Author Archive for Curtis Hovis

Sean Belnick- BizChair

Sean Belnick started his entrepreneurial career when he was a kid. You could always find him making money whether it was mowing lawns or selling things on eBay. At the age of 14, his skills of being an entrepreneur grew into a big vision. Sean’s stepfather Gary was a manufacturer’s representative for office furniture. Sean paid close attention to the business and came to the conclusion that no personal selling was needed to sell the furniture. Hence, he saw the potential for an online furniture store. He taught himself how to code and created his own website that sold chairs to consumers. He called this website, and it became an instant success. His business cut out the unnecessary middleman and saved consumers money and quicken the buying process. He started his business not carrying inventory. It saved the company a lot of money and lessened the risks. Since the business grew so exponentially, he teamed up with his stepfather Gary, and they became business partners. With Sean’s natural entrepreneurial mind, and Gary’s 20 years of experience and connections, they made a great team. Gary grew the business while Sean attended school, and the company continued to grow. Sean became a millionaire at the age of 16.  While in college Sean gained some popularity. Eventually his popularity led to being featured on The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. This media attention helped grew the business even further. Now, Sean has exited the business but still remains a full-time board member. He created SB Hillview Ventures, which is an investment firm, to help startups companies as an investor and advisor. He has already accomplished some amazing feats, and it doesn’t seem like he is going to stop anytime soon. His advice for young entrepreneurs is to take risks without fear. You have your whole life to succeed. Just make sure they are calculated and logical.

Adelle Archer- Eterneva

Adelle Archer is the co-founder of Eterneva, a business that turns the by- product from cremations of people and pets into diamonds. Adelle came across this idea when she lost her friend Tracey Kaufman to cancer. Through this process, she learned that she didn’t find any of the memorial options good enough to represent her friend. Caskets and funeral homes she found sad and depressing.  Ashes from cremations are becoming more popular but the ashes usually don’t last long. So, instead she thought of a way to take these ashes from the cremation and turn them into diamonds from the carbon in the ashes. She turned a not so precious by-product into something more valuable and elegant to represent someone. It also is a much more efficient way to create something longer lasting. Adelle’s goal for her company is to remove the stigma surrounding grief in the U.S. She wants to change the way society thinks of grieving. Eterneva was named the Consumer Startup of the Year by the Stevie Awards and was showcased on Shark Tank. She received an investment from Mark Cuban and her business grew exponentially from there. She has also been featured in Forbes. When asked what advice she would give to her younger self, she said she wished she would’ve become a part of the community earlier. She finds great inspiration in the ideas that come from the community for her business. She believes that the community is really helpful, and studies show that strong bonds with the community help you live longer. She believes success is built off of relationships, and relationships compound. The more relationships you build the closer you will be to success and happiness down the road. Adelle is a great innovator and has brought comfort and peace to many people.

Brian and Micheal Speciale: Comfy

The idea of the comfy started when Micheal was going through a divorce and stayed with his brother Brian. When he lived there, he noticed his nephew running around in an oversized hoodie that was much too large for him. Although it was extremely oversized, the boy looked comfortable. At this time, Micheal asked Brian if they could reproduce something like it for adults. They combined the idea of a throw blanket and an oversized sweatshirt, and the idea of The Comfy was born. After creating their prototypes, they knew they would need some assistance in getting this business running. So, they applied to appear on Shark Tank, in hopes of making a deal with one of the sharks. They made the cut for the show and nailed the presentation. In the end, Barbara Corcoran offered $50,000 for 30% equity of the business and they took it. With the hard work of the two brothers and the support of Barbara, the business took off. Now, The Comfy is one of Barbara’s most successful investments. The sales have skyrocketed, and the company has made $150 million. The brothers admit their success would not have occurred without each other. From the creation of The Comfy to the structure of the business, they both relied on each other’s creativity and strengths to create the business they have today. These entrepreneurs combined their hunches to create a better product, and a more efficient way of producing and dispersing them. Now, The Comfy has expanded to a range of products, and is sold in over 80 countries. Out of these customers thousands of 5-star reviews have been made, and The Comfy is seen everywhere.


Abraham Lieberman- Clicks Talent

When Abraham was 18, he served in the Israeli military as a Staff Sergeant and took charge of munitions safety and usage. When he wasn’t on duty, Abraham spent his time as a freelance social media consultant. He would help new media apps by hiring influencers to create content on these new apps, and attract the attention of millennials and Generation Z. After doing this for some time, he noticed a problem. A lot of these influencers did not know how to maximize their capabilities of promoting social media apps. After serving in the military for 3 years, he decided to open his own company at the age of 21. The visions and niche of his business was to support and stand by his creators, give them an atmosphere where they could flourish,  and create a fair pay for the value they produced. He noticed the demand for influencers on social media platforms and decided to become the middleman. He went on to grow his business that now spans across the world. He says a big part of this success is based on the collaboration he built his business on. He also said other businesses struggle because they are afraid to collaborate due to the fear of their idea being stolen. Because they are so afraid to open up to others, they miss a lot of evolution their ideas could go through to become a better business plan. To Abraham, collaboration with others can put your business on a whole new level. Abraham also believes you should contain a vision for your business, and base decisions off of that vision every single day. If you do this, you will make decisions that will subconsciously lead you to your end goal. Abraham is a very successful entrepreneur that has thought of how to solve a unique problem in a very creative way.


Abraham Lieberman – CEO and Founder of Clicks Talent (

Lily Born

Lily Born is an ingenious entrepreneur that has brought a cup to the market that won’t spill. It all started when she was 8 years old. Her grandfather suffered from Parkinson’s Disease, and because of this he was always knocking over his cup. This created a lot of messes that constantly needed to be cleaned up. Inspired by this, she created the idea of the Kangaroo cup. This cup is a three-legged cup that won’t tip over. She first prototyped the model with moldable plastic and clay, and now her cups are being sold across the world. By 10 years old, her product hit the market. Her product is a huge success, and she has been thoroughly recognized for her innovative achievement. She is listed as Business Insider’s top 11 year old in tech. Her product has been at the White House Science Fair. Her success has also been recognized on CNN as she has made headlines and been described as a “young wonder.” This brilliant product markets really well to parents of young children along with the elder community who suffers similar circumstances as Lily’s grandfather. The attention of this product has grown, and so has her company. Now, Lily puts some of the profits towards funding STEM education for young girls, and donates her cups to nonprofits around the world. Lily spends a lot of her time traveling the Untied States as an ambassador for Independent Youth. This nonprofit focuses on supporting youths to become entrepreneurial leaders. Lily wants the message to be known that she wasn’t a genius, but a girl who was curious to find out what she was good at. She put herself out there, and thought of a problem differently than most people would have. Now that she has discovered herself, she would like to help others achieve this accomplishment as well.

Sources: Prodigy Kid Lily Born: Creator of Kangaroo Cup – Prodigy Kid

Lily Born Speaker | Keynote Speaker Fee | Chartwell Speakers

Fraser Doherty

Fraser Doherty was born on December 30, 1988 in Scotland. Here he grew up, and by the age of 14 became a major entrepreneur. Young Fraser loved his grandmother’s jam, and eventually she taught him how to make it himself. After this, he became inspired and created a jam made 100% from fruits.  At sixteen years old, he created his brand, SuperJam, and became the youngest person  ever to supply a supermarket. His product grew quickly because of the niche his product had over his competitors. The fresh taste, and the real fruit used to create it attracted customers. Ever since, SuperJam has grown into a bigger company that sells millions of jars through supermarkets throughout the world. Not only has he been commercially successful, but he has also been involved with many successful charities. He runs hundreds of free tea parties for the elderly. He also has set up many beekeeping projects. Fraser has also received many awards for his accomplishments. He was recognized for his entrepreneurship in 2004 when he was honored with the Enterprising Young Brit Award. He was awarded a medal by The Queen “for services to business.” He also won the Startups business of The Year, the Buchanan Business Awards, and many others. He has shared the story of how he grew his business in 27 countries around the world. He also wrote best selling books SuperBusiness and The Superjam Cookbook. He also co-founded Beer52. This beer company is also one of the fastest growing startup businesses in Europe. They also make the world’s number one craft beer magazine, Ferment. Fraser Doherty is a young entrepreneur that has succeeded in not one but multiple different industries. He has proven that he hasn’t had the success he has had by dumb luck, but by making quality and marketable  products for his customers.

Sources: Biography | Fraser Doherty – The Adventures of Jam Boy