Author Archive for madubukojk

Kevin Smiley

In this blog post I will discuss a Canadian native, Kevin Smiley. Smiley is a young entrepreneur who the company SuraiTea Inc., Smiley has made it his company’s mission to provide job opportunities for recently displaced Syrian refugees in the Canada region. SuraiTea Inc. is a tea packaging business employing arriving Syrian refugees in hopes of creating high value jobs for these families. The company also aims to create a sustainable source of donations from SuraiTea Inc. to the not-for-profit organizations active in the refuges settling process. Kevin Smiley’s company mission and goals are very admirable to me because I would like to be an entrepreneur who emulates such values. Smiley has created an environment which creates value to all members involved with his corporation. His employees are new aliens desperate for a source of income, a means to provide adjustment for themselves and their families, his company also provides an excellent level product in quality to his customers. In many ways the company’s true value does not truly lie in the level or quality of the product but in the difference made in the lives of these Syrian refuges. This twenty-seven-year-old entrepreneur proves that even with the simplest idea great value can still be provided to society. His achievement and contribution was then recognized with his company winning Ottawa’s Social Impact award in 2016.

Enass Abo-Hamed

Enass is the Palestinian founder & CEO of H2GO Power, a clean-tech company that provides safe methods of hydrogen production and storage to generate power on the move. Her innovation has been highly acclaimed with Enass receiving 2016’s Best energy startup award at the HT summit. She was also a finalist at 2015’s Cartier women’s initiative awards. Enass realized an untapped market in the hydrogen technologies market. As she said to the Cartier women’s initiative, “there are few existing solutions around hydrogen technologies. People do realize hydrogen has got the potential to power up efficiently electronic devices.” Enass also spoke about the 10/10 rule we discussed in class, when developing a new power technology, it takes time and persuasiveness to win acceptance from investors as well as the public. Enass hopes through the great benefits she provides to society and communities
it provides room for a mindset change. H2GO Power’s mission and vision is very admirable because with this generation dedication to environmental sustainability, its impressive to see the great deal of change Enass is providing for society, and the environment. This idea is particularly innovative because this is basically an untapped market, her mission to deliver clean, accessible and reliable hydrogen energy from renewable sources that meets decarbonization targets fast, thereby bringing profitable social impact to millions across the world would inspire many others and reinvent the energy storage market.

Victoria Alonsoperez

Victoria is the founder of IEETech, a social enterprise which developed Chipsafer, a startup software that tracks and detects early anomalies in cattle health, remotely and autonomously. At the age of twelve, Victoria built a monitoring system to track the behavior of cattle, hoping to prevent a repeat disaster of the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. This idea will eventually sow seeds for Chipsafer eleven years later. This technology has been recognized as innovative because it provides multi-layered benefits to users, Chipsafer offers real-time tracking and animal behavior data that increases livestock safety, improves animal health monitoring and reduces farmers operational costs. She pitched this idea for the International Telecommunication Union’s Young Innovators competition and won. The technology itself is revolutionary because it uses an external solar-charging device to transmit data about these animals to our servers for processing and analysis. The farmers can then log in to Chipsafer’s web platform from anywhere in the world, see the livestock’s position and get insights about the animal’s performance. The main goal of this resource as stated by Alonsoperez is allowing farmers the ability to make better decisions, improve the farm’s productivity, and even make better use of the natural resources. In 2015, Victoria Alonsoperez was nominated as one of the most inspirational women of the year by the BBC 100 women series.