Author Archive for Ross Harrington

Joel Ansett

Joel Ansett

    Joel Ansett is a wonderful example of a millenial entrepreneur. He is a                singer/song writer, who biggest of all is married to my sister. Joel is a Grove City  Alum who currently lives in downtown Denver, Colorado and is a worship    leader at Saint Patrick Presbyterian Denver.

What inspires me about Joel is that he is constantly listening to the Spirit and boldly following wherever it leads him.  This has led him in a plethora of different ways such as: pursuing a career in his music, MARRYING MY SISTER, moving to Denver to be a worship leader and most recently a Kickstarter campaign.

Joel is looking to raise $23,000 in order to record a full length album, get copies of his CD printed, marketing and distribution.  He currently has raised just about half of the amount necessary for the Kickstarter to be funded.  This project is something that personally I wholeheartedly believe in.

The video below is a brief description of his Kickstarter:

Please follow this link and learn more about Joel Ansett and his mission:     Click Here

Khoa Phan

khoa_phanKhoa Phan is a freelance Vine editor. To begin this venture he profiled the top ten subscribed YouTube channels. After researching this he realized a direct correlation between being early adopters and creating a large fan base of subscribers. Each of the top ten began building their platform early and immediately built their brand for their channel.

Because of this research, Phan decided to start his vine account the day that Ebay bought up Vine for $30 million. What makes Khoa Phan extremely interesting is that he currently isn’t in the top ten in terms of Vine subscribers; in spite of this he has been ranked by Mashable as one of the top ten to follow. Khoa Phan takes advantage of his artistic side and uses interesting content to drive traffic to his vines. His specific artistic use is his patented paper stop motion style. This has led to some lucrative product placement deals with big-name companies: Snapple, Livestrong, MTV, (RED), and Peanuts Worldwide.

Personally I will be following Khoa Phan and am curious to see where his Vine freelancing will take him. Will he grow into a great vine empire or has he met the peak of his vine success? Follow Khoa Phan on vine to find out.

Hart Main



Inspiring young entrepreneur clearly describes Hart Main (emphasis on YOUNG). At the age of 13 he started his first business called ManCans. The inception of this business dates back to 2010. Hart’s sister was joking with his sister who was selling candles to school and noting that the scented candles were too girly. He then jokingly suggested, “(his sister) ought to try more manly scents.”


Through some encouragement via his parents, Hart decided he would pursue this idea. It is inspiring to me that at the age of 13 years old, he developed his idea and turned it into a business. With just a $300 investment from his own personal fund and his parents, ManCans in the first two years sold over 25,000 manly candles. This idea also has a dual purpose. The contents of each of the cans are donated to soup kitchen across Ohio. Hart Main is yet another inspiring entrepreneur that I look up to and aspire to be like.

My Entrepreneurial Inspiration (My Sister)

Entrepreneur on Tour: Life on the Road

Who is She?

This is Molly Ansett, an inspiring millennial entrepreneur, who already is the cofounder and co-owner of a business.  Molly is my older sister.  So when I say I’ve looked up to her all of my life, I mean it.  Molly graduated from Grove City College in 2013 with an Entrepreneurship degree and moved right into her first business called Buzz Burrito from there.  Following in her footsteps I now am currently a freshman Entrepreneurship major at Grove City College.  Molly has an innate ability to connect people needs and desires to viable solutions.  She utilizes the skills through clearly identifying what the customer needs and deliver it.


Buzz Burrito Story

During their senior year, Molly Ansett and cofounder Josh Kern, developed this idea with Professor Yvonne English.  After graduating, they decided to take their idea to the next level and make it an official business.  Within the first year Buzz Burrito became profitable.

What is Buzz Burrito?

Buzz Burrito is a mobile marketing company that is based out of Pittsburgh, PA.  According to their website, there slogan is, “Buzz Burrito develops affordable mobile marketing solutions-mobile apps and mobile websites.”  In a nutshell Buzz Burrito offers its’ marketing expertize via mobile apps and mobile websites.


My sister, Molly Ansett has been the primary inspiration for me as I begin my entrepreneurial journey.  I am excited to see where Buzz Burrito will go in the years to come.  Buzz Burrito has an extremely helpful site for gaining knowledge about the importance of mobile apps and mobile websites in this technological age.  You can check them out at .

BuzzBurrito, LLC

Inspiring Young Entrepreneur


Kim Garrett

      This successful millennial entrepreneur is the founder of Rooted Beauty.  After graduating from Grove City College with an Entrepreneurship degree she began an innovative and unique company that provides eco-friendly beauty skincare products as well as opportunity for female entrepreneurs in third world countries.  These beauty products draw in the customer for two primary reasons: natural ingredients and the impact of each purchase of their product. 

     Their ingredients for the health skincare products used are completely natural, pure and effective.  The biggest innovation of Garrett’s business is the impact across of the world through consumer acquiring through the Woman2Woman project.  Each Rooted Beauty skincare product aids in women escaping poverty and sex-trafficking via the Woman2Woman project.  Once a woman becomes sustainably funded, Woman2Woman continues to cycle more woman in an effort to make maximum impact.    

     Kim Garrett’s vision for Rooted Beauty is the primary reason she is an inspiration for me.  Because of her business I am inspired to consider more ideas that maximize impact.  If you are interested in learning more about this wonderful business, you can find them at