Author Archive for fairchildlw21

David Karp

In 2007, David started the company This site had the aim to help anyone share anything online. It was a great way for people to share ideas, and show creations, and products. While this seems like a really cool idea who would really use it? 4.2 million of us is the latest estimation. He has been handed $5.5 million in venture capital funding and he has been able to help hundreds and thousands of users to share their content around the globe. This was a huge step not just for himself as an entrepreneur but also for all the other entrepreneurs who use his product as a platform for their own ideas.

Matthew Mullenweg

Matthew Mullenweg is the founder and developer of WordPress. He did not have a tech background. He actually went to a performing arts school where he learned to play the Jazz Saxophone. He then went on to create one of the best website and blog programs ever. In 2005 he started the company Automatic, which would become the foundation of WordPress and Akismet.

Moziah Bridges (Mo’s Bows)

Moziah Bridges better known as ‘Mo Bridges’ began a unique business. Mo made an appearance on the TV series Shark Tank to promote his business, Mo’s Bows.

Mo was inspired by his father who believed in dressing smart every day no matter the occasion. Following in his father’s footsteps, he soon found himself shopping for bow ties. However, not long into his search, he was discontent with the options available on the market. He saw a need for stylish, quality, and affordable bow ties. Thus the birth of Mo’s Bows.

He began making his own bows shortly before the beginning of his company. At the age of 9, Mo opened his doors for business by launching Mo’s bows in 2011 and selling them on Etsy. And in 2015, during the NBA draft, several of the players who would be drafted wore his ties on the big night. Mo would soon after attend the Mercedes Benz Fashion week with his Shark Tank investor, Daymond John.

Mo says that he has always felt a strong passion for fashion. Mo’s Bows has allowed him to create a higher-quality product that holds a high place of respect in the fashion industry.

Fraser Doherty (JAM?)

Fraser DohertyFraser Doherty is a fun example of young entrepreneurship. At age 14 he began an interesting hobby: making jam with his grandmother’s recipes. But he quickly turned this hobby into a profit by going door to door selling his jam. However, this was just the beginning. He took his business to the next level by setting up a stand at an Edinburgh farmer’s market. Not only that but he also offered his customers the very special service of having their jam delivered by bike to their door.

In 2007 the U.K. supermarket, Waitrose, asked if he would sell his SuperJam products in their stores. Now that Doherty’s jam had shelf space he was about to get a lot more attention. After 5 years Doherty would begin selling his product made with 100% fruit in Japan and Korea and would sell 1 million British pounds worth of jam in an hour on the Korean shopping network. Queen Elizabeth II would award him the MBE medal of honor for service to business in the U.K. And in 2019 Doherty sold his 5 millionth jar of jam.

At a young age, Doherty found something he enjoyed doing and saw a way to spread that enjoyment to the rest of his community and eventually across the world. While Doherty’s innovation did not solve a world crisis, all can agree that an increase in quality jam does the world a lot of good.

Brad Ormbsy: Colorstone Marketing

Brad Ormsby is an entrepreneur who has taken is experiences as a marketer and applied them in a new way. He is the founder of Colorstone Marketing. He began as a normal marketing guy, and he opened a wellness center. However, he did not have a lot of funds, but he found a way to work around this. He built up a customer base first through digital marketing and then catered his business to their specific needs and wants. This allowed him to start multiple businesses much faster. Other businesses noticed his marketing abilities and contacted him. Brad’s digital marketing skills were far superior to any of the marketers these companies had hired. Brad was receiving so many requests for marketing assistance that he started Colorstone Marketing. Brad uses his passion for digital marketing to run multiple of his own successful and unique businesses as well as Colorstone Marketing.
One thing that is most interesting about Brad’s business model is his approach. This is what makes him an entrepreneur. He did not see so much a problem with the business world but rather a loophole; a sort of fast pass. By using digital marketing to bring together a narrower customer base, he was able to focus on their specific needs and thus begin several businesses far more quickly. Though Brad did not invent something entirely original, his work as an entrepreneur gives an interesting new look at what good marketing can accomplish.