Author Archive for Hyeraj1

Inkbox Tattoos

Oh the great and wonderful commitment of tattoos. We all know someone with a tattoo, and a great amount of people have them and regret them, along with people who want them without the commitment. Tyler and Braden Handley came up with the “temporary bad decisions” when they came across the problem of wanting something to express themselves while also realizing their tastes and styles are forever changing. To solve this they made Inkbox tattoos, unlike those flaky, quick fading tattoos we had as kids, Inkbox lasts longer and stays fresh, while achieving the same concept of having a design, pressing a wet cloth to it, and having the tattoo appear. They also help solve more issues buy sending a portion of their profit to tribes in panama who helped them come up with the formula. They also support independent artists by using their designs and giving them a portion of the profit.

Muir by inkbox is a Nature temporary tattoo from inkbox - 0


I have been seeing advertisements for Inkbox for a long time now, and until I researched it, I never realized how much this company does. This is something I have always wanted to buy, but when I originally looked they had nothing that would suit my style, but they have really grown since then. They also have a count down to new designs so you know when you can search for new designs. I really think these young men found an interesting market. As kids we grew up with these fake tattoos, and now we can have them again, but better. They also hit a variety of consumers by picking up designs from multiple artists and also selling free hand bottles. They found a way to take something taboo and made it classy and fun without having the worry of not liking it one day. I believe we are a generation of independence and expression, so this is a great market for us. It also gives people who are not artist the chance to express themselves. I think this business will continue to grow for years to come.


Have you ever been at an event and all you want is your drink to stay at the perfect temperature? Of course we all carry around some form of insulated cups, but what about our classier drinks like wine? Brumates has the solution with the winesulator, it is a triple insulated cup, shaped like a wine bottle or wine glass. This is a perfect solution for outdoor celebrations and people who simply want their drink to stay cool or warm.  They also provide hopsulators that can hold cans to keep them cool while also providing you with a drinking cup. Winesulator + 2 Uncork'd XL Wine Glasses/Lid | GLITTER CHARCOAL

Dylan Jacob was only 21 when he started the company in 2016, as he was looking to improve the drinking experience of people who enjoy the outdoors, or who in general want to have the perfect sip every time. Jacob has recently signed deals with big companies like Cabela’s who’s customer base is centered around people who enjoy the outdoors and a cold drink, such as fishermen. the project revenue in 2017 was over 2 million, with Jacob owning 100% of the company.

I found this product interesting because Dylan took something that already existed and modified it to make it better. I especially am fond of changing the insulated cup into something that can hold a cans of different sizes, but can also be used as a cup. This is actually a perfect gift for someone I know who likes to hike and pick a spot to paint with watercolors, who is also a wine enthusiast. I think initially this was a risky idea, shooting into a market that was already filled. Would people just put their drinks in normal insulated cups or do they want modified versions? Do enough people take their wine on the go? I think Jacob has done an amazing job developing this idea and not letting it come out half-baked. The fact that he also owns 100% of the company at his age is a major accomplishment, this shows he has skills in a variety of fields in order to get his start up off the ground and successful.

Made in Brownsville

If knowledge is power, why do so many people lack the ability to grasp this power and reach their full potential. Made in Brownsville is a company started by long term Brownsville resident Quardean Lewis-Allen. Growing up Quardean lacked a strong academic foundation, and after receiving a bachelors and masters degree of his own, he made it a goal to change this. Driven by passion, he created Made in Brownsville, a youth and mentorship program that provides youth to STEAM education and access to post secondary education.  Kids are able to learn marketable skills such as graphic design, 3D printing, and coding. They are also provided with another important factor, a mentor.

You may be thinking, why is that such a big deal? As a former education major and a person who has taken a human development course, I can say mentors change lives. Many kids who grow up in poor SES (socio economic status) areas lack the one thing they need, a mentor. Their parents are always working, or they move homes frequently, and most often do not live in a stable home. The difference a mentor makes is that once a child has a stable adult who stays in their life, it gives them a foundation and support for success.

I believe Quardean is an entrepreneur driven not only by passion, but details and knowledge. He had a problem, and even when that problem was past him, he wanted to make sure it was not going to continuing happening to others. But above that he did not just let it be a half-baked slow hunch, he developed it, used knowledge to help it bloom and grow to the point where it was ready to be let out into the world. This went from being an area struggling to having technology that people desire to have and learn about. He also created a business that lets people become independent and grow outside of the environment.

He gave them power over their lives and future, and that is priceless.


As young people in the entrepreneurship class, most of us are hoping to own a business in the future, but do we know everything it takes to run business? I know taking over my own business at 20 years old, I knew how to operate the business itself, but book keeping and tax season are not only a pain, but time consuming and frustrating. However, young entrepreneur Jessica Mah came up with a solution to this problem. She had her first start up at age 13, and through her experiences she created InDinero.

InDinero is a website that connects you with a team of accounting, tax, and business experts. These experts give out honest feedback so that your business can make necessary changes. The unique aspect of this business is a cloud-based system that allows you to reach out to customers across the world to run your business smoothly. You can use it on your phone or computer, and since it has automatic updating the information will be accurate to date anytime you check.


I personally admire Jessica because she recognized her struggles as a business owner and did not let it stop her from pursuing business. She was able to recognize the root of what her struggles were, and create a solution. I also think their team demonstrates a imperative aspect of entrepreneurship, “We encourage our team members to poke holes in stale processes because “but we’ve always done it this way” is a great way to repeat age old mistakes.”


Gladiator Lacrosse

When you were a teenager did you feel a lack of control over your circumstances? Often times when we are younger we put boundaries on our abilities to fix problems, but Rachel Zietz did not. Rachel started her own business at the age of 13, coming up with a solution to her problem: the lack of affordable and quality lacrosse practice equipment.

The one thing most people will note about this young entrepreneur is her age, Rachel is now 17 years old and has a professional business model and making money from her solution to a problem she had when she was 13. The thought process Rachel went through to create this idea is how entrepreneurs think every day. We see a problem and we think of all the different ways we can solve it, but she also found a problem that was effecting others as well. Rachel has also taken great strides pitching her business on multiple scales, including season 7 of the Shark Tank. Rachel has a great confidence in her business, which I believe is a big key to her success. Most young people have great ideas but lack the self-confidence to get over the obstacles and criticism they face along the way. Taking a business from the ground to production can be a rough course, but if you believe in your product you can make it to the end.

Hubble- Stop Making the Choice between Healthy Eyes and Money

Do you have eye insurance? Most of us do not, and that can make it hard to see, literally. I mean paying $600+ to see for the next 6 months can be really hard, so what do most people do? Wear their contacts past the date they should, which can damage eyes. My sister in particular wore the same pair of contacts for years, which resulted in damage to her eyes! This has been happening forever, but Ben Cogan and Jesse Horwitz are putting an end to this with Hubble. 

Hubble is a high-quality contact lenses company that can provide you with your prescription without draining your bank account. While they did have to jump through many hoops to get this product up to par with the bigger companies, they still managed to create a product that is way less expensive than name brand contacts! There are four companies that control 95% of the market, which gives them the ability to place great margins on their product, but Hubble decreases those margins and gives you daily contact lenses that cost less than a dollar a day. For those of you who do not purchase contacts, I personally have paid about $100.00 a month for my contacts since I do not have eye insurance, and of course by I, I mean my parents. I also wear monthly contacts as opposed to dailies, which Hubble sells, that are generally cheaper.

There are a few things Hubble is solving. The biggest issue is allowing people to purchase an item that they need, without having to dish out a great deal of money. I would 100% love to save $70 a month on an item that I need to function in every day life. The effect of saving money also allows people to stop damaging their eyes trying to wear their contacts for prolonged periods of time. They are saving eyes and money.

The other interesting factor here is that despite having a small gap to fit into the market in the first place, Ben and Jesse managed to disrupt the market. They provide a service that delivers to you directly, taking the middle man out aka your eye doctor. But when your prescription needs updated you can find someone through their website. This is also a well developed company that could bring other contact companies back down to an even playing level. They used a tight gap to create an even more effective opportunity for themselves, which is absolutely incredible.

I’ve learned a lot from Ben and Jesse. Breaking the market is incredible, but they also fixed a problem everyone else has just been accepting for years. Every venture has hoops, being self aware of what they needed and how to get to that goal is part of their success, even in a market that was dominated. This is a problem I have, but I just assumed because contacts are a medical product that the price could not be dropped. They really looked at this problem, researched, and developed a foundation for a company that has so much potential.