Brandon and Sebastian Martinez are two incredible young boys. They are the founders a colorful sock company that sells to kids and adults. They are passionate about designing socks that stand out from the crowd, but they also care about making a difference at the same time. Sebastian, who is 10 years-old, is the C.E.O. and head designer for their company, “Are You Kidding.” Brandon, who is 12 years-old, is the Director of Sales, or as he likes to refer to himself as the “D.O.S.”
The Martinez brothers have always wanted to share their love of cool and unique socks with the world. Their love for socks was the inspiration to start a small business where they sell their fun designs with others. They use some of the profits from their socks to raise awareness for local and national charities around the country. They have partnered with organizations like Autism Speaks, American Cancer Society, Special Olympics Florida, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami, and The Live Like Bella Foundation.
Their story is inspirational because the Martinez boys show us that it is never too early to start a business or follow our passion.