Author Archive for EthanWitmer

Hunter’s Fine Jewelry

Manchester’s newest business owner, Hunter Seymour recently opened his second shop  in Manchester on Saturday. Seymour is a 22 year old entrepreneur, when asked about his business he states: “I wanted to expand down here, because it’s a different market and different clientele,” Seymour said. “In Rutland, I have very few customers that do custom design. … I like custom design and I thought the Manchester market might be better for custom design. It doesn’t seem like a lot of jewelers down here do that, so I thought it might be an untapped market.” His jewelry comes form humble beginnings, he initially started out in a tiny house for the first 5 months of operation. Originally he started with a $180 dollar loan from his mother and turned that into the successful business he runs today. Hunter was struggling to find places to set up shops due to his young age, many places wouldn’t take him seriously at first. He stated that it did not discourage him however and that there are plenty of places out there that are willing to help young entrepreneurs such as himself. His jewelry business is very family-centric and old fashioned, most business transactions he does are done with a hand shake. He says that Manchester is a very old town and he appeals his business to the culture of Manchester.



Teen entrepreneur Trey Brown started his luxury clothing brand Spergo while still in high school. Originally from Philadelphia, Brown has become quite successful in building out his brand and is now opening in a variety of stores, even opening his own in Washington D.C.  One of his store managers commented on the quality of the clothing, “everything is embroidered”. The quality sweater line focuses on bold colors, soft cotton fabrics, and a tampered, tailored fit. Brown starts off every day by affirming himself with affirmations such as: “I’m powerful. I’m strong. I’m a leader. I’m a billionaire.” While the last part isn’t true as of yet, the routine is important to Brown and helps him get in the right mindset for taking on the day. His designs have even caught the attention of some athletes and rappers. Logo of the company is a lion which is supposed to invoke feelings of strength in each of Brown’s customers. His aim with the company was initially to help kids in his area choose another path than the violence they aften got caught up in.

Kamily Flores

Kamily Flores opened a protein bar company recently. The young entrepreneur is a full time union college student at the age of 19 years old. Her parents were immigrants to the United States and during her opening speech she stated that “I just want to make them proud and I can’t wait to show them everything they’ve worked on has paid off”. She opened her store in Cranford NJ, close by to where she initially grew up. She and her family would often take trips to Cranford and Kamily really loved the town and atmosphere. Her shop, known as Craft Protein Bar, serves up meal replacement shakes along with protein teas and coffees. She plans to expand the menu to include protein donuts and waffles. Flores has always had a passion for health and her goal was to help her community get tasty snacks that are still full of healthy vitamins and proteins. She says she initially got the idea from taking a class called “taking a risk” at her college. Her advice for other entrepreneurs is “You can make your dreams come true. Work hard and you can accomplish it”.


Langston Whitlock – Cofounder and CIO

Langston Witlock is a 17 year old entrepreneur who used apps to better his community. Along with his partner Ja’Nese Jean, they created the idea for an app to help schedule medical transport for the homeless. The idea for the app originally came from a conversation the two had with a homeless veteran in Atlanta who explained how many homeless veterans were struggling to find transport to their medical appointments. In  2018, The young Langston Whitlock started an app called SafeTrip, a ride sharing app focused towards the homeless and elderly that lets patients, caretakers, and healthcare providers book medical transport for those in need. The company has generated $2 million in revenue with $3.4 million generated last year. Whitlock currently has 10 employees, all of whom seem to speak very highly of him. The app also has a program where high school seniors can learn defensive driving and CPR skills in order to become SafeTrip drivers after they graduate.


Lily Born – The kangaroo cup

At just 8 years old, Lily Born would often spend time with her grandfather who had Parkinson’s disease. He would often knock over cups and her grandmother would have to spend lots of time cleaning it up. Eventually, after many sketches and plans, she invented a 3 legged cup called the kangaroo cup. She got the name and inspiration from kangaroos, and how they use their tail to balance. The cup is unable to to be knocked over, making it perfect for her grandfather. Over the years Born perfected the model and started a kick starter in China which raised over $20000 and she sold 1000 cups at launch. Later, her and her father developed a plastic version of the cup that launched in the United States. Today, Born sells thousands of cups under her company called Imagiroo, and the proceeds from her company are used to help fund STEM education for young girls all over the world. Her cups have even been featured at the White House, and on many news channels.

Prodigy Kid Lily Born: Creator of Kangaroo Cup – Prodigy Kid

Jordan Karcher, founder and CEO of Grounds & Hounds Coffee

Jordan Karcher is a 32 year old entrepreneur who founded the company known as Grounds & Hounds Coffee. Through their sales of coffee, they also donate 20% of their proceeds to  animal rescue initiatives. Karcher firmly believes in second chances for pups at animal shelters, and saw the gap in the social impact of businesses. He wanted his work to connect with issues he cared about personally, but investors also need to be sure that the business will be profitable. He started his e-commerce site as a way to more effectively sell his product, and he has had great success with it as the company celebrates its 5th anniversary with a 300% growth in revenue. Karcher says that “While it is important to always follow your passion, remember that your product and the customer experience must meet or exceed that of industry competitors.”

7 Entrepreneurs Shaking Up The Food Industry (