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4th Grader Jelani- Lani Boo Bath

Lani Boo Bath is a 9-year-old who is the Founder of Lani Boo Bath. Lani Boo Bath is a line that was launched last October that specializes in bath bombs and handcrafted moisturizing soaps. She learned how to make bath bombs by using a tight bagged mixture of ingredient’s that fizzes and expels various scents and oils when wet in school. She had so much fun with the project in school that she went home to experiment on her own. With the help from her parents, she was able to purchase ingredients needed to create the bath bombs and she turned the family kitchen into her own personal laboratory. After perfecting how she wanted it, she started swelling her products to her friends, family and church members before selling on Etsy and Facebook pages. The article, This 9-year-old launched her own line of bath products — The Undefeated says, “Today, Jelani’s Etsy page features 13 brightly colored bath bombs in different scents, as well as two handcrafted soap options.” It also went on to say that her products were $4.50 and have received five star reviews on Facebook. Something that is really cool about Lani is that still maintains straight A’s while running a business at such a young age. She has learned to make products, create business plans and budget her time and money. At such a young age though, she does get help from her parents who take and fill orders and sell invoices.


Jelani Jones

I think Lani’s story is so inspiring because she’s not only in school, but at such a young age she is able to do so much like run a business. Additionally. I think it is inspiring that she didn’t give up and she kept making her product until she felt that it was perfected. Overall, I love her product and would definitely buy it for myself or my friends.

Fraser Doherty’s Jam

Fraser Doherty MBE started his business career at the age of fourteen. He dropped out of school and rented a factory a few days each month in order to achieve his goal. After being taught how to make jam in his grandmother’s kitchen in Scotland, he came up with a new way of making jam 100% from fruit. At just 16 years old, he presented his brand, called SuperJam, to Waitrose. He then went on to become the youngest ever supplier to a major supermarket. It has grown into a company that has sold many million of jars through supermarkets around the world. This business has invested in successful charitable projects that have run hundreds of free tea parties for the elderly. He has been commended by the Prime Minister at Drowning Street, by HRH Prince Charles and was recently awarded a medal (MBE) for services to business by The Queen. He shared this story at more than 500+ conferences  in 27 countries around the world, as well as in his best-selling books SuperBuisness that was published in many countries. He was also a co-founder of Beer52 which was the world’s largest craft beer club.

This story is so inspiring because he started at such a young age and he did what he loved. I find it so interesting that he started from being taught how to make jam, to then making new jam completely out of fruit. He dropped out of school in order to achieve what he believed in, and doing so he is now very wealthy. I look up to the way that Doherty went after his dream that all stemmed from something so small. All in all, Doherty is an such an inspiration.

“From my Gran’s kitchen to the supermarket shelves and beyond.” | Fraser Doherty – The Adventures of Jam Boy

Caine Monroy- 9 Year Old Genius

Cane Monroy was only a nine year old when he launched his own makeshift carboard arcade inside his father’s East L.A. auto parts store. He only had one customer when he first started out. That customer created buzz on Caine’s ability to create something from nothing in hopes of raising college fund money for Caine. He was able to post a short film to social media which then made his business become internationally known which was reported on news outlets like ABC World News, Good Morning America and MSNBC. This created more customers than what the auto parts store could handle, with patrons waiting for hours or more. We don’t know much Caine’s Arcade earned, “but the scholarship fund collected more than $200,000.” This movement led to the creation of the Imagination Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to encourage creativity and entrepreneurship among children. Caine’s Arcade ignited an innovative spirit within kids around the world.

This is inspiring because at such a young age he made an arcade that was inspiring to other kids to create games and build things out of cardboard. Additionally, I think it is so cool that he used recycled materials to build the arcade. Lastly, he had a great mindset and he said, “I would tell myself to never give up and to keep dreaming.”

Caine Monroy

Caine Monroy – Two Bit Circus Foundation

10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs (

Hart Main – Scented Candles

Hart Main was a 13 year old who came up with the idea of, “manly scented” candles. He did this after he teased his sister about the girly scented ones she was selling for a school fundraiser. Since Hart was so young his parents did a lot to help him start the business and helped him to develop the candles. Young Main named his business ManCan. The available scents are Campfire, Bacon, Sawdust, Fresh Cut Grass, and Grandpa’s Pipe. These were made using soup cans and his candles are in stores in every state, with sales exceeding six figures every year. Hart also wanted to give back to the community so he donates a part of each sale to kitchens in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Michigan.

I find this story so inspiring because Hart was so young when he thought of his manly candle idea. Hart went after what he wanted with the help of his parents. Which shows that you can still make a product even if you have the help from others, which is nice to have.  Additionally, I have learned from this story that you should always find a way to give back to the community just like Hart gives back to kitchens in a few states.


10 Successful Young Entrepreneurs (

Adam Horwitz – From Failure to Success

15 year old Adam Horwitz, started 30 websites within a span of 3 years. He was unsuccessful and didn’t make money on some of them. That didn’t stop him from reaching his goal. Horwitz had a desire to find online success and create a multi-million dollar online company by the age of 21. He started an online company that taught people how to earn money by generating mobile market leads where he was able to see this for a six-figure profit. His desire was to show people how to do business and make money. With this, he then started other similar websites that provided online courses, with “each of them selling for a 100,000 or more.” Insanely, Adam Horzitz’s idea was worth a million before he event reached adulthood. After this, Horzitz then started a website with a location to parties in certain areas and a place where he was able to post music. This site was successful making a profit through affiliate links, but then got shut down due to having 800 people go to a single party which then had to be shut down. His latest idea is an app called YepText, which is a text-messaging service that allows business to attract traffic to their locations by sending text message-based ads and promos straight to their cellphones. His idea is called, “YepText” and it targets small business rather then larger corporations.

Overall, I am inspired by Horzitz and his ability to bounced back up when he fails in order to go after his main goal and what he wanted in his business. After reading this article, I have taken that you need to go after what you want even if your idea or business doesn’t go as planned. I am inspired by the grit and determination in Horzitz and I hope that one day, I will show others through my product that same grit and determination as Horzitz showed.


Young Entrepreneurs: 8 Teenage Millionaires (

CEO, Co-Founder and Valedictorian: Adelle Archer

Adelle Archer started with graduating valedictorian of her class to then becoming a CEO and co-founded of Eterneva, which is an innovative company that honors lives of “remarkable people and pets by turning their cremated ashes into diamonds.’ In 2019, she was named Consumer Startup of the Year by Stevie Awards, featured on Shark Tank (which she got an investment from Mark Cuban) and was featured on both INC and Forbes coveted ’30 Under 30′ lists. She got the idea of her company after the loss of her close friend and felt that there weren’t a lot of good memorial options when you lose someone you care about deeply. The goal of her company is to bring our entire supply chain in house so that folks can come in and see every single step in the process in person in Texas. Her and her company rely on investors to help us raise the capital due to diamond growth machines not being cheap. She spreads the word about her company due to buyers telling others, Archer says that her costumers on average tell 20 people about what they are about.

Archer first started her company by hiring well and making sure that everyone agreed with their mission which was to remove the stigma around grief in the U.S. A habit of hers that makes her more productive as an entrepreneur is having a daily gratitude journal that she uses every morning that she says really helps her mindset up right for the day. Beyond that, she believes strongly in degrading and elevating.

I am very inspired after reading about Adelle Archer’s company and her story. She inspires me to go after what I want and to make a difference in the world. She started off as a young high school senior who was grieving her friend to then being a co founder of a company who spreads light to grieving and talking about loved ones who have passed by turning loved ones ashes into amazing jewelry. Her idea is so great because she is impacting others lives on a day to day basis in a life changing way.


Her Company’s Website:

Learn About Eterneva | How and Why We Started


Article about Adelle Archer:

Adelle Archer – Co-Founder of Eterneva (