Author Archive for heltzelnj22

Sergey Brin

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin, an American business magnate computer scientist, and internet entrepreneur, who co-founded Google with Larry Page. Brin is listed as the 12th richest person in the world, with a NetWorth listed at 78 billion. Brin immigrated to the United States with his family from the Soviet Union at the age of six. He earned his bachelor’s degree at the University of Maryland, College Park following in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps by studying mathematics, as well as computer science. After graduation, he enrolled in Standford University to acquire a PhD in computer science. The program became popular at Stanford, and they suspended their PhD studies to start up Google in Susan Wojcicki’s garage. During an orientation for new students at Stanford, he met Larry Page and the two men seemed to disagree on most subjects, but after spending time together they “became intellectual soul-mates and close friends. After years of failure and determination to get their work done, as most entrepreneurs go through, they were able to create Google, with Sergey becoming the co-founder. He has smartly invested millions of dollars into other products and companies, increasing his NetWorth substantially.

Matthew Mullenweg

Matthew Charles Mullenweg is an American entrepreneur and web developer. He is known for developing the free and open-source web software WordPress, which is now managed by the WordPress Foundation. Matthew, who attended the University of Houston, dropped out to work at CNET Networks, where he worked for about 2 years until he quit. He then founded Automattic, an internet company whose brands include WordPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Tumblr, and several other big-name brands. In April 2004, he launched Ping-O-Matic with fellow WordPress developer. This program was a hub for notifying blog search engines like Technorati about blog updates. The following month, WordPress competitor Movable type announced a price change, which is widely seen as the tipping point for WordPress. Over the years, he connected with big names and brought in more people to his company, amassing several successful business programs. In 2009, reports stated that WordPress sites were growing faster than Google’s and was compared to Facebook’s growing popularity over Myspace. A month later, WordPress seen a 10% growth, with approximately 15000 new blogs each day. In January 2014, his company was valued at over a billion dollars, and WordPress powered 22% of the world’s top 10 million websites.  Mullenweg has received many awards for being a great entrepreneur and influencer, putting him on a prestigious list of talents throughout his workspace. His net worth is an estimated $400 million and is expected to rise even more as his years in business go on.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, an internet entrepreneur, is known for being the co-founder of the popular social media website Facebook. He is also chairman, chief executive officer, and controlling shareholder of its parent company, Meta Platforms. Zuckerberg attended Harvard University, where he launched Facebook in February 2004 with his roommates. Originally launched to select college campuses, the site expanded rapidly and eventually beyond colleges, reaching one billion users by 2012. Zuckerberg took the company public in May 2012 with majority shares. In 2007, at age 23, he became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire. As of October 2022, Zuckerberg’s net worth was $49.4 billion according to the Forbe’s Real Time Billionaires making him the 23rd richest person in the world. Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software in middle school. In high school, he built a program that allowed all the computers between his house and his father’s dental office to communicate with each other.  During Zuckerberg’s high-school years, he worked to build a music player called the Synapse Media Player. The device used machine learning to learn the user’s listening habits. He had a reputation in college as a “programming prodigy”, and in his sophomore year, he wrote a program that he called Course Match, which allowed users to make class selection decisions based on the choices of other students and also to help them form study groups. A short time later, he created a different program he initially called Face Match that let students select the best-looking person from a choice of photos. Mark Zuckerberg started to contribute most of his time to Facebook because it took off and has created one of the biggest social media website/apps in the world. Approximately 3 billion people use Facebook, a number that is unbelievably high for a social media app. He is one of the most influential people in today’s world and most people focus on his work for inspiration for their own works.

Palmer Luckey

Palmer Luckey has created a super successful business that has made hundreds of millions of dollars at such a young age. Luckey, who is the founded of and CEO of Oculus VR, has raked in nearly $100 million from venture capitalists and an addition $2.4 million from a Kickstarter site. His company, Oculus VR, is a set of virtual reality goggles that you can play video games on. The thought of being inside some of your favorite video games is something Luckey wanted to witness himself, and put his work to the test.  Luckey developed his vision for this product in his teen years, and he crafted his first prototype when he was 16. He entered and explored the world of virtual reality, which was becoming more and more popular as technological advances increase. He started designing and creating virtual reality headsets when he was just 16,  at 19 he founded his company, Oculus VR, and at 21 he sold it to Facebook for $2 billion. Millions of people were amazed at the thought of virtual reality and how technology has advanced so much, tempting them to indulge in the product and purchase it. And now, at just 22, Palmer Luckey is on the verge of doing what generations of technologists before him tried and failed, bringing virtual reality to the masses. Expansion in virtual reality can reach crazy heights, Luckey believes. He thinks VR can apply to jobs, being able to see the doctor by putting a pair of goggles on, and even having medical workers practicing and perfecting their surgery procedures in virtual reality. Virtual reality is the future and will continue to prosper, changing the world in a positive way. Luckey, who created something that will forever be remembered, creating a net worth of over $500 million, which no one this young has ever accomplished.

Blog #2

Ben Francis, a young British entrepreneur and businessman, gained my attention through his hard work and determination. Ben is the founder and majority shareholder of the massive fitness apparel and accessories brand Gymshark. Ben founded Gym Shark when he was only 19 years old, while also being a college student and a pizza delivery man to help fund his new idea. He says he started the business out of passion, loving the fitness industry and talking about how much it had changed his life. When his business started to grow, he completely cut everything else off to focus on this one venture. Ben notes that if he acted the same way he did 8 years ago when he first founded this product, the business would not be where it is today. This proves that entrepreneurs have to learn to be the most adaptable in order to continue to grow their business and become successful. In his early days, Ben didn’t normally watch tv and neither did his friends, but instead they watched YouTube and stuck to social media. As he made his product, he decided to send these influencers his product to see how they would react to it. After so long, these influencers decided wearing the products around and promoting them to their millions of people over social media and YouTube. A result of this was a massive uproar in clothing sales and the business took off. Today, they have a completely different strategy. They don’t work with loads and loads of people, but instead they protect the name and keep it very tight. He expanded with the different types of fitness clothing he sells, making something to love for everybody.

Blog Post #1.

I have found Ryan Hickman, a 13 year old entrepreneur making money to donate to charity, very interesting and loved reading about his story. Since he was only 3 years old, he hated seeing bottles and cans laying on the ground while walking around outside, and he decided to step up and make a change. He started with collecting his own families recyclable, trading his first haul in for $5. This $5 inspired him so much that he grabbed a bag and a bike, rode around his neighborhood, and collected their recyclable trash which he would also take to trade in.  This sparked an amazing idea that he took and ran with. By age 7, he was running his own business, called Ryan’s Recycling Company. At age 13, he has appeared on several news channels and tv shows talking about his mission to the world, and even sells t-shirts online, which all profits are donated to the rescue organization Pacific Marine Mammal Center. He has raised over $14000, and helped recycle 1.5 million bottles. He believes strongly in helping the environment and cleaning up the world as a whole. He has expanded in many ways and has made a huge impact on not only his community, but across several parts of the United States. It inspires me to attack the problems I face and find solutions to those said problems, especially if their is a personal story behind it. If any kid, especially at such a young age, can have such a positive impact on the world, who says I can’t?