Author Archive for Andrew Horton

The Matchmaker

Noa Mintz is an entrepreneur that started her company Nannies by Noa at the very young age of 12. Nannies by Noa is a company that connected parents in New York with the most fun and entertaining babysitters around. Noa founded this concept off the idea of finding a sitter that she would enjoy having in her own home. Coupling this desire for a good babysitter and her natural matchmaking talent, Noa has transformed her idea into a thriving business.  Noa was named one of Fortune’s “18 Under 18 Innovators Who Are Changing the World,” as well as have been on multiple television programs for her idea. Some of these have been NBC’s “Today Show” as well as CNBC’s “Squawk Box”.

Noa has taken her childish want for a fun and cool baby sitter and has turned herself into one of the top  young entrepreneurs in the country. This shows that no matter how simple or childish an idea may be it is worth chasing. The childish idea of wanting a fun and entertaining babysitter may have seemed as something “silly” or “unimportant” but Noa realized that parents want their kids to have fun and capitalized on this concept. Realizing that parents will pay for the best for their kids, Noa is now able to make a revenue by being a matchmaker between parents and the best babysitters in their area.

Queen of the Web

Ashley Qualls, a 14 year old from Detroit, Michigan found herself as one of the countries youngest millionaires all based of a single brilliant idea.  Ashley started the website, originally as a hobby but it soon proved to be much more. On this website Ashley would design and provide free MySpace layouts as well as free HTML tutorials for young people just like her. This website was funded entirely through ad revenue and allowed her to distribute her product to a larger audience for free. She used the basement in her house as her first office and made up to $70,000 in revenue in the first month. A mere 3 years later at age 17 she had made $1 million dollars in ad revenue. Many companies have offered to buy her site, some offers reaching up to $1.5 million dollars but Ashley has turned down all of them., has become too near and dear to Ashley for her to sell and she has chosen to remain the sole owner of her company. Ashley’s story shows us that you shouldn’t let the money and the offers get in the way of what you love. If you love your company and you enjoy watching it grow you don’t have to jump at the first business that offers to buy it. Instead like Ashley know your ideas worth and value it as such


Gym Revolutionary

Alice Liveing, age 24, was just a normal person just like you and me until she decided to change up her life one day. After years of eating unhealthy and feeling uncomfortable in her body Alice began her journey to a better self. Once a junk food nut this change was all but easy for Alice. Alice first began to notice a big difference in her well being when she began changing what she ate every morning. Inspired by this she reinvented her diet and began posting her meals to the popular social media app called Instagram. In addition to changing up her diet Alice began to exercise as well. This combination of eating right and exercise helped Alice drop two whole dress sizes. This weight loss success began to catch a lot of peoples attention. Soon enough fans were following her every meal and workout she would post on her page. The self made trainer and nutritionist soon had 600,000+ followers on Instagram and the number seemed to only go up.

Given this success Alice decided to try her hand at writing. It was not long until she became a published author who soon boasted 3 best sellers. Her most popular book however was titled The Body Bible. A published and bestselling author Alice didn’t stop there. In collaboration with Primark Alice is currently in the process of becoming the face of their new gym attire line. Tragically of recent years Alice as been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This has only been a minor set back in her career however. Alice has used this opportunity to publish articles about her story in multiple health magazines.

Alice’s story is truly inspiring. She shows us that you don’t need some “million dollar idea” to be an entrepreneur. Instead you can just be a girl who wants to get healthy and use your passion to create a business and open up new business opportunities. Alice also shows us courage in that diagnosed with a serious disease she hasn’t let that get in the way of her dream. Instead she has used this disease for her own good and has used this experience for good.

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A Man’s Candle

Hart Main is a 14 year old kid who has made a profit off selling “manly scented” candles. As humorous as this may sound, Hart has capitalized on an unforeseen market.  It all started when Main, a triathlon enthusiast told his parents that he wanted a new racing bike for his triathlon. His parents told him he would have to raise the money on his own. With the sudden need for money, Hart noticed his sister selling scented candles for a school fundraiser. The only problem with this is that all of the scents were too “girly”. Therefore, he decided to create candles with “manly” scents instead. With an initial investment of $100 from his own pocket followed by an investment of $200 from his parents his company ManCan was born. Main boasts scents such as Fresh Cut Grass, Campfire, Bacon, Root Beer, New Mitt, Dirt and Memphis Style BBQ. ManCan candles are sold in empty soup cans to give it that extra “manly” look. ManCan candles are now sold in more than 150 stores, and 75 cents of each candle sale goes to soup kitchens and to help feed the hungry. Hart is an example of how a simple need for an item can drive an entrepreneur to come up with an idea of a lifetime. What he thought initially as a simple way to get cash for his bike has now turned into a profitable, revenue generating company. This shows that when you acknowledge your needs and do not let your circumstances define you, anything is possible.

The Jam Man

Fraser Doherty is a young entrepreneur who has found his niche in making jams from his grandmother’s recipes and selling them for profit. When he was 14, he decided to start making and selling his grandmothers recipes and improved upon them by discovering how to make his jams 100% out of fruit. At 16, he presented his company by the name of SuperJam. Soon his orders became more than he could fulfill so he decided to rent out a factory for a few days each month in order to produce his monthly quota. Soon enough he was making close to $750,000 in sales and had shelf space in 184 different stores. Since 2007 when his company was founded, it has proven to keep growing not only in the UK but also all over Europe. Fraser is also a well-accomplished author and is the co-founder of Beer52, the world’s largest craft beer club. Fraser exemplifies the ability to listen to the market and provide them with what they want, whether it be through his jams or craft beer, Fraser has an eye for spotting an emerging market opportunity. He also has shown a great sense of commitment to his cause by choosing to drop out of school and pursue his businesses full time.

Lollipop Phenom

Alina Morse, Founder and CEO of Zollipops


Alina Morse and her brand Zollipops may just be the next big name in the candy industry. This 13 year old and 6 other full time employees have worked to grow this little girl’s idea into a multi-million dollar company. Located Northwest of Detroit, Zollipops has been whipping up tasty sugar free lollipops since 2012. Alina first had the idea for a sugar free lollipop business when she was told she could not have a lollipop while leaving the bank because it would rot her teeth.

This prompted the then seven-year old to ask if there was any way to enjoy a lollipop without jeopardizing her dental health. With this question in mind, her father and she went to the kitchen, concocting various sugar free lollipop recipes in their oven. After further developing their product and bringing it to mass production, Alina and her father set up a meeting with the popular retailer Wholefoods. Wholefoods loved the idea and began to carry their product.

Soon enough, Zollipops expanded online using Amazon as a way to get their product to an even wider audience. This summer it was reported that Zollipops was Amazon’s second highest selling sugar free hard candy and its overall bestselling lollipop. With such success, they decided to pitch their product to Kroger. They too loved it, and have decided to begin to carry their product. Zollipops has a projected sales revenue of $5-6 million this coming year, a large figure for a company started by a little girl.

What is most amazing about Alina is her fearlessness in chasing an idea. Unafraid of failure she has taken a simple idea and shaken up a sleeping industry. Capitalizing on a market of health conscious consumers, Alina has given people the option to have both a sweet snack and a healthy mouth. This ingenuity and childish creativity is what gives Alina the edge in her market. Proving that with dedication and the right idea, anything is possible no matter how old you are.