Author Archive for gallagherjr21

Hoop Swagg

Socks. When I think of socks, many images come to mind: high socks, low socks, quality socks, cheap socks, thick socks, thin socks, plain socks, and fun socks. Having a pair of fun socks can sometimes just brighten up the day. Many people have their fun socks, but do you have any socks as unique as Hoop Swagg? Young entrepreneur, Brennan Agranoff, created a business that makes socks with incredibly unique designs.

During his junior year in high school, Brennan started searching for socks but not the plain athletic socks. He wanted something with a unique design but still an athletic sock. When he could not find what he was looking for in the market, he decided to create the socks himself. After long hardGoat Farm research, Brennan taught himself the process of code and graphic design and slowly started forming his business. With the help of his dad as his investor, the young entrepreneur opened shop in his garage where he could print the designs on the socks. His ideas for his designs can come from anywhere— some are random while others are pictures from around him, like the goats which are one of the most popular designs that he sells. His business, Hoop Swagg, originally started just as a sock business but then it expanded into the arm sleeves, face coverings, shoe lacings, and apparel. And surprising fact is that he is colorblind and can still create designs that are completely amazing. After five years in the sock business, Hoop Swagg generates over one million dollars annually.

Brennan enjoys his business even though he has a busy life with school, chores, and soccer. He also donates to See the source imagecharitable causes and has a page on his website where you can participate in fundraising. Brennan was able to find solution to dull athletic socks and created a business where he can have fun and make money.

You can find his website here.

Keto Cracker

A popular diet these days is the Keto diet. The Keto diet is a low carb and high fat diet which limits many tasty options like bread, pasta, and crackers. Crackers are a wonderful food because you can do so much with it like eating it with dips or toppings or by itself as a snack or just getting that satisfying crunch. A young girl named Nyah Kshatriya was made aware of this dilemma of not having tasty Keto friendly crackers and so she set out to create the perfect keto cracker.

Over the summer of her senior year in high school, Nyah decided that she wanted to get a job to Phoenix teen entrepreneur finds success with her 'Keto Cracker'earn some money. Her parents approved but said that she should consider an employment where she could learn skills that could benefit her later in life rather than learning the skills necessary for the minimum wage jobs. During that time, Nyah’s mother was on the Keto diet and challenged her daughter to create something similar to the beloved cracker but still have the healthy low carb Keto element. Nyah opted to create a cracker instead of a minimum wage employment. After many attempts, Nyah produced the perfect cracker. The cracker only consists of three ingredients and unlike the other Keto crackers that are in the market, this cracker does not contain the unknown ingredients. Once she completed the cracker, Nyah wanted to test whether her cracker would be liked among the Keto population. Using Instagram, Nyah sent her cracker to Keto people to taste test. The Keto people loved it and so started Keto Cracker.

See the source image              Although Keto Cracker has been a success, Nyah still has challenges to face. Like many otherSee the source image young business entrepreneurs, many people do not take her seriously because of her age. Also, since her was still in high school during the start of her business, she had the SATs, ACTs, AP exams and applying to colleges to balance with her business. But through it all, Nyah has excellent mentors to guide her with her business.

Bianchi Candle Co.

There are many things that people enjoy and one common thing is candles. Candles can come in all different scents, wicks, and ingredients. These things make each candle unique, and an all natural soy candle handed poured in Papillion, NE, Italy is definitely unique.

Nic Bianchi received a candle making kit on his twelfth birthday and was hooked from that point on. He Nic Bianchi, Bianchi Candle Company, with a few of his products.kept on creating all natural soy candles and soon afterwards, he introduced his candle business, Bianchi Candle Company. The company did not come as a surprise to his parents because if you rewind to Nic’s younger years, you would be impressed with the young boy. During elementary school, Nic would sell toys to his classmates at recess. Later, he upgraded his little toy business with a catalog and everything was sold with a logo of his creation.  He even went the next step and employed two other children as sales reps to help him with his toy business at school. His eagerness to be an entrepreneur expanded as he entered his candle company. The candle making process is more complex than most people think. Besides having a passion for entrepreneurship, Nic enjoys the math and science subjects which is a bonus in his candle making. Much thought goes into the ratios of ingredients and the sizing of the wick to ensure a longer burn and elements of the jar and label will matter in the process since the heat of the flame could destroy them.

Bianchi Candle Company has launched many candles for different occasions or purposes. TheBianchi Candle Company motivational candle, Yes You Can candle, and the Bianchi Candle Co, purely luxurious candles, are two of the most popular brands of candles that the company sells. All the candles are natural and without any dyes causing them to be purely white, which when his last name is translated from Italian, it means white. Nic’s story is inspiring for me because he followed his passion which brought him into the world of business.

You can visit Bianchi Candle Company website here.

Gus’s Eats & Treats

Picture a beautiful, clear, sunny, summer day at Merrymeeting Lake in New Hampshire. You are relaxing on a rock and soaking up the sun by a dock and can see the lush green trees in the distance on the other side of the lake. There is a slight breeze that make the tree leaves quiver. The birds are cheerfully chirping. What could be better? Well, Gus Schoenbucher knew how to perfect the scene. As you are enjoying yourself by the dock, you realize that you are hungry. Thankfully, Gus pulls up in his boat with a variety of food products to sell. Your day is topped with a hot dog and ice cream from Gus’s Eats & Treats.

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Gus Schoenbucher is a fourteen-year-old boy from a small town in New Hampshire. His brilliant idea of an ice cream truck in boat form, came from his dad bringing back memories from his childhood when he used to sell ice cream on the lake where he grew up. The business has even deeper ties than that: the same boat is used to deliver the ice cream. The initial product of his business was selling ice cream, but as time continued, someone complained that he did not have a license. The complaint did not stop Gus, he was determined to continue his business, so he obtained his license, became official, and expanded his business to hot dogs, soda, and chips. The expansion created Gus’s Eats & Treats.

As the popularity of Gus’s Eats & Treats evolved, social media helped spread the word of the business to the point where Gus’s Eats & Treats received the notice from Krispy Kreme doughnuts. In addition to theMay be an image of 1 person, standing and text that says 'MML EATS & TREATS' other products Gus serves, the business now sells Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Gus’s Eats & Treats had the opportunity to attend The Alton Winter Carnival and serve hot chocolate and doughnuts and experience the festivities of the carnival.


The Pastry Chef

People have many ways to relieve their stress. A young girl named Gabrielle Williams found that her stress reliever was baking. Her stress was a result from bullying at a new school she started attending when she bowed her head in prayer before her meal. As she found that the baking would remove the bullying stress, she continued baking and trying new recipes from her grandmother. Her mother took her to women’s empowerment event where she encountered a young entrepreneur lady with the exact same name. The young lady’s last words were to “Dream Big” which gave Gabrielle the nudge to become a businesswoman.

Gabrielle went back to the kitchen and created a homemade frosting from scratch that was a hit, Chocolate Expresso Buttercream Frosting. After the frosting, she decided that she wanted to create her own business and in 2013 at the age of nine, Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle was born. The secret recipes are based on her grandmother’s and great grandmother’s recipes and some of the recipes she created on her own. The ingredients are all fresh and business emphasizes on the homemade goodness of the pastries. The pastry business was steady for several years, selling to friends and spread by word of mouth. Then in 2016, Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle was featured on the local news which expanded to ABC Good Morning America, Woman’s World Magazine, Washington Post, and many more. As her business’ fame grew, Gabrielle has had the opportunity to be a co-author to the book, The Science Behind It: Formulating Success at any Age and speak at several conventions about bullying and young entrepreneurs.

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There are many challenges that Gabrielle must encounter. Responding to negative feedback and skepticism about a business run by a young girl can bring about the difficulty in running a business. There are times when business is slow and there was a time where no orders were placed for several months. Gabrielle felt discourage enough that she debated on closing the business. But shortly later, she received a large order. Throughout the challenges for the young businesswoman, Gabrielle enjoys baking and takes pride in her business.

Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle website: Glorious Pastries by Gabrielle – Home

Maddie Rae: Slime Queen

There is certain types fun as children that you never grow out of…well at least that is true for me. I loved (and still love) mixing things together and creating some sort of ‘unique’ concoction which is probably why I enjoy baking because it is the grown-up way of mixing ingredients together to form beauty and deliciousness. But enough about sweet and treats, and let’s do full one eighty and talk about slime. Slime? Is it that disgusting looking thing that can turn up in who knows where or can it be that pretty sparkly thing that you can find in the store? Children’s slime is a simple way to have endless fun. Playing with it can be a blast and that is exactly what a young girl named Maddie Rae discovered.

Maddie started making her own slime but as time passed, the interest in slime increased and she found it difficult to find slime glue. But the shortage in glue did not stop Maddie. She decided to try and create her own original slime glue. Finally, after hard work and many experiments, the perfect glue emerged which became Maddie Rae’s Slime Glue. The slime glue was a success and the business decided to expand to an array of slime items that aid in the process of making of slime.

There was a problem when there was not enough slime glue, but Maddie took her twelve-year-old passion for slime glue to that problem and found a solution. Her solution turned into a business which produced Maddie Rae’s Slime Glue. Since then, Maddie had the honor in breaking the Guinness World Record for World’s Largest Slime in 2017 for thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty pounds. (The record has been broken by someone else) The joy of making slime combined with solving a need caused a young girl to become an entrepreneur.