Author Archive for hattonem20

The Founder of Tumblr: David Karp

David Karp (founder of Tumblr) has a bit of an interesting story to him – he taught himself coding at 11, and dropped out of high school at 15, getting hired as CTO of UrbanBaby. He then went on to found Tumblr.

Karp’s lifestyle has its quirks and he’s very intentional about his routine – one which unconventionally lacks a schedule or appointment calendar – Karp likes to keep his schedule open so that if he finds himself in a particularly productive or creative conversation, there’s no rush to get to his next commitment. At work, the space is designed to encourage creative collaboration, comfort, and freedom from distractions.

What I appreciate about David Karp is that he doesn’t seem to be uber concerned with doing things the traditional, conventional way. He knows what allows him to function to the best of his ability, and seems to really know what his strengths are and what slows him down. He also seems to value community in the workplace, an example being that at the end of a particularly late work day, he will look to see who is still in the office, and will take that person out to supper as a thank you. He also mentions that there’s a bit of a “hive effect” in the workplace, in that when one person goes to get lunch, typically everyone follows, and the whole office will split up to several different lunch places, grab food to go, and come back to the office to eat with each other.

Read more about David Karp’s quirky lifestyle here:

Bridgit Solutions by Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake

Bridgit Solutions is a Canada based company founded by Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Lake. The two founders both have backgrounds in construction, so Bridgit Solutions – a company that creates software to make project management simpler for contractors and developers – came from personal experiences turned commercial. The company has launched several tech platforms that aim to make networking and organizing easier for construction teams. While the company’s home base is Kitchener-Waterloo, the company has also expanded to the Toronto area, where there’s a thriving condo construction market.

I found Brodie and Lake’s company to be inspirational for several reasons. For one, they came up with it by using their own personal experiences and skills. In addition, while this company may not be the most radical innovation out there, it’s still taking something and making it better and simpler than it was before, and in the process they’re helping other people, which is the aim of entrepreneurship.

Bridgit builds simplicity into construction project management platform

Read more about Bridgit Solutions at:

Alex Bond and Fresh Check

Fresh Check is an example of entrepreneurship that comes to us from the UK – where one of its cofounders Alex Bond makes his home. Fresh Check is a company that ultimately aims to reduce both the amount of food that is wasted in the world, and also to keep consumers healthy by avoiding foods that may be contaminated or outdated. Their product is a spray – one that when sprayed on packaging used to store food changes color depending on whether or not the sprayed area is contaminated. If the food is safe to eat, the sprayed area turns blue, but if the food is not safe to eat, the color turns to orange. Originally this product was made to be used on food packaging specifically, but the company has since made it an adaptable product that can also be used in restaurants and hospitals.

I found the thought process behind Fresh Check was very helpful and practical. The founders started with a problem (an awareness of the dangers of poor hygiene in food packaging), and then decided to search for a solution by taking their area of expertise and seeing how the knowledge that they already had could be applied. As the founders were at the time PhD students in Chemical Biology, “a biotech-style solution seemed like the most obvious fit.” They claim that this method of approaching the problem really paid off in the long run for them. The developers at Fresh Check have a vision for the future in mind too, as they plan to release a line of other food hygiene related products.


Lensational – A Snapshot of social entrepreneurship through the Lens of Bonnie Chiu – and how Focusing on your goals, getting Exposure in the entrepreneurship world rather than choosing a life of ISOlation, and taking your Shot can lead to a career that is Saturated with success and makes an impact on our world.


Social entrepreneur Bonnie Chiu has founded multiple businesses, but the one we’re focusing in on today is her photography venture: Lensational. Lensational is a social endeavor that aims to have an impact on the lives of women all over the globe. Chiu found that in many cultures there are still traditionally patriarchal structures in which women are illiterate – a dilemma which cuts out a lot of the means by which people express themselves – so she decided to start Lensational. This business impacts the lives of women in many different cultures (which includes 23 different countries) by giving photography lessons and cameras to the women. Taking photos allows these women to express themselves where they are unable to use words to do so.

One example of a woman who has been impacted by Lensational is Joyce, a woman from the Maasai culture in Kenya. She’s 22 and married – but illiterate. Photography allows Joyce to express herself, and also to grow confidence when it comes to using technology.

What I found inspiring about Bonnie Chiu’s Lensational is that she took a hobby and looked at it from a different perspective – she took something that already exists and found new potential. It makes entrepreneurship look a lot simpler than the stereotypically dramatic image that you often see – not every idea is going to flip the planet on its head – a lot of the good ones simply make the lives of a few people better than they already were.

Read more about Lensational here:

Below is a photo of Joyce, a 22 year old woman from Kenya, and someone who found the ability to express herself thanks to Lensational.


Doorsteps: How Akshay Ruparelia Successfully Disrupted the Real Estate Market

Meet Akshay Ruparelia – the man who at age 17 created his U.K. based real estate business: Doorsteps. Typically the term “disruption” is a term that carries negative connotations, but in a business context, disruption is actually a very good thing if done well. When Ruparelia was young his family went through the grueling experience of selling a house – apparently the commission and agent costs were so high they scarred Ruparelia for life – because this experience is what would inspire him to create Doorsteps. What makes Doorsteps unique? Its the price tag. Ruparelia says that he wanted to make the whole process more affordable, so he began his business by charging each customer a flat fee of £99. In the beginning, the going was tedious as it took many rounds of knocking on doors to draw customers in. But, it paid off, largely due to Ruparelia’s strong focus on providing excellent customer service, and knowing his market well.

Read more about what inspired him, his role models, and his leadership methods here:

Mo’s Bows – Improving Men’s Style One Bowtie at a Time

One entrepreneur that I found inspirational was Moziah Bridges, the founder of Mo’s Bows – a bowtie and fashion accessory business for men. In the about section of his business’ website, Mo details how his career as an entrepreneur started very small and in a personal setting. He was nine years old and sitting in his grandma’s kitchen, wondering what to wear. He says that he wasn’t able to find the look he was going for, and wanted to find fashion that would allow him to express his personality more – so he put the phrase “be the change you want to see in the world” into action and started his own bowtie business (that has now expanded into selling neck ties and pocket squares and other fashion accessories as well). He’s appeared on several broadcasting shows such as The Steve Harvey Show and Shark Tank. He’s also written a book for entrepreneurs.

You can find his website and store here:

What I found interesting and inspirational about Mo’s Bows was that the idea came from a mundane, personal moment. There seems to be this perception of entrepreneurship that says that good ideas happen in light bulb moments, or great moments of inspiration that happen once in a billion ideas. It tells young entrepreneurs that only the geniuses make it in this field, and that average IQ, mundane “me” has no chance. This isn’t true though – you don’t have to be a “genius”, or come up with an idea that is more exceptional than everyone else’s – good ideas really can start anywhere, and often they start in small personal moments like Moziah’s. Another thing that struck me is how successful Moziah Bridges has been with such a small accessory. Physical size is irrelevant, but I found this inspiring because maybe he isn’t solving world hunger, but he took a specific niche and made a business out of it – and he does it well. It’s inspiring to see that there are opportunities like these, where the actual product may be small, but it makes a world of difference for the individual just the same because it adds style and beauty to the individual’s wardrobe.