Author Archive for KaufmanCJ20

Never too Young: Ryan Kaji and Ryan ToyReview

Ryan Kaji is a 9 year old entrepreneur who has a Youtube channel with 17 million follower, about 26 billion total views, and an average of $22 million in sales. This kid does video reviews of new toys or food products. He had always loved watching these videos and wondered why he couldn’t also be doing this himself. After asking his parents about it, they started Ryan ToyReview, a family YouTube toy review business that little Ryan conducts with little helpful off-camera guidance from his parents.

Anyone can be an entrepreneur and this kid proves it. One of his first review was of 100 different matchbox cars from the Pixar movie ‘cars’. This video has over 900 million view. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your passion is, or how unlikely it seems to becoming possible and profitable.

After this last year, Ryan Kaji even has more annual revenue that Jake Paul who takes in about $21.5 million annually.

Entrepreneurship is on the tips of everyone’s fingers, and you just have to be willing to dive in and adjust on the fly. Sometimes you’ll strike a niche like this kid and become the richest elementary kid most will ever know.

Why Gen Z and Millennials are so keen on entrepreneurship and being their own boss

As of May 2021 a study was done on people born between 1997 and 2007 to find that 53% of them wanted to run their own business someday, and accounting for those that are currently in the workforce the proportion increases to 65%.

The reason for this is the ease of access to info and self realization and learning. Because of the addition of the web and the tech savviness of Gen Z, most people have more access to innovation than ever people. The opportunity for creativity, innovation, and the ability to learn about things we are passionate in and turn that into an entrepreneurial idea is so readily available. The urge for people to work in a job that they love has always been a goal for those in the workforce, however, most people get stuck riding the educational ladder in the most competitive areas possible to earn a living all to just hate their job (if they make it).

Being an entrepreneur has less resistance than ever before and people want to take advantage of it. Apparel business? Done. Go online and make it happen. go viral for inspirational, funny, informative, gaming, etc. videos? Done. Go on Youtube, Tik Tok, or Insta, and, with a little effort, can make a quite lucrative business in videography. The options are endless and they all can be crafted to the passions and pains of the individual. This is why Gen Z’s and millennials are going the entrepreneurship route, and why I wouldn’t be surprised if interest continues to rise for those who want to one day own their own business.

Maryna Shkvorets

Maryna Shkvorets is a young entrepreneur that is working to be a voice to empower people to still be pursue their callings even when being introverts. Shkvorets knows that so many people have such influential ideas but are afraid to express them because they are shy, not outgoing, or confident speaking in front other people. Wanting to really impact this and make a change Shkvorets started a coaching agency precisely for introverts that want to be persuasive, engaging presenters that can impact and challenge others in their everyday life.

Shkvorets has a 3 step process to accomplish this, that might seem counterintuitive to introverts, but can be highly influential in changing their feelings of anxiety and shyness to confidence and boldness:

  1. Detach from fear and step into the speaker you want to be
  2. Grab attention and keep attention
  3. Get in the zone and nail it

Everyone can be persuasive, engaging, and confident, it just has to be worked on and Maryna Shkvorets’s calling is to precisely do that.


Great entrepreneurs all from an area of passion pain and for Shkvoret it was the idea of confidence and the ability to empower others regardless of your personality whether introversion or extroversion!

Illuminate Labs

Calloway Cook is a young entrepreneur who took advantage of an open market where demand was not being fulfilled. Cook when taking his own dietary supplements found that not many supplements were sufficiently tested products that were shown to be safe. Knowing this, Cook jumped headfirst into this market and created Illuminate Labs, knowing that these more highly tested and safe products could be sold for higher prices generating more revenue.

Sometimes entrepreneurship is not something super huge, but simply finding a gap where no one is currently doing a better job than anyone else or as good of a job as they could be. And I’d argue that this is mostly what encompasses entrepreneurship. Most innovations and ideas are not some earth shattering thing, but are a practical idea that makes someone’s life more convenient and easier. They are something that fulfills a need and pain and does it in a different way than anyone in the past or offers some additional value different from anything offer before.

Anker Jain (Kairos Society)

Anker Jain was an entrepreneur from the age of 11 starting an online quiz business that fostered over 2.5 million users. But the real impressive thing about Jain is how positive he was and how quickly he pivoted after his server crashed and he lost his whole business.

Jain did not let this setback slow him at all and instead started up another business right away called Kairos Society which is a platform to help young entrepreneurs connect with others and pursue their callings. Kairos is ancient greek for “opportune moment” and gives a perfect representation of wanting to offer other individuals an easier time to invest in what they believe in and go after it. Jain says that his dream is to not settle for doing anything less than “changing the world” and that’s exactly what he’s set out to do. No set back is gonna stop him and that it exactly what we need to do as entrepreneurs.

Willow Tufano (Prime Real Estate Flipping)

Recently this year when Florida was hit with a recession young entrepreneur Willow Tufano took advantage of the period when others were fearful to buy and purchased a house that would’ve sold before for $100,000 for $12,000. Then he renovated it and rented out the house for $700 a month less than a year later.

Being an entrepreneur is all about taking risks and seeing opportunities that others missed or don’t take advantage of. This young kid was able to see that there was a chance to make some money by buying at a low cost and then selling at a higher price just as you would do with stocks — but with real estate instead.

It is a very simple concept, but one that is very entrepreneurial and one that can be very lucrative if done correctly!


Langston Whitlock at the age of 17 created a business to help veterans, homeless individuals, and elderly. After running across a homeless veteran who said that many people across Atlanta didn’t have transportation to get to doctors appointments, Langston started SafeTrip which was a driving service that could bring these individuals, who had no source of transportation, to their appointments. SafeTrip was made into an app that people can use to book the rides that they need to get to their appointments.

The most innovative part of the whole business in my opinion is that acceptance of insurance as payment for these rides. This could not be any more perfect for those who happen to have that insurance but not much besides that or even if they just don’t have a car and being able to have insurance pay for it is an added bonus!