Author Archive for kriegeral21

Ryan Kelly: 10-year-old Founder of Ry’s Ruffery

Ever since Ryan was a young boy, he had an interest in selling products. He was known for setting up lemonade stands in his neighborhood and selling Halloween candy on the school bus. It was no surprise to his family that he was the one of the youngest kids to ever appear on Shark Tank.

Ryan started his dog treat business when he got his first dog named Barkley. He had this idea after he purchased a bag of regular dog treats that were not up to his (or Barkley’s) standards. Ryan couldn’t stand the smell and Barkley wasn’t all that interested in them either. Ryan began testing combinations of flavors to make Barkley happier.

Once Ryan found the perfect combination, he took it to Shark Tank to gain some support. He got Barbara Corcoran to invest $25,000 into his business!

Ryan is the perfect example of taking the jump on your ideas even if you don’t have all of the details worked out- just start!


Alina Morse Creates Zollipops: Lollipops Minus the Sugar

As a 7-year-old, Alina loved candy but knew that excess sugar was bad for her. She turned her love for candy into the driving force for creating a healthier alternative. She used the $7,500 in savings from her grandparents and chased her dream.

She created a fruit-flavored lollipop sweetened without sugar and began selling them in Whole Foods, SuperValu, and Amazon. She was so successful that First Lady Michelle Obama invited her to the White House as an official guest on two separate occasions!

Alina took a passion of hers and ran with it. She knew that if she wanted a healthier alternative to candy, chances are other people do too.


Lily Born Innovates to Help Grandfather with Parkinson’s Disease

Ever since Lily Born was 8 years old, she saw her grandfather struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Her grandfather had trouble completing daily tasks, most notably drinking water. She set out to design a new cup that wouldn’t tip. She used moldable plastic to make a model and a year later, she made a ceramic version. She called the final version the “Kangaroo Cup”.

This story emphasizes the problem-solving nature of entrepreneurs. She even followed through past the point of helping her grandfather but helped many others who struggle to hold a drinking cup still.

Lily wants other entrepreneurs to know that innovation doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it can be as simple as a plastic cup.

Teenage Boy Creates Clothing Brand Focusing on Healthy Habits

17 year old Eli Zied has always had an eye for solving problems. After his freshman year in high school, he enrolled in a marketing summer program where he thought of the concepts that later formed Habits 365. The goal of this clothing brand is to challenge its customers to create healthy habits all year round.

He began by creating designs for logos and an Instagram page to spread awareness of his brand. His older brother even joined the business as COO. A big problem he faced in the early stages of his business was gaining brand exposure. He faced this challenge by reaching out to athletes, musicians, agents, trainers, dancers, and comedians by offering them free merchandise in exchange for a photo or a post. With the help of these influencers, he went from having a couple hundred Instagram follower to over 80,000. Zied has even become close with several NFL and NBA athletes who are prime example of setting healthy habits year round. Habits 365 has become very successful and turns over $55,000 each year.

With all of this going on, he still manages to maintain good grades. He credits this to setting his own healthy habits each day and setting aside time for both his business and schoolwork.

Zied believes that Habits 365 will become one of the biggest streetwear brands in the world eventually because of how relatable their message and vision is.

Shine: the Self Care App for Millennials.


Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey are the cofounders and co-CEOs of an app called Shine. Both women worked together and were excited to turn their side hustle into a business with the foundation of their professional relationship and personal friendship with each other. They left their day job to make this vision a reality.

The app is aimed at those who are struggling with mental health problems due to a variety of issues such as a breakup, a toxic boss, financial stress, or anything else. They wanted to help millennials navigate through the stresses of life and become more confident in themselves. They created an app that would remind users that they are never alone and to break the stigma around mental health issues. They started this business because they saw a problem and knew they were well equipped to solve it.

The reason Shine has become so successful is because of its accessibility. In order to reach those who are hurting, they knew they needed to make it a resource available to everyone. This tactic has been working for them- they surpassed over half a million users in its first year.

Tara Bosch: The 22 Year Old That Reinvented Candy

Tara Bosch is the 22 year old founder of Smart Sweets- a company that focuses on providing healthy alternatives to candy as you know it. A year after launching, her company had already sold over one million dollar’s worth in product.

Tara got her inspiration from her grandmother and the desire to make her younger self proud. When Tara was younger, she had an unhealthy relationship with food. She had a turning point when she had a conversation with her grandmother who told her that she regretted eating so much excess sugar over her lifetime as it was having negative impacts on her quality of life. The combination of her grandmother’s advice and her past experience with food gave her the passion to finding healthier alternatives to sugar-filled candy.

Tara started creating candy recipes in her kitchen from scratch and even dropped out of college within two months. After months of trial and error, she finally came up with a recipe using no sugar, sugar alcohols, or artificial sweeteners. In an interview with Forbes she said, “I had no idea what I was doing, but I had the conviction in my heart that I would find a recipe and a way to innovate the first candy that kicks sugar, naturally.”

She got her first retailer by picking up the phone, calling them, and showing up in the store. She describes this experience saying, “I’ll never forget showing up to the first retailer who said ‘yes’ to taking a meeting, my voice shaky and my stomach feeling like it was churning a million miles a minute.” After showing much persistence, she was able to grow the number of retailers at a fast pace.

Her goal is to see more people choose sugar free options in order to have a higher quality of life, while still enjoying the candy they love. Tara didn’t have every single step planned out, but she did have passion and a vision. She pursued this passion with 100% effort and got the results she dreamed of.