Author Archive for Gwen Graybill

Romania Reborn – A Family is Possible

Under communism, the country of Romania, and in particular the Gypsy people group, severely suffered.  Children of certain groups in the country suffered more than others, causing them to be abandoned and also neglected.

God was at work when Jayme Metzgar’s mission trip brought her to Romania and also to the apartment of Corina Caba.  At that time Corina, right our of college, was caring for seven abandoned babies and working toward placing them in adoptive families.  After Jayme returned home, Romania Reborn was founded with the goal of supporting the work of Corina both financially and in prayer.  I should add here that I recall that Jayme was right out of high school when she went to Romania and her life intersected with Corina’s. (So we see Jayme, right out of high school and Corina right out of college.)

Since its inception, Romania Reborn has remained solidly focused on the children of Romania.  They are able to find safe homes for abandoned and neglected children and assist families in adopting these children as their own.  Romania Reborn also has foster families who are willing to care for children for the long term who are unable to be adopted due to legal and cultural issues.   Romanian law dictates that only Romanian citizens can adopt Romanian children, which is why children can only be adopted by Romanian families.

Romania Reborn has several ways we can help.  Donors can join the Family Support Team, where their donations go directly toward adoption expenses, such as court costs, home studies, etc until a child is placed in the home of their new family.  Also, donors can become a Foster Sponsor, which enables children who are prevented from being adopted, to be cared for by a loving foster family.

From Romania Reborn’s website, “Our goal in ministry is not only to save children from abandonment, but also to share the beauty and power of the Gospel at every opportunity.”

I learned of Romania Reborn years ago, directly through Jayme as we attended the same church in West Virginia.  Her passion for the work there is evident every time I hear her speak.  Jayme and Corina were so very young when Romania Reborn began, which is a great testament that the Lord will give young people whatever tools they need when they set out to accomplish His work!



Get Healthy! – Don’t settle for less

I have been following Dr. Josh Axe for years.  He is a doctor of chiropractic, but is also a certified doctor of natural medicine and a clinical nutritionist. He is passionate about helping people get healthy through what they eat and by changing their lifestyle.  His website is

Dr. Axe is very innovative as he did not just settle with being a chiropractor, but rolled that into a whole body package. He also does not settle for the status quo, but is willing to teach people how to take some control of their health.  I really like that he talks about things like fermented foods, how to use essential oils and herbs.  These things were once long-forgotten remedies, but today they being re-introduced and I am really excited about that!  He has also written quite a few books the latest being Ancient Remedies . His website is full of great information and it is very easy to research something like “salt” or “lavender”, where you will find a wealth of information and even recipes.  The website also includes lots of helpful information about fitness with often helpful exercises for particular problems.

He and his wife, Dr. Chelsea Axe co-founded an interval training program called BurstFIT.  She is also a chiropractor.

As I am researching, I have discovered that he also founded The Health Institute which is partly an education resource for those interested in Health Coaching.

Dr. Axe teamed up with Jordan Rubin to create the Ancient Nutrition brand of supplements. Dr. Axe has also worked with numerous athletes even worked with athletes from the United States at the 2012 Olympic games.  I did not quite realize the extent to Dr. Axe’s entrepreneurial endeavors until I started researching for this post!  I really like that Dr. Axe does not just focus on one aspect of health, but sees how so many things are interconnected, just like his business!

Drink Coffee–Save Lives!

I don’t know that we need any extra motivation to drink coffee, but yet, knowing that your coffee purchase WILL make a difference by supporting Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC’s) might encourage you to purchase coffee from .

Seven Weeks Coffee was founded by Anton Krecic when he was in his early 20’s.  The interesting thing is that he first moved to DC to get involved in politics, but once he started down that route, he realized that he was called to put people before profits and began Seven Weeks Coffee – and he does this is several ways.  I thought this was an interesting discovery, as Prof. Sweet often refers to the iteration process.  Anton’s calling turned out not to be politics, but at this point in his life, selling coffee.  A great example of Proverbs 16:9. (How it began.)

Redemptive entrepreneurship is something I always enjoy learning more about.  Anton found a way to use our culture’s love of coffee to make a big impact.

Over 50% of their profits go directly to CPC’s.  I also really appreciate how they are not just selling any kind of coffee, but that their coffee is farmed using organic practices, mold free AND they have relationships with growers and purchase coffee beans directly from these farmers.  On their website they claim that they pay the farmers 300% more than necessary for fair trade coffee!!  So, not only are they helping moms in crisis pregnancy situations and their precious babies, but they are also enabling farmers to realize fair profits for their labor. 

I spent years volunteering at a Crisis Pregnancy Center and so that experience really helped me be exited about this company and about how innovative they are in sharing their coffee profits. I think it would a lot of fun, and motivating, to be able to raise so much money (over $500,000 ) for CPC’s.  Most of us can’t write a check out for that amount, but quite a few of us might be able to raise that kind of money with an innovative idea like Seven Weeks Coffee.

Finally, did you know that at SEVEN WEEKS a baby’s heart begins beating in the womb?  That is where the name Seven Weeks Coffee comes from:-)