Author Archive for FrenchJA21

Kelsey Barry – Fit4Mom

Five years ago my sister was looking for a place to work out where she could bring her toddlers to. Currently living in greater Greensboro, North Carolina. At the time she was unable to find a place nearby to fit her needs. So she decided to take matters into her own hands and created her own workout group. Franchising off of the Fit4Mom program she created Fit4Mom Piedmont. A group that would meet regularly at varying locations to hold workouts. These workouts often implemented the kids in strollers or gave them a place to be dropped off while their moms would work out. My sister absolutely loved this business with all her heart and grew it to impact dozens of moms over the years. Over COVID she kept up the dedication and converted her basement into a home gym and would hold zoom workouts to make up for the lack of physical meetings. However, due to her kids outgrowing it she officially sold it a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully was able to sell it to one of her longtime members who she was sure would take great care of it. My sister and I love talking business together since our minds are quite similar. In that we both are good at seeing holes in the community around us and love finding ways to bring value and impact. She even helped me set up the legal side of my scooter business when I was getting started.

Big Bee, Little Bee

This company was started by a mother and daughter duo, whom refer to themselves as big bee and little bee. Marlo (little bee) came up with the idea of wanting a place to put her markers when she is drawing. Out of this was born the Marker Parker. A hexagon-shaped marker cap holder. Where kids can easily grab a marker, use it, and then put it back in its proper cap in the Marker Parker. Amy (big bee) simply takes little bees’ ideas and helps to turn them into reality. They were recently on Shark Tank and have been on numerous morning shows. They have since grown their product line, to now include the ScrubBEE. Another invention by Marlo that caters to the smaller hands of preschoolers. It is designed to gently clean a baby’s delicate skin and scalp, help a toddler or preschooler learn good hygiene in the tub and at the sink, and encourage even big kids to effectively scrub their dirty hands, body, and face. A product that’s built to grow with her. It is so cool to see how far this mother-and-daughter-duo has come. Marlo’s creativity at such a young age shows much promise for her entrepreneurial journey in the years to come.

Elon Musk in college

One of my big motivations to start a business in college stems from this one story about Elon Musk. Many know Elon for Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company. But many do not know about his venture in college. Which was both genius and hilarious. While at the Univerity of Pennsylvania he and his roommate rented a large house. And in order to pay for it they threw massive nightclub-style parties on the weekends. Attracting as many as one thousand people. The funny this is that Elon reportedly rarely attended them himself. A funny quote from his roommate recounts this, “There were some nights where I’d be like, ‘Where’s Elon?’ and I’d go up to his room and pound on the door and he’s in there alone playing a video game,” Ressi recalls. “And I’m like, ‘There are 500 people out there who need our attention!’ I’m not even sure that he was aware that the party was going on”. He reportedly rarely drank while in college as well. Even though he owned a UP nightclub. He did it solely because he saw the opportunity it was to help pay rent. I also see the college atmosphere as a good place to start my scooter company. Unlike Elon though, I plan to enjoy the service as well. But it’s the thinking that he used to create a business in college that showed me it is possible to balance starting a business and being a full-time student.


MrBeast is a YouTuber with currently 105 million subscribers. He started the channel at just 13 years old, now being 24. Started off just uploading gaming clips. But later moved on to giving away money to strangers. A formula that would make him famous. He is a social entrepreneur that uses his giving to create more giving. How he does this is that every video he makes gets bigger and bigger in scale. He says that he barely keeps any of the money he makes. Instead opting to reinvest the profit from the last video into the next. He simply enjoys just making his content bigger and better. Currently he spents upwards of 3.5 million a video. and getting between 50-100 million views. With his best video sitting at 290 million views. He is really good at taking a current trend and capitalizing on it. For example, that 290 million video was when he recreated the popular Netflix show Squid Game back last year. Using the hype around it to make his recreation go viral. He was one of the youtubers to do this format. And by far is still doing the best.

He also capitalized on his own branding and recently opened up his own series of burger joints. Which on the opening day sold out almost instantly. He also sells plenty of t-shirts.

Lino Marrero

Lino is using his skills in engineering and design to create a unique shoe that has a utility other than just protecting your feet. The pain of having to carry around a portable charger drove him to make this product. He looked at the shoe industry and instead of just making another regular shoe. He saw the pain of having a dead phone and created a solution for it by using the kinetic energy you use while walking. Something you already do anyways so he had the idea of engineering a way to put it to use. Lino showcases an entrepreneur’s ability to take a pain and find a new and better way to solve it. Especially in a the saturated shoe market. As well as the ability to design a brand-new product that finds a way to break through the market saturation. He also has a drive for social good. Stating that the idea also came up by thinking about a way to generate power during a storm or power outage. This product can provide homes with a way to charge their phones during these events to stay connected with others. Giving it the potential to be life-saving in dire situations.


  1. Blake (aka mr4to8) is a young entrepreneur that is really good at building a community. He shows everything he does so that others can learn from his success and mistakes. He has a great understanding of the stock and crypto markets. As well as the real estate market. Specifically how to run AirBNBs.
  2. His drive is to be financially free and to give back to his family and others that helped him build. As well as use his businesses for social good. Such as using his AirBNBs to give make-a-wish kids a grand vacation.
  3. Uses the already established AirBNB industry to grow a huge portfolio of them. By either purchasing the property or sub-leasing it. His other business, WiseGuy Investing, an investment education community. Uses Discord to connect with the younger generation to educate them on how to trade and invest. He brings in other professionals as well to post in their “journals” for the community to learn from.
  4. Obsession with growth, both in business and personal life. He is constantly giving, learning, and teaching.
  5. He used Tiktok to promote his brand and ended up going viral. During COVID he used the opportunity of everyone being on their phones to start creating educational tiktoks. After doing this he quickly went viral, gaining over 1M followers. Using Discord for educational purposes was also a newer idea when he first started it. Typically it is known for gaming. But he found it also worked well for his purposes.
  6. His desire to use his business for social good inspires me to do the same with my business. Having a mission behind the business gives a great motivation to grow it rapidly. He also gives glory to God for all his success. Which is a great reminder for me to do the same.
  7. The principles of giving and growing a community around your brand.