Author Archive for flennikenjj18

Sustainable Ocean Alliance

The Sustainable Ocean Alliance is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.  Their main goal is to accelerate solutions for ocean sustainability.  They are seeking to clean the oceans and help bring the importance of ocean health into the public eye.  Since its founding the SOA has raised over 3 million dollars for ocean startups around the world.  It is the type of startup that upon first glance looks like the brain child of a wealthy venture capitalist seeking to use his capital to impact positive change.  However, the SOA started in a much different way and was started by a much different person.

The founder of the SOA is a young lady named Daniela V. Fernandez.  She came up with the idea in her college dorm room while she was studying at Georgetown University.  Fernandez is passionate about the ocean and wanted to come up with a solution for its growing pollution problems.  Since the conception of the idea five years ago the SOA has experienced a large amount of growth.  They now support over 150 startups related to ocean health in 60 different countries.  Fernandez is the young leader of a highly successful social enterprise.

There are a few traits about Fernandez that make her unique and the perfect person for running an organization like the SOA.  The first entrepreneurial traits she possesses is no fear of taking risks.  Few college students sit in their dorm rooms and think they have what it takes to save the oceans.  Fernandez thought she could (and so far she is).  The second trait she possesses is selflessness.  She did not start the SOA because she thought it would make her rich and famous.  She started it because she saw a real need for action before it was too late. Fernandez did not have a desire to make a lot of money but she wanted to start a business that would help millions of people.  The SOA is creating real change in the world’s oceans and it would not be where it is today without Daniela Fernandez.


Over the course of the semester we have talked about, read about, and studied entrepreneurs of many different cultural backgrounds, ages, genders, and races.  Entrepreneurship is not a perfect formula that you have to follow step-by-step which in turn leads to success.  Its the exact opposite and every entrepreneur I have blogged about has had different story.  However, of all the entrepreneurs I have written about so far Hannah Grace and her business BeYOUtiful is one of my favorites.  Hannah Grace is thirteen year old that is building her own beauty product brand from scratch.  The inspiring part of Hannah’s story comes from why she started her business in the first place.  When she was eleven months old Hannah Grace was rushed to the hospital.  After a long night the doctors eventually stabilized Hannah’s breathing and she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.  Growing up Hannah Grace loved to help others with diabetes and come alongside them in their fight.  This desire to help others is why Hannah Grace started her beauty product business.

At thirteen years old Hannah is killing the beauty product game.  She makes her own bath bombs and shower cakes which have become a hot bathroom item over the past few years.  Hannah has a unique desire to help other which is why I decided to write about her.  From the moment she started her business it was not about money or recognition.  Hannah turned her passion for beauty products into a donation stream to help fund research for Type 1 diabetes.  Currently, Hannah Grace donates 20% of all sales to diabetes research and plans to increase that % as her business grows.  Hannah Grace is also trying to help young girls not get caught up in self-image and mental health issues.  Her brand name BeYOUtiful is meant to tell other young girls that they do not have to change their appearance to be beautiful.  Hannah Grace is an inspiring young lady with a bright future who is creating positive change in the world with her beauty product business.



Mikaila Ulmer – Me and The Bees Lemonade

I think it is safe to say that most people remember their first bee sting as a painful experience.  Getting stung is not pleasant and most of us learned from a young age to steer clear of bees.  However, if you are a passionate, innovative 15-year-old named Mikaila Ulmer your first bee sting is a major factor in your story.  11 years before starting her business Mikaila was stung by a bee.  The bee sting combined with the timely arrival of a family lemonade recipe catapulted her into action.  Since that timely sting and via the encouragement of her family Mikaila has since grown her lemonade business exponentially over the last 11 years. What started as a fun way to make some spending money and help educate people about bees has become a growing enterprise for Mikaila.  Nowadays, Mikaila’s lemonade comes in 6 different flavors and is sold in regional Whole Foods, Kroger’s, and restaurants near her home in Texas.  So how did Mikaila become one of the most well-known young entrepreneurs in the country?

One of the biggest factors in Mikaila’s success has been the support of her family.  Entrepreneurs often have good family and friends who encourage them to take risks and keep their head up when things aren’t going well in business.  This was true in the case of Mikaila.  Another important trait I noticed when reading about Mikaila is her desire to care for the environment. Most individuals do not start a business that helps support one of their biggest fears.  When Mikaila was stung she began researching all about bees and decided to start a business to support healthy bee colonies.  Creating spaces for bees to safely produce honey can prevent them from making nests near residential areas.  Mikaila is helping bees thrive by selling a product she loves and believes in.  She is a young entrepreneur full of drive and desire.  Her lemonade business is just the beginning of her entrepreneurial career.


Most high-school seniors tend to worry more about their college decision and finishing out their high school career strong.  However, if your name is Eli Zied you are more worried about managing life as a high schooler on top of running your constantly growing apparel business.  At the age of 17 Eli started Habits365 which is a lifestyle apparel company built on the principle of encouraging good habits.  His entrepreneurial and business genes stretch much further back.  At the age of 12 he started reselling expensive sneakers to make some extra money and he quickly fell in love with fashion and apparel.  As he fell in love with shoes he got into fashion and began to closely follow all the biggest fashion brands.  Following these brands closely gave him an eye for style and what people were looking for.  Eli surrounded himself with entrepreneurial minds and learned the ins and outs of the industry.  Five years later he started his own brand and was able to apply all the knowledge he gained selling shoes to Habits365.

While reading about Eli I noticed a few traits that are common among entrepreneurs and some that were unique to him as an individual.  The common traits he possesses are innovation, desire, ability to identify problems, and willingness to take risks.  Starting an apparel brand in a saturated apparel market is extremely difficult but Eli possessed the necessary traits to not accept failure.  Eli also has a few traits that make him unique.  He possesses a deep desire to help other people and promote living a positive lifestyle.  He did not start Habits365 because he wanted to make money and be rich.  He started it to provide cool apparel that promotes people being the best version of themselves.  He wants to help other people succeed by making clothing that gives them confidence.  Eli started a commercial enterprise with clear social value.

Mo’s Bows

I think it is safe to say that most nine year old kids are not at recess scheming how to start a business or improve their fashion sense.  Moziah Bridges was not the average nine year-old.  At that age he was known to trade rocks and toys for bowties from other students.  From a young age he had an acute fashion sense and an eye for bowties.  This fashion sense and drive led him to start his own business at the age of nine out of his family’s home in Memphis.  Mo’s Bows was founded in 2011 and has since grown from just making bowties to neckties, and other similar apparel.  Mo’s Bows have even been worn by NBA players on draft night which is just a small example of the influence of his creations.

Moziah’s thought processes and method show his entrepreneurial tendencies.  One of the key traits that stands out about Moziah is his ability to identify problems.  When he was young he could not find a bowtie that fit what the style he was looking for.  He had his mind on a specific style for his outgoing personality.  Instead of settling and just wearing any bowtie Moziah decided to make his own.  He was presented with a problem and instead of settling for an unsatisfactory solution Moziah solved it with his own resources.  Over time people began to take notice of his bowties and that is when he decided to start his business and really work on his ideas.  Moziah is driven by a desire to make people look and feel good.  He wants to create products that give people the confidence to achieve their personal goals and be the best person they can.  Mo’s Bows has given Moziah the ability to dream big and he has sought to spread that mindset to others through his fashion accessories.



What do Apple, Amazon, Google and Hewlett-Packard all have in common?  Other than being highly successful technology companies they also share the trait of being started in a garage.  So when now 27 year-old Ben Francis decided to start his own fitness brand he figure that if their parents garage was good enough for the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates it would work for him.

At the age of 19 years old Francis dropped out of college, returned to his parents home in the United Kingdom.  He bought a sewing machine, stitching machine, and screen printer then converted then converted his parents garage into his workspace.  From that garage Francis built a brand that has now reached a valuation of over 1.3 billion dollars.

Ben Francis, founder of Gymshark

Francis decided to start Gymshark because of a small problem he experienced when he lifted weights.  He could never find comfortable lifting clothes so he stopped wasting his money and began sewing his own.  Through conversations with friends and other weightlifters Francis knew this was a common problem and he sought to solve it himself.  Francis displayed a trait that is common among many entrepreneurs.  Instead of letting the problems he faced discourage him he decided to tackle the problem firsthand.

Ben Francis went from college dropout to the face of the fastest growing workout apparel brand in a matter of years.  Through reading about his success story I learned a lot about the types of traits that set them apart from ordinary people.  The first trait that Francis clearly exemplified was a lack of fear.  Dropping out of school is a big decision that Francis appeared tackled with a quiet confidence.  Very few people create ideas that they believe in enough to drop out of school and pursue full time.  The second trait that I noticed in my research of Francis was his ability to see the problem.  He knew exactly how he wanted to solve the problems with bad workout clothing.  Clearly the problems he saw with workout apparel were felt among his peers because Gymshark has become a household name in the gym apparel business.