Author Archive for JP Loughlin

The Cardboard Arcade

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Caine Monroy is one creative little nine-year-old. He took his love of games and arcades and made his own. During the long summer where Caine would spend his days at his fathers used auto parts shop Caine decided to make his own arcade games out of cardboard boxes. Through imagination, cardboard, and tape by the end of that summer, Caine had his own arcade which he created. He would open his arcade to the public on the weekends when he wasn’t in school and would invite his school mates to come. Although he had invited his peers no one would come because no one believed that a nine year old had his own arcade. One day a man came into Caine’s fathers auto parts store looking for a part when he noticed Caine’s arcade. He was Caine’s first customer and soon to be the man that would change Caine’s life. That man’s name was Nirvan Mullick a short film director who was looking for something to film. After he left Caine’s arcade he called Caine’s father and asked permission to shoot a short film about Caine’s arcade. Caine’s father allowed it and within hours of it being posted to reddit and youtube NBC news had gotten wind about and interviewed Caine the same day. Ever sense that fateful encounter Caine’s cardboard arcade has been jumping with customers. Although it is not quite sure how much Caine has made many speculate he is sitting on just under half a million dollars.

The YouTube Entrepreneur

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Only standing four feet tall people wouldn’t guess it while passing him in the toy store but EvanTube HD is a multi-millionaire. Evan who is hardly 11 years old runs one of the most popular YouTube channels ever. What his content might be you ask, well he does toy reviews and unboxing videos where he rates and plays with toys. His videos are so popular because Evan is so adorable. After watching just one of his videos I can understand why his videos get so many views. His videos are popular because he is so pure and innocent he doesn’t care about the money and he does not care about the endorsements. All Evan cares about is whether a toy is fun and playable. He is not affected at all by his success or his massive following which is over a hundred thousand followers. Evan represents something that is lost when we grow older which is pure curiosity and play. He reminds that in even in our busy lives that we should take some time and just play.

One Cookie Kid

Cory Nieves at the age of six set up a hot cocoa stand to raise money for a car, so he didn’t have to ride the school bus anymore. When he started this, he didn’t realize this would be the start of his fame as a young entrepreneur. Ever since that fateful day where he made hi hot cocoa stand, he has been the CEO of his company Mr. Cory’s Cookies. After getting all the hot cocoa sales he possibly could Mr. Cory as he likes to be called started selling cookies. After trying hundreds of recipes, he finally found the right one. His recipe is 100% organic and natural Mr. Cory says, “it’s made from the right stuff’. The movement within the millennial generation to move towards organic and natural is exactly what Mr. Cory exploited. At the young age of nine, Mr. Cory was on shark tank where he was offered one hundred thousand dollars for forty percent of the business. He took the offer and with that money, he started giving back. His company works with Bergen’s Promise and the Children’s Aid Society in New York City he believes that he should give back because being successful is all about giving back. Mr. Cory likes to give to back he already has enough saved up for college and he says that is all he needs. Mr. Cory is not relishing in his success he plans and going to college and creating more businesses.

Multi-Million Dollar Protein bar

Although peter Rahal is 31 years old now when he started his protein bar company he was only 21 years old. Peter Rahal founded rxBar which is a protein bar made with all natural ingredients and no preservatives. He started making rxBars in his mother’s basement because he couldn’t find a protein bar that was natural and made with clean ingredients. He started the company back in 2017 with 10,000 dollars to spend and the bars became a big hit. What really makes rxBar and Peter Rahal so special is that he just recently sold his company to Kellogg’s for 600 million dollars. when asked how all the major protein bar companies missed the wave that is crossing America for all natural foods Rahal responded by saying, “within the consumer packaged food industry trends move fast so it is hard for major companies to move supply chains, so the entrepreneur is able to move fast and be agile to supply the consumer with what they want.” I believe that this is true across all industries and is where the entrepreneur is at the advantage over the big corporations and companies. The speed at which entrepreneurs can give the consumer what they want is truly their edge on their competitors because as the first rule of marketing stats if you are not first you are last.

Couch in a Box

Steven Kuhl was a college student when himself and a fellow classmate started a company called Burrow. Burrow is a company that makes couches, but what is so special about these couches is the fact that they are bought online and shipped to you in a small box. Steven started this company because the reason couches cost so much money is the shipping cost, due to the odd shapes and the fact that it is difficult to move. By purchasing a couch from Burrow you save on the shipping costs. Burrow coaches are very high quality and also made in America, but because of the shipping savings the couches still cost less than there counterparts. What truly makes the idea behind burrow great is that it is a direct to consumer business which means there is no middle man which also lowers the cost of each couch and the fact that it is fast you can order the couch online and have it in less than a week. Steven saw a problem within a major industry that he had an answer to. Steven’s story has taught me that you can’t always plan what problem you are going to solve, but when you see the problem that you have you an answer to that you should jump on it because it might turn out to very lucrative business for you. Steven is driven by the fact that he likes solving problems. I think steven is a true entrepreneur in every sense of the word.

A young willy wonka

Alina Morse was only 7 years of age when she said, “why isn’t there a candy that is good for you.” Now as a 14-year-old and multiple millionaire she answered that question with Zollipops. Zollipops is a candy company that makes healthy candies such as lollipops, taffy, and bubblegum. The secret to her candy is that she uses xylitol and erythritol which simply put is a sugar-free sweetener that raises the PH level in your mouth to fight acids that cause cavities, they also strengthen your teeth enamel. Alina says it took 2 years to develop the first products, she spoke with dentists and dental hygienists to make the perfect candy. She offers many flavors like strawberry, pineapple, and orange. She is also very concerned about the community 10% of all profits go to school organizations to make school lunches healthier. Alina is not planning on stopping with Zollipops she plans on attending college, to study business so she can learn more and open more businesses. Alina has stated that what drives her to do all this work is that she wants to see a healthy plant where people can enjoy delicious treats and still be healthy. Alina has taught me that no matter my age if and I work hard and try hard enough I can do anything I put my mind to even if it is opening a candy company.