Author Archive for maguirecd19


Ten-year-old Amelia Milton, in Scotland, started the soap business Smelleez at quite a young age. She started it at seven as part of a school competition and then expanded it to where it is now, selling soaps across Scotland.

This young girl exhibits some of the key elements of entrepreneurship in her business. When asked why she was choosing soap, she said “because everyone needs it.” This exhibits the idea of finding a problem, people need to bathe, and creating a solution, giving them soap.

The company has begun expanding through contacts in a Perthshire company that helps new businesses to expand. They have also moved their facilities into an outbuilding as opposed to the kitchen of their home.

Watch Meister

Rizwan Ahmed, or the “watch meister” as he is sometimes called, has come onto the scene in 2021 and disrupted the luxury watch game in a good way. He uses modern technology and innovation to change the way luxury watches are resold around the world. One of the most significant challenges that he saw was the struggles that some people had with payments for their luxury watches, in order to make payment easier, he started accepting cryptocurrencies on his website in order to allow for a more flexible range of payment methods.

In only a few months he has seen tremendous success and made a good amount of money as well. When asked to share some advice for other aspiring professionals, he gave this answer, “that only thinking of entering an industry that promises to give endless opportunities is not enough; one must always work towards innovation and coming up with ideas that could transform the industry for the better, with the aim to provide more value to people.” This answer seems to be the perfect entrepreneurial answer, seeking to innovate, capitalize on opportunities and provide value for the consumer. Rizwan Ahmed seems to be a great example of a millennial entrepreneur.

ManCan Candles

In 2010, at the age of 13, Hart Main created ManCan Candles, a company that sells candles in “Manly Scents”. The candles are packaged in soup cans initially in the Main’s kitchen, but now by the local Beaver Creek Candle Co. This entrepreneurial endeavor is more than just a commercial enterprise, it is also a social enterprise, they donate to soup kitchens in the form of 100,000 cans of doup so far, and $35,000.

His business was started when he found his sister selling normal candles for a fundraiser, he noted that the candles were too “girly.” A month later when he found himself wanting to buy a $1500 bike, he revisited the idea that candles were too “girly” and decided that he could make good money by selling candles.

Hart has since coauthored a book with his father about the experience and seeks to help local soup kitchens as well as other people striving to be young entrepreneurs.

James McGoff

James McGoff is one of three young Entrepreneurs who sought to change the game on packing supplies. They wanted to eliminate styrofoam from the market and do something better. They founded Temperpack, a company dedicated to making better packaging that keeps in heat and is still sustainable.

They started by raising between 40,000 and 50,000 dollars for their prototypes in different pitch contests. Their first innovation wasn’t true innovation, it was just packing insulation into plastic; however, this was enough for the men to be able to sign a deal with HelloFresh. Soon they began making their packing sustainable by using Jute as the insulation and recycled plastic or paper as the barrier between the Jute and the product being insulated. They are now working with both food and pharmaceuticals to get their product in use on the market.

This company is doing a great job challenging the current market standards by catering to people and companies’ desire to make a more sustainable form of package insulation.


Adelle Archer is a young, American Women, who is the co-founder of the company Eterneva. She is currently 27 years old. Her company appeared on shark tank, after which, Mark Cuban invested 600,000 dollars to buy 9% of the company.

The purpose of the company is to give the relatives of deceased people a new way to honor their loved ones. She states that 50% of Americans choose cremation, but ashes don’t last, they are often discarded after a generation, Eterneva gives one a chance to have that ash turned into a diamond that you can hold onto.

She exhibited the entrepreneurial drive in the creation of this company. The company was created because of a problem she had, finding a good way to celebrate the loss of her mentor. She was able to innovate in order to solve this problem for herself and many others. They also have a social mission of sorts; she seeks to remove the stigma around grief. She seeks to model an “empowering approach to grief,” and “open lines of communication around grief.”

All and all, Adelle Archer is an inspiring entrepreneur who seeks to change our society and make some money doing it.