Author Archive for Matthew Marasco

Jake Loosararian-Saving Time and Saving Lives

Jake Loosararian, CEO of Gecko Robotics, was an electrical engineering student at Grove City College when he developed his business idea. During his senior year, he and a team of seniors were working on a project for a local power plant when the plant manager informed him that inspections of various equipment was very time consuming, very expensive, but most of all very dangerous. If the plant were to shut down for a single day, $1 million would be lost. Loosararian’s team began working on a solution; a robot capable of climbing walls.

The wall climbing robots they created could inspect the equipment 10 times faster than humans, saving the company a lot of money. Additionally, 1,000 times for information could be collected. The information included areas of weakness that could cause the plant to shut down for a day, a loss of $1 million. Each year, 20-40 people die while doing these inspections, this robot saves lives. After spending some time having a full time job and working on the startup on the side, he decided to work full time on the project. Through much stress and spending countless hours working, they received funding fromĀ investors and the company slowly started to grow.

Present day, Gecko Robotics and is focusing on expanding their market and their capabilities. This is possible due to investors taking serious interest, notably Mark Cuban and Justin Kahn. Keep an eye out for this growing business, it is sure to do well.

Benjamin Marasco’s WayStride: The answer for hospital confusion

Have you been to a hospital recently and noticed how difficult it is to find your way around? Patients and family struggle to find their way from Point A to Point B every day and often, workers do not even know the way. Benjamin Marasco experienced this first hand. As a sophomore in college, Benjamin was diagnosed with cancer. A year later after many appointments and surgery, he is cancer-free. However, one thing stood out to him during his stays in the hospital: the difficulty of finding treatment rooms, offices, and even bathrooms. Benjamin is now solving this dilemma.

Amid the stress and emotional tole that being a patient in the hospital take on the individual and their families, getting lost greatly adds to their already overwhelming visit. After Benjamin’s visits in the hospital, He decided to solve this problem. In steps WayStride. WayStride is a GPS for hospitals. Simply enter where you want to go and the app plots a course and gives directions to get to your desired location. In addition, the location services can be used outside in the parking lot to find where you parked. Never again will you have to stop and ask for directions or get lost. WayStride is the answer.

How much does this cost you may ask? The answer is nothing. WayStride is a free app that can be downloaded onto your smartphone. The company is employed by hospitals in order for you to have this service. Additionally, WayStride is updating its platform to make easier for hospital staff to find clock in stations and other areas frequented by workers.

Though small right now, WayStride is growing quickly and will likely work for your own hometown hospital. Keep your eyes open for this amazing company and its growth, you will not want to miss it!


Benjamin Marasco