Author Archive for GuidasMJ18

Nannies By Noa

Noa Mintz is a 15 year old entrepreneur that is helping families feel safer and more secure about their babysitters and nannies.  At the age of 12 Noa’s family was having trouble finding a good babysitter in New York City that was trustworthy babysitters that were interactive with the children.  To solve this problem Noa created her company Nannies By Noa.

Nannies By Noa is a full service child care agency that pairs families in need of a nanny with trustworthy nannies in need of a job.  Nannies By Noa is very hands on throughout the process.  Nannies By Noa first consults with the family in need of a nanny, to see specifically what they want in a nanny.  The company then sends the family resumes of nannies that may potentially work for their situation.  Next, the family interviews with the potential nanny, with the team of Nannies By Noa walking you through the process every step of the way.  The company will help negotiate salaries, create work agreements and lay out expectations of the job.


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Noa started this successful venture by using her network of reliable babysitters around her area to be matched with families in need, which is very impressive at such a young age.  She is not distracted by the normal teenage drama and stays focused on the problem she is solving at hand.  Nannies By Noa was created because of how difficult it is to find sitters that are trustworthy and good with children.  Noa identified the problem of finding a good sitter and solved it by using her network of good sitters and pairing them with families in need.  I am inspired by the fact that Noa blocked out all the the distractions of being a teenager and focused on a problem that she was passionate about.  In the end Noa is creating jobs for people and a safer babysitting experience.

Mo’s Bows

Moziah Bridges is a 15 year old that is the CEO of his own bow tie company.  Moziah started making bow ties with his grandma when he was 9 years old.  Moziah aspired to look good and feel good.  He wanted something more than the bow ties he found at the store, so he decided to add his own personal touch by designing his own bow ties.

Moziah pitched his business on Shark Tank in 2013.  Daymond John recommended that Moziah should not seek investors in the early stages of his business, but Daymond volunteered to mentor Moziah through his business venture.  Ever since appearing on Shark Tank, Moziah’s business has been very successful.  He landed some big manufacturers with the help of Daymond John and recently signed a deal with the NBA.  Moziah Bridges is an inspiration in the way that he networked and exposed himself to the world and market that he was entering.  He put himself and his business out for the world to see on Shark Tank.  He connected with Daymond John leading to a very valuable business mentor.  Moziah Bridges is doing things that take other entrepreneurs their whole lives to do.







Twelve Year Old Entrepreneur Changing the Way Kids Play With Legos

Twelve year old Tripp Phillips was playing with his Legos one day.  He put a lot of time into creating a plane with his Legos.  When he would play with the the plane and fly it around, the plane would fall apart.  Tripp realized that he needed something that would hold the Legos together that did not permanently keep them stuck together.  Tripp came up with his company LeGlue.

Allee, Tripp and Lee Phillips' pitch of Le-Glue on ABC's "Shark Tank." Tripp Phillips is very unique.  He is twelve years old and has already started his own company.  Also, he is the one of the youngest people to get a patent in the United States and  has pitched his business idea on Shark Tank.  Tripp Phillips started thinking about the LeGlue idea in school as an assignment.  His teacher gave his class the task of inventing something.  So Tripp identified the problem of his Legos not staying together and solved it with LeGlue.  Tripp Phillip’s LeGlue is unique because there is nothing on the market quite like it.  Tripp found a gap in the market and put his product in to fill it.  Tripp Phillips is an inspiration because of how successful he is for being so young.  Also, I was inspired by the way Tripp presented himself and his business idea on national television.  He was calm, humorous, and got his idea across very well.  Tripp also was able to decide which investor’s offer he wanted to take.  Tripp’s story has taught me that no matter how old you are you can make an impact in this world and be successful.

A New Realm for Boxing

Benjamin Shalom is a twenty-four year old entrepreneur who created a whole new way for boxers to get exposure.  Shalom is the creator of Ultimate Boxxer, a new fighting format that gives exposure and payment to boxers that are under the radar.  This is not the first venture that Shalom has been apart of.  He has experience through catering and entertainment sectors.  Shalom was a boxer and knows what it is like trying to get opportunities to show your abilities.  He is driven by his experiences.  Not only does Shalom’s idea give boxers exposure, it also pays them for their work.  The idea does not just benefit boxers, it benefits boxing fans because they will be able to watch boxing more frequently as opposed to watching it a handful of times a year.  Shalom identified the problems and gaps in the boxing industry and plugged in his own ideas to create a better format.

It is inspiring that Shalom took something that he was passionate about and made it better.  He was a boxxer that knew the struggle of gaining exposure so he created a way to gain exposure easier.  Shalom’s story has taught me that experience and passion will help you work harder and have success in your venture because you enjoy what you are doing.


Young Entrepreneur Shocks The Real Estate World

Akshay Ruparelia is a nineteen year old entrepreneur from Britain and founder of is a multi-million dollar company that is based both online and offline.  The company is seen as “the Uber of the property world” because it hires self-employed local property agents for each property it has to sell.  Akshay developed his company while in college.  He had to balance his studies, taking care of his deaf parents, and developing his business.  Akshay had a lot on his plate as a kid, this helped him to mature quicker than most.  His work ethic learned from being a carer to his parents is one of the reasons he is so inclined to succeed. is different than other real estate companies because it costs a lot less and provides the best of the best customer service.  A person can sell their house through for 99 pounds as opposed to 1,000 pounds through an agent.  Akshay’s is able to work more and harder than most to develop ideas and find gaps to change the way people think about markets through his outstanding work ethic developed over his years.  I am inspired by how much Akshay has accomplished at such a young age.  It helps me to see that if you put the time in to really think about and develop your ideas you will be closer to succeeding your goal.  I have learned that no matter your age you can change the world.

New way of honoring the deceased

Adelle Archer, a twenty-seven year old entrepreneur, changed the way people honor their deceased loved ones.  In recent years more people have chosen to have their loved ones cremated over having a burial, which gave Archer the perfect opportunity to bring her idea to life.  Archer created Eterneva. Instead of burying or cremating a deceased loved one Eterneva turns your loved one’s ashes into diamonds.  They make the diamonds into necklaces that you can wear around to constantly remind you of your special loved one.  Archer started Eterneva after losing her beloved mentor and that is what motivates her to grow the business and provide services for others that lose their special loved ones.  Archer says, “A diamond lasts more than a singe generation, the way an urn of ashes won’t.”  Archer shows the ability to identify gaps in a certain market and then put her specific ideas to action making a new and improved option to the market.  Adelle Archer has inspired me to use my skills and passions to make the world be a better place.