Author Archive for fuguetna19

HummViewer Hummingbird Feeder Mask

The concept of HummViewer was invented by John Creed, fueled by his fascination for hummingbirds that he has had ever since he was a boy. Spending summers at his family’s cabin in Colorado, he saw them all the time on his porch. He also saw the beautiful close ups in nature documentaries and wanted to recreate the experience in real life for himself. So he created the HummVeiwer, which is basically a mask with hummingbird feeders attached to the front of it, the bird will fly right up and start eating the nectar out of the feeders right in front of your face.

This idea caught my attention because of just how ridiculous it is. Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought up of this idea and I am sure that there is a very small market of people willing to spend money on this. However, that is what makes the idea so special. John found something that he is truly passionate about, and no matter how ridiculous it might seem he persevered and invented something from that passion. Ultimately, he was able to end up on Shark Tank and pitch this idea, so he has already been able to have some success. John Creed and the HummViewer teaches me the importance of pursuing passion, no matter how interesting or niche that might be. It also teaches me that with time and effort, anything has the potential to work and become a business.

Pretty Rugged Blankets, Jackets and Bags

Pretty Rugged, a company that creates fashionable jackets, blankets, and bags, was created by Tracy Slocum while boating on Lake George. In New York, where the lake is located, temperatures drop off drastically in the fall and it can rain frequently. In order to allow her family to extend the amount of time they could spend boating, Tracy looked online for fashionable yet functional blankets but could find nothing. This led to her creating Pretty Rugged which consults with fashion experts to create weather and wind proof products perfect for boating in the cold.

This idea is very inspiring and unique because Tracy was able to take just a simple moment of realization and create a whole business out of it. Many people do not have the dedication to see an idea like this all the way through and teaches me to have resilience and persistence in my own life. In addition, Pretty Rugged is comprised of a talented team of women and is an all-women business enterprise. This is very unique and is also extremely inspirational to other aspiring women looking to start their own businesses. As I have been reading more and more articles, I have realized the importance of mixing fashion with practicality and this product is no exception. In order for people to want a product, it is important for it to look good as well as work well.

ActionGlow – Lighting for Sports Equipment

Dakota and Garret Porter are brothers and two avid snowboarders who came up with an interesting idea in 2012 when they were just 16 and 13 years old respectively. They wondered if sticking lights onto the bottom of their snowboards would help light up the area around them and allow them to snowboard at night more easily. Now today, they have turned the idea into ActionGlow, a business that creates LED lighting systems for many different sports products including snowboards, skateboards, and surfboards.

These brothers are innovating because they are combining fashion and practicality in the niche market of light up sports equipment, letting people enjoy their sports at night as well as look cool. In addition, Dakota and Garret are exemplary models of what it means to be a young entrepreneur. Age was no barrier for them and even at an extremely young age, they were unafraid to pursue their idea. In order to further the business, they both obtained short 1-year associate degrees that provided formal education but also allowed them to quickly continue on full time with their business, an interesting route to take. This inspires me in my own life to pursue creative ideas relentlessly and take advantage of the time you have. In addition, Garret and Dakota give back to their community by helping other young people understand how to be a successful entrepreneur.  

Hart Main – Candles

Hart Main was just a 13 year old boy with an interesting idea… manly scented candles. After initially making fun of his sisters for selling their girly scented candles, he decided they might be on to something when realizing he needed to save up $1,500 for a new bike he wanted.  From this humble beginning his company, ManCan, has now grown to exceed 6 figure sales annually. Now today, his company has partnered with Beaver Creek Candle Company to produce these hand-made candles with developmentally disabled employees, giving them a chance to for independence and pride in a well made product. In addition, Hart Main donates a percentage of each candle sales to various soup kitchens.

Hart Main is a unique example of an entrepreneur because he started at such a young age. While this is unusual, it is inspiring and shows that anyone with a good idea can succeed. Hart also shows me the importance of being generous and giving back to others. His partnership with Beaver Creek Candle Company and donations to local soup kitchens are unnecessary and things that he did not have to do. However, he decided to be generous and now it is a part of his brand and enhances its image. Hart has made me realize that in my own entrepreneurial ideas, I should be sure that my products are helpful to people in some way.



Not So Dark – A Delivery Focused Business

Founded by Clement Benoit and Alexandre Haggai, this French startup has raised 80 million dollars in recent series B funding for their new project. At first look, there idea of a delivery food service may seem cliche, but Not So Dark offers a unique business model. Instead of just offering a delivery service to existing restaurants, this startup seeks to expand their online menu as well as deliver. Not So Dark partners with interested restaurants and then sends ingredients and recipes to create foods for several brands they own such as JFK Burgers and Fat Panda. This allows the restaurant to always be cooking food, whether its their own menu for customers in store or Not So Darks menu for online customers. Its a win-win for everyone, customers get the food that they desire and the restaurant sees increased business, Not So Dark just takes a small cut of this.

These entrepreneurs  inspire me in my own thinking through their innovation and creativity. They are effectively changing the entire way that we view restaurants. Instead of going to a place because it specializes in a food or menu that we want, restaurants using this model are becoming a more generalized and multiuse. The seemingly endless menu paired with delivery service means that they are basically a place where you can pay other people to cook a meal for you, an extremely useful and attractive idea.

The Transformation Factory: Sea Moss

When Alexiou Gibson was a young 19 year old man, he weighed 500 pounds and was told by doctors that he would die by the age of 30…so making major life changes Alexiou “transformed” his body and now lives a healthy life. Using his wild life story, Alexiou wanted to help others live a healthy and happy life so he created this company, The Transformation Factory. This new product released by the startup has high nutritional benefits and is environmentally sustainable. In fact, it is an organic vegan superfood that the transformation factory naturally collects and infuses with spring water and organic fruits to create a gel. Some health benefits include weight loss and weight control, sore joint treatment, post-workout recovery, thyroid issues and even more applications.

Gibson is an extraordinary example of an entrepreneur because he was able to use a passion of his to create a successful business model. Not only that, but his product is meant to promote a healthy and happy life for others so they can share the same success that he enjoyed in his journey. This shows that in entrepreneurship, it can be beneficial to create an idea for something that is important to you and you are passionate about.  He demonstrated grit and determination, not just in his startup but also in battling his own health issues. This teaches and inspires me to stay determined in my own life.