Author Archive for hertzlerhg21

Time to Shine- Marah Lidey

We, as loving humans, tend to put others before ourselves. We are so eager to be there for people we love whenever they are going through something. However, when we are experiencing something ourselves, we tend to not be so willingly to be there for ourselves. Marah Lidey noted this, and was inspired enough to create a solution to this problem. Lidey launched an app called “Shine”. This app provides millenials with a personalized message to help them achieve self-care. This app allows users to hear how others practice self-compassion, in hopes that users will try to practice as well.

Lidey was the first in her family to go to college. Lidey was also a victim of racism and while talking to her African-American friends, they realized that it was more common than they imagined. They were all so eager to be there for each other, but then realized that they were not there for themselves. Lidey wanted to help others who went through similiar experiences, but understood that if she was not there for herself, then she could not be there for others. Lidey saw a problem in society, and went after it. She used her own life experiences and circumstances so that she could help others. Lidey’s story is an inspiration to all.

Jack of All Trades- Brendan Cox

It had all started in the seventh grade when Brendan Cox started selling packs of gum and made $56.0 on the first day of his business. Since he started on that one day of seventh grade, Cox has not stopped creating businesses. Today he owns and operates ten businesses and recently just published his book. His new book provides readers with tips and tricks that have helped Cox thrive in the business world at such a young age.

Cox’s new book and his ten businesses that he operates shows how diverse of an entrepreneur Cox truly is. Cox does not just dominate in one aspect of entrepreneurship, he dominates all aspects of the entrepreneurship world. This is an inspiring person because we often are used to seeing an entrepreneur dominate one are. They are typically successful in one area and put all of their focus in that area. Cox on the other hand has challenged this typical way of being an entrepreneur. He went after multiple areas of being an entrepreneur and became pretty successful in whatever he chose to go after. He did not let others limit him, he reached for the stars.

Another inspiring part of Cox’s story is the amount of times that he had failed. It was not always domination for Cox, he failed multiple times before he reached success. However, he did not let that failure dictate his future, rather he used it as fuel. To go even further, he took those failures and used it to write a book where he gives other entrepreneurs tips on how to avoid those failures. Cox is not only dominating the entrepreneur world, he is generously helping others succeed like he did.

Eli Zied- 365

Eli Zied wasted no time starting his entrepreneurial journey. Eli was just in high school, like most fifteen year old’s, when he realized he wanted to turn his passion for buying and reselling clothes into a profession. Eli created his own clothing brand, Habits 365. The unique part of Eli’s clothing brand is that he wanted a meaningful purpose. He wanted to create a brand that offers everyday encouragement, especially during rough times. Eli understands that everyone has habits- good or bad. His brand strictly focuses on good habits, year round. The name 365 emphasizes positive habits all the time. Eli does not just want to be another clothing brand, he wants 365 to be a culture.

Eli’s work ethic and determination to get his idea out there is an inspiration. Eli started as a young high-schooler, barely being allowed to drive a car, to being on pace for his brand to reach $1 million in revenue. He has supporters ranging from boxer Floyd Mayweather, NBA all-stars Giannis Antetokunmpo and James Harden, and rapper DaBaby. These people are extremely successful, and Eli’s brand is receiving great feedback from great sources. Eli is a great example of not having to be the wisest, most experienced, or known entrepreneur to turn an idea into a profession. Eli went after what he wanted, and is still seeing continued success.

Timothy Armoo, “Timo”

See the source image

Timothy Armoo, better known as Timo, is described as “The leader of the new school of advertising.” Timo did not wait to start his first company. At just fourteen years old, Timo started AlphaTutoring and his second business EntrepreneurXpress at seventeen years old.  Timo self taught everything about how to start a website, along with starting his tutoring. Timo initially was inspired because he needed the financial benefits. After seeing success and receiving a scholarship, Timo was able to attend Warwick University. After Timo’s second year of studying computer science, Timo started Fanbytes. Fast forward four years later, and Timo is now seeing great success with Fanbytes.

Timo saw how marketing to GenZ was broken, and it inspired him. Timo took this problem and found a solution, creating Fanbytes. Fanbytes is now one 0f the world’s leading influencing marketing agencies, which helps very innovative brands through its network of influencers. Fanbytes helps companies like The Government, McDonalds, and Nike to win the hearts of GenZ. Timo and his team works with these bigger agencies to help bridge the gap between them and GenZ. Timo is also a renowned speaker on the topic of marketing where he shares his ideas.

Timo also wants to use his work for good. Timo built a Fanbytes Fund, which invests and funds influencer campaigns for black businesses. Its goal is to erode the the cycle of lack of support and funding for black owned businesses. Timo’s business has seen great success, and he hopes that he can help other black owned businesses achieve similar success.

Since Timo was young, he has been heavily influenced by business and technology. He started his businesses at fourteen and seventeen because of this influence, but also because he needed money. He had a probelm, and he solved it. He later then found a bigger problem, and came up with a bigger solution. also known as Fanbytes. Timo’s story is inspiring for many different people of many different backgrounds.


Hart Main- Testing the Norm

The only thing cooler than Hart Main’s idea might be his name. Hart is a thirteen year old boy from Ohio who decided to challenge the stereotypical candle scents for women. Hart made a joke towards his sister about not wanting a candle to have his room smell like a girls room, and this jab took him to a business idea. Hart’s new idea is to offer more candle scents, preferably for men. Men would rather smell like the inside of a baseball glove rather than freshly tried towels. Hart came up with candles designed for men, which is called MansCans. Main offers some pretty unique scents, like his Grandpa’s Pipe candle or his Sawdust candle.

One of the coolest things about Hart’s business is that it has a charitable arm. Along with the unique scents in his candles, the candles are made in a unique way. Hart makes his candles in soup cans, which is not normal for candles to be made in. The soup that Hart purchases is then donated to local soup kitchens. Hart has not seen a crazy amount of profit from his innovation just yet, but he is already committed to giving back.

Hart stepped up to the challenge of becoming a young entrepreneur. He never planned that a simple joke would take him this far, but he has adapted to the changes. Hart’s mom shared a story of how an order of one of his candles was poorly packaged and shipping was incorrectly priced, and Hart went directly to the distributor to ensure that this would never happen again. Hart is already showing entrepreneur qualities, and he still is not old enough to drive a car. Candles have always been known to appeal to women, but thirteen year old Hart has challenged this normality and is seeing great success!

Omari McQueen, Fast to Innovation

It is no coincidence that Omari’s last name is McQueen. Omari was fast to start his journey as becoming an entrepreneur. Omari is the youngest award winning vegan chef in the UK and the founder and CEO of Dipalicious. Now, Omari at twelve years old, hosts his own YouTube Channel, published a cookbook, and is known as Britain’s Youngest chef. The most inspiring part of Omari’s story is the way he found a solution to a problem. Omari was taught how to cook at seven years old, the same time when his mother became ill. His father would often come home late from work, leaving Omari to do most of the cooking. Omari wanted to find ways to help his mother, so he began to research, which brought him to a vegan diet. After doing some research, he found a video on YouTube that inspired him, and the rest was history. Omari started with a YouTube video on vegan pizza that featured his homemade dip called “Caribbean Kick”. His dip became popular amongst his family and friends so he decided to go to a fair and sell his dips for fun. When his dips were sold out and happily consumed by costumers, Omari realized he wanted to start a business. Omari then launched his business, “Dipalicious”, the website for his business can be found here; Vegan Dips | Dipalicious.  Omari consistently makes YouTube videos for kids, which is a great idea because a lot of kids use YouTube as their connection to the online world. Usually whenever nutrition is talked about, it is known to be an adult conversation. Most people who are vegan are older, but Omari is challenging that normality. He is appealing to younger generations of people regarding nutrition. Omari is not stopping his innovation in the slightest. He wants to start a bus restaurant along with offering food on the good. Omari’s story and path to innovation is extremely noteworthy. He solved an issue at a young age, and made it into something great. Omari is a great example of a person who was not fazed by the social norm of today’s society. Omari is a tremendous inspiration to all!