Author Archive for gustafsonnr20

From Boxes to Bucks

Arcades seem to be a thing of the past to us but not for Caine Monroy. At only nine years old, Caine has amounted a whopping $200,000. I think at that age I was getting paid 50 cents to clean my room. So for a nine year old, that is a large chunk of cash.

Cain had a very inventive mind and new he was different from his classmates. One summer vacation he was in the back of his dads auto shop and started messing around with rearranging old parts boxes. He began with just a couple of cardboard boxes and made his first arcade game. He was very interested in the art and design of it rather than the games itself. Eventually he started to get a following of people who were also interested in his arcade games. A film maker by the name of Nirvan Mullick decided to do a film on a Cain and set up a fund for him to go to college. Thousands of people were inspired by Cain Caine's Arcade | A boy's cardboard arcade that inspired the world.and he ended up raising over $200,000.

Cain’s arcade has inspired so many young kids and adults alike. A young mind that has an inventive goal can do much more than just satisfy themselves. They can inspire more people to open their mind up into the world of entrepreneurship.

The Shot to Fame

I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t heard of the group Dude Perfect. They are all over YouTube and the internet in general. With over 54 million subscribers, I’d say its pretty safe to say that last sentence. If you haven’t for some reason, these guys do crazy trick shots, very inventive sports battles, stereotypes, and much more. The group consists of Tyler Toney, Cory and Coby Cotton, Garret Hilbert, and Cody Jones.  They have teamed up with many different professional athletes such as Brodie Smith along with breaking many different Guinness World Records. How Tall are the Dude Perfect Guys? | TallSlim Tees®

From a Christian view, these guys have a pretty cool story. Tyler Toney, the founder of the group, grew up in Texas playing football in high school but didn’t continue his career in college. Instead, he went to Texas A&M to just focus on education. While there, he began looking for other Christian guys to hang out with. That is when he found the rest of the group. They ended up moving into a house together and set up a basketball hoop in the backyard. This is where it all began with there first video “Backyard Trick Shots”.  From there it is history. They went on to create so many videos that certainly entertain a wide range of different people. They now have their own complex in Frisco Texas. Not only do they entertain but they have also reached out and given back to society through many different charities which include Make a Wish Foundation.

Fit to Fame to More Fame

Bradley Martyn, a social media influencer, a bodybuilder and the founder of Zoo Culture Gym along with BMFit. Over the years of being a Youtuber, he has amounted over 2.5 million followers for his feats of strength, bodybuilding physique, and his vlogs. By establishing this large amount of followers, he established his own fitness program BMFit. He didn’t stop there though, he went on to start his own gym. Starting your own gym is certainly not an easy task. It requires a large sum of money. But because of Martyn’s already established following, he had the money to do so.Petition · petition for bradley martyn to get arrested for drug dealing to  kids ·

Taking it back a few steps, Martyn didn’t have the best life growing up. At a young age, his father took his life leaving Bradley devastated. Pushing forward, he got into fitness at the age of 14 and it has stuck with him since then. He established BMFit in 2006 which is a training program for people to use. Not long after that, he dropped put of college with only one semester left. He went on to begin uploading his training videos to YouTube where he would begin establishing his following. Then in 2017, he was able to open Zoo Culture Gym. Bradley has always had an entrepreneurial mind when it comes to fitness. Once he got into fitness at a young age, he was able to see how much it helped him and ultimately wanted to spread that to many others.


Studying Made Simple!

Andrew Sutherland - Author BiographyWe have all been in a situation where studying just wasn’t going our way. Maybe you just couldn’t grasp a concept by looking at your notes or you reached the point of diminishing returns where you weren’t getting as much out of your studying. Thankfully for us in school now, we have a very useful resource known as Quizlet. Andrew Sutherland, the founder of Quizlet, saw a problem when he was a sophomore in high school. He was studying for a French test and trying to memorize over a hundred vocab words. He saw this as a path for innovation and would eventually create the app Quizlet.

Quizlet has expanded over the years to benefit both students and teachers. It has generated over 300 million users. The profits earned through the app help to better Sutherland’s mission of bettering education. It has certainly been able to benefit a large portion all across the world. Personally, I have used Quizlet many times and it has definitely helped when it comes to studying.

Sutherland had saw a problem that affected a lot of students. In a era where technology and smart phones was just beginning, he was able to get on the train real quick, which helped to launch his company fast. His company has continued to thrive and will continue to do so based on its popularity and efficiency in helping students study.Quizlet - Fullstack Engineer - SF, CA


All Natural Scents!

We all have experienced some point in our lives when we walk into a house that just has the most welcoming scent. A simple candle can change the way you view a house because it can mask that other odor of cat litter, wet dog, or smelly socks. Candles help us feel relaxed and welcomed. Nic Bianchi probably never thought he would earning a living from making candles but that all changed on his 12th birthday when his parents got him a candle making kit.

Papillion boy starts candle business in hopes to inspire others | KPTMAfter working around with making candles, he would go on to establish Bianchi Candle Co. and the Wild Worksman. He started selling his candles in Bel Angelo’s Boutique in Nebraska. Since then he has expanded to other local and non local shops. Along with his market expanding, he has been able to develop new fragrances for his candles which give people a larger variety. He makes his candles with all natural soy wax so that they are safer and actually burn longer than normal candles. It doesn’t stop there though, Bianchi took his first $200 profit and donated it to a police woman who was shot in duty. Since then, he has continued to donate back to the community.

Innovation occurs in all different ways and Bianchi took advantage of that when he was just 12 years old. From that, he was able to create a business that is profitable and is something that he enjoys.

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All Jammed Up!

Fraser Doherty: The SuperJam Boy From Scotland.   How many of you have had a peanut butter jelly sand which in your life? Okay, I’m assuming that most of you said yes to that. Now how many of you got to experience sitting in the kitchen, watching your grandma crank out twenty jars of fresh made jam? Probably not as many of you can say yes to that. Fortunately, Fraser Doherty can. Doherty is the creator of SuperJam. He created this brand at the old age of 16. Most 16 year olds nowadays are caught up in video games or just living out their final years of high school.  Doherty saw an opportunity of making jam 100% from fruit. This simple idea has generated millions of dollars as it has been commercialized and sold all over the world. But Fraser didn’t just take that money for himself. He decided he wanted to help better the world in other ways and has been donating a lot of that money to charity events such as setting up tea parties for elderly people.  Because of his gracious acts, Prince Charles even awarded him the MBE for his services to businesses. Fraser Doherty: 48 Hour Start-Up

After establishing SuperJam, Doherty went on to create Beer52 which is now the worlds largest craft beer club in the world. He clearly has a knack for business and having success. After creating these businesses, he has wrote books and told his story over many countries through conferences. He shares his story to help other business owners and future owners to have the success that he has had.

Who knew that someone could start a million dollar business from something as simple as homemade jam. It seems a bit crazy but with a good mind filled with innovation, something that simple could change your life and give you a little more green in your pocket.