Author Archive for erincypher

Me & The Bees Lemonade

The founder of Me & The Bees Lemonade Makaila at age four was encouraged by her family to enter a Children’s Business Competition and make her own product. As she agreed and thought about different events in her life and things she was interested In to help her brainstorm a product she thought about two specific things. One, how she was stung by a bee and really did not like bees, and secondly, her Grandmas recipe for Flaxseed Lemonade. As she thought was, she could do with those two ideas she became highly interested in beeds, and what they are good for in our ecosystem. She got educated and felt passionate about them. After some thought she came up with an idea to use her Grandma’s recipe and to help Bee’s.

Her Lemonade recipe from her Grandma is sweetened by local honey from the bees. She was constantly selling out of her product at her entrepreneur events and became very successful. She was always busy whether she was selling her product, or educating people on bees. Today, at age 13 she has become a very successful entrepreneur and her product is being sold at Whole Food’s Market and is the world’s leader in natural and organic foods. It is also becoming available at many restaurants and other places.

Makaila took her interests, and passions and combined them to make a fantastic and successful idea. She has been successful because everyone can tell her passion for this product, and that is key.

Mr.Cory’s Cookies

The beginning of Mr. Cory’s Cookies began when Cory was just six years old. He was sick of going to school in a bus and wanted to buy his own car. This started his idea of selling his own crafted hot coco to raise funds in his local town of New Jersey. After seeing how successful and how determined Cory was, his mother encouraged him to instead save his money abd make his own college fund.

After becoming very successful in just selling his hot-cocoa he decided he wanted to expand. He started diving in to creating his own lemonade and cookie recipes. Him and his mother kept experimenting different things. After many tries, they got the perfect chocolate chip cookie that was geared towards health-conscious people. He continued to expand to other cookies other than chocolate chip too. He works with many nonprofits and charity organizations to help raise awareness and be an impact in the world. He is constantly trying to innovate his company with new recipes and new products to keep his customers engaged with the company.



“Are You Kidding”

Two young brothers Sebastian and Brandon have always dreamed of expressing themselves and helping other kids express themselves through fun designs with socks. The goal was to “stick out and feel cool one sock at a time.” Sebastian is just 10 years old and is the C.E.O of this sock company, and Brandon who is 12 is the Director of Sales. Are You Kidding is not just a fun, colorful, sock company, but it is also a company helping charities. The kids have always wanted to make a difference through this company, so they have partnered with many different charities to fund them and raise awareness for them.

These two have been very successful, especially for being the young ages that they are. They come up with creative ways to get everyone involved. Letting people submit their designs in what they think something means to them. Overall, this company is unique, and such a great, positive idea.

Nannies By Noa

Noa Mintz is 16 years old and created the business, “Nannies by Noa.” Her business helps families in New York City and the Hamptons. Her business is a full-service child-care agency to specifically help those two areas. It matches families that need someone to take care of their children. Her business has thrived and helped over hundreds of families. The main thing that makes her child care service agency that makes it so special is the fact that the nannies provided to the families are unique to those families that will benefit the two of them. What helped her business so much was the fact that the moms really trusted her to know that she knew what was best for their children because she was around the same age as their kids…sounds sketchy, but it actually makes sense. She had the instincts on how the mother’s children would get along with the nannies that would be placed with them. I would say that is a pretty good marketing tool to put out there.

When she was just under the age of 10 she created mini businesses that helped children learn art, and another was to plan parties for children. Noa decided that wasn’t enough, and not good enough, leading her to create her business, nannies by Noa.

She ran into the issue of not being able to run the business by herself, as she is only 16 years old and still had to attend high school. Noa decided she needed to get some help to run her business. She hired a CEO that had much experience and then a few others that are helping her also run her business, and she has not been disappointed. She feels happy about being able to hire and provide jobs for people and she knows it is best for her business to help it running smoothly and to get it to grow even more. She is on the list for the top 18 most innovative teens under 18 years who have made millions, and inventing products. I’d say she is pretty successful.

Clean Eating Alice

Alice Liveling, young entrepreneur, 25 years of age creates Clean Eating Alice, and is consistently inspiring people every day. She is so inspiring because she is so real and she shares why she decided to become so focused on her health and well-being. She talks about her past relationship and how it was abusive. Her boyfriend would hit her but draw her back in with loving acts and she finally realized how manipulative he really was. During and after the relationship she would turn to eating comfort food to make her feel better. She began to isolate herself from everyone. It was impossible to break up with him, and finally when she did, he tormented her and her family. Charles, her boyfriend was caught on camera beating her with a baseball bat and got years of community service and she got a restraining order against him. Years later, after an unhealthy eating pattern she finally realized things needed to change when she wanted to rebuild herself from the beginning.

Alice Liveling has become a personal trainer, author, women’s aid ambassador and creator of an app, all from just one simple Instagram post. Alice inspires others daily with her life-changing story and how she has formed into the person she is now, and how she did it. Now, she posts about her story, workout habits, her clean eating good and the new life that she is living. Alice is consistently looking for new ways to help girls and connect with them. She doesn’t stop creating new content and new things to do to help with life fitness and making others feel good, which is truly inspiring.


Grace Chiang, a 25-year-old student as Stanford University working towards her degree co-founded the company along with her two other friends; Jooeyon Song, and David Miro Llopis. Grace has always had a thing for manicures, but never had time to do her nails or get them done with being a full-time student. She decided she needed to change that, so she came up with the idea of 3-D printed manicures by subscription to sell to other woman that might feel her pain as well.

To explain this app and business further, you send a photo in of your hands for the company to measure it, translate it into a 3-D printing model, print the base, put the design on it and mail it directly to the customer. It is subscription based and for two sets a month it is $50, and for three sets a month it is $70. In the first two weeks of launching their business they made over $1,000 in just their area because they didn’t want to deliver yet. It became like a full-time job for them, along with having a lot of school work to do which was the hardest part through their business journey.

Grace has always been into manicures, as she worked at a nail salon and her grandma loved to do her nails for her, and she ended up doing her friends at school until she got too busy to do her nails and realized how much that bothered her. In the first week of school however, her co-founder Jooeyon and her met each other and connected on the fact that they both had just gotten manicures. They connected and wondered what it would be like to have 3-D nails, and have artists come around the world to help design. They worked together and made their idea become a success.