followers in the process.  The next year Tommy decided to take his audience back to YouTube and finally started the infamous channel, “TommyInnit”.  But his channel didn’t just grow by him leaving it out to dry, Tommy has heavily invested in his videos over the past three years and it has recently payed off as he seemed to discover the “algorithm” to YouTube and has also made some very famous friends on the web and thus has blown up from an extremely well earned one million subscribers in september of 2020 to now having a whopping 22.4 million subscribers over his seven YouTube channels. Tommy makes approximately $11,000 a DAY! Clearly, the hard work, pivoting, and idea changing that makes up the TommyInnit that we know today was deeply poured into over the past eight years of Tommy’s career have payed off abundantly!

Nicholas D’Aloisio, the 16 year old millionaire.

Nick D’Aloisio, a computer programmer, decided that he had enough of scrolling through large articles trying to look for simple summaries at the age of 16. Nicholas decided to use his passion for programming to fulfill the need he saw by creating Summly. Summly is an app that takes news articles and summarizes them concisely and quickly. Little did D’Aloisio know, Yahoo loved his idea. Yahoo loved it so much that they offered him approximately thirty million dollars for it! Nick happily took this offer and quickly became a millionaire at the young age of 16. He now owns a new startup called Sphere and is attending Oxford University to pursue his PhD in Philosophy. Clearly, Nicholas D’Aloisio has a rich future ahead of him.

George Bailey, creating a wonderful life.

The name George Bailey may remind you of an old Christmas movie but I assure you that the co-founder of Coral Eyewear is much more. George, born in Manchester England in 2000, saw the detrimental cost that plastic fishing nets lost in the ocean, as well as landfills full of plastic has on the environment. He sought to get rid of this problem while also creating a product that is marketable and thus, Coral Eyewear was created. Coral Eyewear is a company that takes recycled fishing nets and old plastic in landfills and repurposes it to make stylish, comfortable, and environmentally beneficial sunglasses. Bailey saw the problem of this wasted plastic for a long time and spent multiple years putting this problem on the backburner of his mind until the solution popped out at him. George was shocked to find that the idea didn’t exist already and, seeking to not just be environmentally friendly, but rather, “planet-positive”, he immediately jumped on the idea after receiving a £50,000 donation from his colleges entrepreneurship department to get it started. George Bailey currently has his Coral Eyewear product line in over 100 stores in the U.K. and plans to continue making large planet-positive strides as long as he can.