Author Archive for katemclaughlin

Lily Born

Lily Born is a 16-year-old entrepreneur, who came up with a solution to cups falling over and spilling all over the place. She saw the problem at the age of eight, when her elderly grandfather with Parkinson’s disease kept spilling over his drinks time and time again. This would often make it so that her grandmother had to clean up the mess. Born then created Imagiroo LLC, which is a brand for her cup that has three legs on it, avoiding all spillage. Born and her dad even traveled to the ceramic capital of the world in China, to perfect the design of her product. They were able to refine the design, manufacturer, and production of the product. Her cup comes in ceramic as well as plastic. They got funding for her company from multiple sources, which made it possible for the company to get started successfully.

It is inspirational that she saw a problem from someone who was close to her, and that affected her directly, then thought of a solution to fix it. As the elderly grow to be so old that they cannot confidently hold and drink from open cups without spilling, they need a solution to that problem, which Born created. Seeing an issue that others struggle with and solving it is very selfless. It is very smart as an entrepreneur to look at other people’s struggles and create a product according to that.  It takes a lot of creativity and confidence to become a successful entrepreneur.

Fit Fuel

Sean Kelly is a 25-year-old entrepreneur, who come up with a solution to avoiding the unhealthy food options that are available in the majority of vending machines that you come across on a daily basis. Kelly created his company Fit Fuel, which is a vending machine company that has healthy options, and ignores the greasy and junky snacks and drinks that you typically see in a normal vending machine. Kelly did mass amounts of trials and testing of different food and drink options to become included in his healthy vending machines., and finally landed on options that he liked and that would sell well. Some of the items included in his product line are granola bars, trail mixes, energy drinks, and other items that are targeted to healthy and athletic individuals. Kelly is a firm believer in health, and hated seeing people grab unhealthy snacks before and after working out, that promote obesity and defeat the purpose of burning all of those calories. He is very passionate in fighting obesity, so his brand is helping in fighting that cause.

His mission and brand are very inspiring to me, as I have always been someone who is passionate about health and taking care of your body. Obesity is a very problematic thing in the world, especially in the United States. Kelly saw a problem in his daily life and thought of a creative solution. He was looking to better the community around him, and he came up with a solution that worked.

Noah Glass

Noah Glass is a 25-year-old from South Africa. Before he completed his political science degree at Yale, he had already worked at Shutterfly, Amnesty International, Braun Consulting, and also been accepted to be a student at Harvard Business School. He deferred the offer to pursue a job at Endeavor, a non-profit organization supporting high-growth entrepreneurs in developing countries. After interviewing more than 150 entrepreneurs in South Africa, Glass found that the entrepreneurial bug had bit him, too. Glass was tired of waiting in long lines for coffee in his hometown, so he invented Mobo, a mobile ordering system where customers order and pay for takeout meals from restaurants on their phones. The service, which launched in June, 2005, alerts users with text messages when their meals are ready, and is quickly gaining popularity, spreading throughout New York City. So far, Glass says “restaurants that use the service report an upsurge in business, since it saves them time by improving kitchen efficiency and gets people in and out faster, reducing lines”. Restaurants pay Mobo 10% of each sale generated through the service. And although the service is easily scalable, Glass says “he’s trying to grow relatively slowly—New York this year and into Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and London by the end of 2007.” Glass says Mobo “could extend into movie-ticket ordering and parking-meter payments, for starters. Eventually, Glass visualizes a GPS-aided taxi service that customers can preorder, forgoing waits and rainy-night frustration.” Until then, the company is poised for serious growth, with 2007 revenues expected to top $1.8 million.

Benjamin Pasternak

Benjamin Pasternak is a twenty-three-year-old entrepreneur who founded the three companies Flogg, Monkey, and SIMULATE. Ben was born in 1999, and founded his first company, Flogg, in 2015. Flogg is an app that allows young people to buy and sell products. He received investment interests, but the app shut down due to a lack of profits. In 2016, he launched Monkey, which is a video chat app that lets like-minded people connect with each other. The app achieved number one on the app store, and was sold to the social networking company, Holla, in 2017. In 2018, he co-founded his third company, SIMULATE. This brand’s goal is to promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Their first product that was launched is called Nuggs, which are plant-based chicken nuggets. He received a large number of investments for this company totaling over 250 million dollars.

Ben’s story is especially inspiring as his first business was not a success, but he still created two others that were wildly successful and generated a large amount of revenue. Stories of people going from failure to success are so much more special, as it shows that they have the perseverance to keep creating things that they love even after failing. He had a true entrepreneurial spirit by creating different products and brands that were all different. This shows great creativity and intelligence, as he has the ability to pivot and think outside of the box. He has made a name for himself in a short amount of time and continues to be a successful businessman.

Mikaila Ulmer

Mikaila Ulmer is an 18-year-old entrepreneur who founded the brand “Me & the Bees Lemonade”. She was born in 2004 and started her company in 2009, by selling lemonade outside of her house with a recipe from her great grandmother using local honey. She started bottling her products when a local pizza shop asked that she sell her lemonade in their shop. Another important aspect of her company is that she gives 10% of her profits to charities that help in saving bees. She received major publicity as well as a $60,000 investment and help with her business from Damon John when she appeared on the television show, Shark Tank. That same year, Ulmer was invited to meet President Barack Obama and received huge praise and compliments. She then received another large investment of $800,00 by a group of football players. Since 2020, her products have been sold in over 1,500 stores throughout the nation, and she has even expanded to selling a new product, which is lip balm made from beeswax.

Ulmer’s story is inspiring, because she started doing something that she loved because of her family, which then turned into a nationally well-known brand. It is amazing when companies give back to the organizations and causes that they are passionate about, and this is what Ulmer does by giving back some of her products in an attempt to help save bees that are in danger. With a little bit of help, anyone can build and expand their brand successfully no matter what age. A simple and well-made product is all that is needed to make it in the business world.

Entrepreneurship Blog Post #1

I am writing on a Moziah Bridges, who is a teenage entrepreneur who started Mo’s Bows. His company is a high quality and high fashion bow-tie brand. He started selling his ties on Etsy, then expanded and created his own website. He received major publicity when he was on the show Shark Tank, where he received a partnership with Daymond John, who gives him mentorship and helps him expand his brand with his business expertise. Moziah was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama, because Obama saw him as a great example to young teens, and an ambitious businessman.

His company has five employees, including his mom and grandma, who taught him how to sew bow ties when he was younger. He has now sold over $700,000 in bow ties. Moziah is now a millionaire, with a net worth of over one million. His business is primarily still online, but he has also partnered with retail brands to sell his products in store.

Moziah’s story is a good example of how age is not a factor when it comes to creating something that you are passionate about. He started when he was only 12 years old, and has grown his brand ever since then. Having a niche is very important when starting a business, because it makes you stick out and people will become more interested in the brand. Doing something simple in a different way is something that most people do not think of, but can very often be the most successful idea.

Moziah Bridges Biography | Booking Info for Speaking Engagements (

Moziah Bridges: How a Teenager Built a Bow Tie Empire! | Finance Friday (