Author Archive for goliasmc21

Grechen Huebner: Kodable

Grechen Huebner’s entrepreneurial journey started when she first arrived at college as a communications major. She was not very skilled in technology coming in. Knowing that this would be a hinderance in her future career, Grechen began to surround herself with all things tech and design. Because she did this, she was able to teach herself web design. Having this skill allowed her to get multiple internships in college. Grechen wished she had learned web design much earlier in life and wanted to provide a way for others to do it.

This led Grechen to start Kodable. She developed Kodable with her co-founder Jon Mattingly in 2012, while they were still in college. Their goal was to be able to teach kids how to effectively code at a young age. Kodable has grown incredibly fast and is used in every developed country in the world to teach tens of millions of kids. Grechen is always communicating with her teams and her costumers to create the best experience for the students using her resources.  Grechen has been able to use her gifts she learned in college to impact so many people. She is giving other kids the opportunity she wished she could have had.

Programming for Kids | Kodable

Jaquelle Ferris

Jaquelle Ferris is not the standard business-starting entrepreneur you hear about, but a young author who wants to change how teen Christians think. She began her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 18 when she wrote her book This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years. The goal of this book was to inspire other young Christians who grew up in the church to think of the Gospel in a refreshing way. Since then, Jaquelle has contributed to many different sites including, The Gospel Coalition, Unlocking the Bible, and Beliefnet. This does not include her time as editor-in-chief of, which is a website devoted to inspiring teens to “rebel against low expectations.” After being homeschooled and graduating from college, Jaquelle has also co-founded a program for young writers with Brett Harris called The Young Writer’s Workshop. This program is geared towards young Christain writers who want to build marketable writing skills. All of Jaquelle’s work so far shows how much she is invested in sharing Biblical truths to young people around the world. It is incredible to think what she will do next after she has already accomplished so much in such a short period of time!

Kayla Cares 4 Kids: Kayla Abramowitz

Kayla Abramowitz began her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 11 when she started “Kayla Cares 4 Kids.” She wanted to find ways to help other kids feel better when they were stuck in the hospital after her brother and herself had numerous hospital stays of their own. Kayla struggles with Crohn’s Disease, Juvenile Arthritis, and Eosinophilic Colitis, so she is no stranger to what sick kids have to deal with. She began her organization by collecting some DVDs around her house and donating them to children’s hospitals. She then got help from her family to continue to collect entertainment and educational materials. She initially wanted to collect 100 DVDs to give to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, but she was quickly gaining a lot of momentum and publicity. A newspaper published an article about her that brought in more than enough donations to meet her goal. Since “Kayla Cares 4 Kids” began in 2013, Kayla has delivered items to EVERY children’s hospital and Ronald McDonald House in the country! Her organization has become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has collected and donated over 41,000 items to date. Kayla Abramowitz continues to meet her goal of “Helping Sick Kids Feel Better One Smile at a Time!”

IKayla Abramowitz


Liz Zerby: Cupcakes by Liz

Elizabeth Zerby is a nineteen-year-old entrepreneur and is really only known in my hometown. I grew up with Liz and have seen first-hand how she has been able to grow her very own cupcake business. After experimenting with different recipes, Liz developed an incredible gluten free cupcake that can compete with the best gluten filled ones. She managed all this from her kitchen at home. After she developed her initial recipe, she was able to create more flavors and new ways to decorate her cupcakes. Liz uses Instagram and other social media platforms to advertise her products and communicate with customers. She serves cupcakes for birthdays, weddings, graduation parties, and many other events. Cupcakes by Liz may not be a common name for most people, but in Mansfield, Ohio it spoken of very highly. Her cupcakes are recognizable at any event for their presentation and flavor. Liz’s business has been going strong for many years now, but she has had to slow down her business as she attends college. Even so, I do not believe she will stop making cupcakes any time soon. Sometimes being an entrepreneur does not come with big name success, but with a small consistent business.

Alex and Brett Harris have been doing big things since they were teenagers. It all started when these twins were sixteen years old, and they started the website This website has been challenging young people everywhere to “rebel against low expectations” and is one of the “most popular Christian teen websites on the Internet.” It is run by young people who want to make a change in the world and inspire others to do the same. In addition to this website, Alex and Brett interned in the Alabama Supreme Court at seventeen, becoming the youngest interns to date. Then at eighteen they coauthored their first book. The book is titled Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations and it is one of the most impactful books I read in high school. At its peak, the book reached #5 on the bestseller list. This book launched the twins into the public light, and they received a lot of media coverage because of it. However, the twins have since then grown up and have moved on to different projects. Alex and Brett are no longer in their teenage years, but their website and writings are still relevant today.

The Rebelution | rebelling against low expectations


There are some pretty recognizable names on this blog, but I can almost guarantee that nobody reading this has ever heard of Drew Steensland or his business of recycling motorcycle parts. The only reason I know about MotoRecyling is because I have personally known Drew since middle school. Drew’s business is about disassembling old motorcycles and ATVs and re-selling the working parts online. Drew has been building his business since the seventh grade after his dad let him take apart a motorcycle. He discovered how much he enjoyed the process and went on to create a business out of it. When he was thirteen, Drew graduated from the Young Entrepreneurs Academy and even received a cash prize for his business idea. Since then, MotoRecyling has not stopped growing. At sixteen, Drew was one of the youngest licensed dealers of motorcycle parts in the nation. His business has high end equipment that he needs for efficient, effective work, including a vapor blaster. He now even has a separate building for his business. Drew earns a steady income through MotoRecyling and plans to continue with this project as he studies in college. Seeing Drew become successful firsthand is incredibly inspiring and demonstrates that entrepreneurs can come from anywhere.